

单词 war
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LOSE〕to lose a game, argument, election, war etc 输掉比赛、争论、竞选、战争等朗文写作活用〔about〕a book about the World War Ⅱ一本关于第二次世界大战的书21世纪英汉〔ace〕a World War II flying ace 一名第二次世界大战中的王牌飞行员英汉大词典〔aftermath〕in the aftermath of the war (an election) 在战争(选举)结束后的一个时期里英汉大词典〔ambivalent〕ambivalent images of war and peace 战争与和平的矛盾形象英汉大词典〔attrition〕a war of attrition 消耗战文馨英汉〔battlefield〕a Civil War battlefield 内战时的战场剑桥高阶〔belief〕a growing belief that war was inevitable 越来越多的人相信战争无法避免朗文当代〔brutalize〕soldiers brutalized by war 在战争中变得残酷无情的士兵牛津高阶〔brutal〕the brutalities of war 战争的残酷牛津高阶〔campaign〕the war against crime 扑灭罪行的斗争牛津高阶〔civil war〕the Spanish Civil War 西班牙内战牛津高阶〔commemorate〕commemorate soldiers killed in the war 纪念战争中牺牲的士兵英汉大词典〔concern〕increased concern that the war could continue for a long time 对战争会长期继续下去而日益增加的担心朗文当代〔confine〕a camp where prisoners were confined during the war 战时关押犯人的拘留营韦氏高阶〔correspondent〕a war correspondent 战地记者剑桥高阶〔demonstrate〕students demonstrating against the war 参加反战示威游行的学生牛津高阶〔development〕the latest developments in the war 战争的最新进展情况牛津高阶〔exigency〕the exigencies of war 战争的紧要关头剑桥高阶〔exterminatory〕an exterminatory war 灭绝性战争英汉大词典〔fear〕the fear that once a war began it would soon pass beyond the ability of either side to manage it.担心一旦开战,双方很快都将无法驾驭战势柯林斯高阶〔finished〕finished war weapons 尖端作战武器英汉大词典〔first-hand〕journalists with first-hand experience of working in war zones 有战区实际工作经验的新闻记者朗文当代〔flee〕a camp for refugees fleeing from the war 收留战争难民的难民营牛津高阶〔go〕go to war 诉诸战争英汉大词典〔hellish〕a hellish war 残酷的战争英汉大词典〔indemnity〕a war indemnity 战争赔偿英汉大词典〔inferno〕the inferno of war 战争的恐怖景象英汉大词典〔insist〕insist on going to war 坚决主战英汉大词典〔invitation〕a war that most liberal Democrats regarded as an invitation to disaster.一场大部分自由民主党人认为会招致灾难的战争柯林斯高阶〔lead〕the events that led to the start of the First World War 导致第一次世界大战爆发的事件朗文当代〔legacy〕the enduring legacy bequeathed by the war years 战争年代遗留下来的长期问题牛津搭配〔misconduct〕be charged with misconduct of the war 因指挥战争不当而受指控英汉大词典〔missing〕prisoners of war and those missing in action战俘及作战失踪人员外研社新世纪〔nuke〕a nuke war 核战争英汉大词典〔oblique〕an oblique reference to the war 对战争拐弯抹角的提及麦克米伦高阶〔orphan〕war orphans 战争孤儿英汉大词典〔prosecution〕the prosecution of the war against the enemy对敌作战的继续外研社新世纪〔ravage〕the ravages of war 战争的灾害 英汉大词典〔reality〕the grim realities of war 严酷的战争现实麦克米伦高阶〔relic〕relics from the war 战争遗迹韦氏高阶〔risk〕risk war 冒战争的危险 英汉大词典〔scourge〕the scourge of war 战争的祸害朗文当代〔sector〕each sector of the war zone 战区的每个军控地段牛津高阶〔self-sacrifice〕the courage and self-sacrifice of those who fought in the war 投身战争的人的勇气和自我牺牲精神牛津高阶〔set〕a war that set families against one another.战争激起家庭间的互相敌视美国传统〔spy〕a Cold War spy 冷战时期的间谍韦氏高阶〔terror〕the terrors of war 战争的恐怖韦氏高阶〔thrust〕thrust a neutral state into war 强把中立国推入战争英汉大词典〔trauma〕undergo the trauma of war 经受战争的精神冲击英汉大词典〔trench〕the trenches of the First World War 第一次世界大战时的战壕剑桥高阶〔unpalatable〕the unpalatable truth/facts about the war 令人难以接受的战争真相/事实剑桥高阶〔war〕war against vice (illness) 与罪恶(疾病)作斗争英汉大词典〔war〕a country at war 交战国牛津搭配〔war〕a new secretary of war 新任国防部长英汉大词典〔war〕a trade war 贸易战牛津高阶〔war〕the war against acid rain.预防酸雨的斗争美国传统〔war〕the art of war 兵法英汉大词典〔whirlpool〕the whirlpool of war 战争的旋涡英汉大词典〔wrongheaded〕a wrongheaded war 一场判断失误的战争英汉大词典




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