

单词 wedge
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INVENT〕The wedge is an important early mechanical invention. 楔子是一项重要的早期机械发明。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Just hold the door open while I jam a wedge under it. 把门开着,让我把楔子塞在下面。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Romley's lawsuit drove the wedge even farther between the two former friends. 罗姆雷提出诉讼的做法使这两个原先的朋友嫌隙更深了。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕The war had driven a wedge between the President and his liberal supporters. 这场战争使总统与他的自由党支持者之间产生了不和。朗文写作活用〔barrage〕The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。英汉大词典〔bit〕He wedged the door open with a bit of wood.他塞了一小块木头抵住门不让它关上。朗文当代〔budge〕It was wedged between two stones and we couldn't budge it.它被插在两块石头中间,我们挪不动它。麦克米伦高阶〔chock〕A block or wedge placed under something else, such as a wheel, to keep it from moving.塞块:一块被放在别的如车轮之类的东西底下以防止它移动的木料或楔子美国传统〔clavichord〕An early keyboard instrument with a soft sound produced by small brass wedges striking horizontal strings.古钢琴:早期的键盘乐器,用小铜楔击打水平的弦发出柔和的声音美国传统〔cotter〕A bolt, wedge, key, or pin inserted through a slot in order to hold parts together.制销;锁销:用以使各部分连在一起的插在狭槽里的栓、楔子、钥匙或销子美国传统〔doorstop〕A wedge inserted beneath a door to hold it open at a desired position.制门板:插在门下使门开到合适的程度固定的制门板美国传统〔drive a wedge between sb〕It doesn't make sense to let things that happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.让过去发生的事情损害我们之间现在的关系是很愚蠢的。剑桥高阶〔drive a wedge between〕A fight over their parents' estate drove a wedge between the brothers.争夺父母财产造成了他们兄弟不和。韦氏高阶〔drive〕I don't want to drive a wedge between you and your father.我不想离间你和你父亲的感情。朗文当代〔feather〕A wedge or key that fits into a groove to make a joint.加强肋:作为连接物填入槽内的楔形物或舌状物美国传统〔feather〕A strip, wedge, or flange used as a strengthening part.滑键:用作加强部件的木条、楔子或凸橼美国传统〔gridlock〕The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.交通堵塞丝毫不见缓解,街道被堵得水泄不通。柯林斯高阶〔gridlock〕The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.几乎一刻不停的交通堵塞使街道变得水泄不通。外研社新世纪〔groove〕She was almost inextricably wedged in a groove of gentle, understanding motherhood.她几乎陷入了一种温柔体贴的传统母亲角色而无法自拔。外研社新世纪〔impacted〕Wedged together at the broken ends. Used of a fractured bone.挤入的,插紧的:在断裂的末端挤在一起的。用来描述断裂的骨头美国传统〔jack〕A wooden wedge for cleaving rock.木楔:用来劈裂岩石的木楔美国传统〔jam〕To become wedged or stuck.嵌住,卡住美国传统〔key〕A device, such as a wedge or pin, inserted to lock together mechanical or structural parts.楔、栓:象楔、栓一样的一种装置,插入以使机械或结构部件锁在一起美国传统〔knife-edge〕A wedge of metal used as a low-friction fulcrum for a balancing beam or lever.刃形支承:一种楔形金属,用作平衡木或杠杆的摩擦小的支撑物美国传统〔lemon〕Garnish the fish with wedges of lemon.给鱼配几角柠檬。牛津搭配〔lime〕Serve the dish garnished with wedges of lime.给这道菜配上几角来檬。牛津搭配〔mallet〕A short-handled hammer, usually with a cylindrical head of wood, used chiefly to drive a chisel or wedge.木槌:一种手柄较短的锤子,通常具有木制的圆头,主要用以敲击凿子或敲击契子美国传统〔maul〕A heavy, long-handled hammer used especially to drive stakes, piles, or wedges.长柄重锤:一种长柄的重锤,用于打桩、打楔美国传统〔maul〕To split (wood) with a maul and wedge.用长柄重锤或楔劈开(木头)美国传统〔play〕He played a wedge shot to the green.他用劈起杆将球击向球穴区。韦氏高阶〔plow〕The attackers formed a wedge and plowed through the enemy line.进攻者形成了一个楔子,突破了敌军的阵线美国传统〔quoin〕A wedge used to raise the level of a gun.用来提高枪炮高度的楔形物美国传统〔scotch〕A block or wedge used as a prop behind or under an object likely to roll.楔子:作为一支撑物放在好象要滚动的物体后面或下面的石头或楔形物美国传统〔semilunar cartilage〕Either of the crescent-shaped wedges of fibrocartilage found in the knee joint.半月软骨:可见于膝关节中的任一种纤维软骨的新月状楔形物美国传统〔set〕George was set as a wedge when his mind was made up.乔治一下决心就铁定不移。英汉大词典〔sledgehammer〕A long heavy hammer, often wielded with both hands, used for driving wedges and posts and for other heavy work.长柄大锤:一种长柄的重锤,通常用双手挥动,用于钉楔子、打桩和干其它重活美国传统〔sphenic〕Shaped like a wedge.楔形的美国传统〔sprag〕A piece of wood or metal wedged beneath a wheel or between spokes to keep a vehicle from rolling.制动木:安装于一轮下或辐条间用以阻止车辆滑动的一片木头或金属美国传统〔strangle〕The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.骨头鲠住了他的喉咙,使他透不过气儿来。英汉大词典〔the thin end of the wedge〕Identity cards for students could be the thin end of the wedge - soon everyone might have to carry identification.学生需要出示身份证件可能还只是个开始——不久可能人人都要带着证件出门。剑桥高阶〔thin〕Workers believe the job cuts are just the thin end of the wedge.工人们认为裁员只是厄运的开始。朗文当代〔trig〕A wedge or other braking device.楔子,垫石:楔子或其他刹车装置美国传统〔trig〕To stop (a wheel) from rolling, as with a wedge.使(轮子)停止转动,如用楔子美国传统〔wedge up〕This table must be wedged up because it is unsteady.这张桌子必须楔牢,因为它不稳。21世纪英汉〔wedge〕Wedge the door open.用楔子抵住门让门开着。牛津同义词〔wedge〕Wedge the plug into the hole.将塞子塞进洞口。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕A wedge held the door open.一只三角木抵住门,让门开着。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of cake on my plate.安姨妈把一大块三角形的蛋糕放在我盘子里。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕Find something to wedge the window open/closed with.找个什么东西楔住窗户,让它开着/关紧。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕Garnish with lemon wedges.用几角柠檬片作装饰。朗文当代〔wedge〕He wedged himself through the narrow crack.他从那窄缝中挤了过去。21世纪英汉〔wedge〕He wedged his foot in the door.他伸出一只脚把门顶住。英汉大词典〔wedge〕He cut himself a thick wedge of cheese.他给自己切了厚厚的一牙奶酪。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone.他用锤子把楔子砸入石缝里。牛津高阶〔wedge〕He used a wedge to split the firewood.他用楔子劈木柴。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕Her shoe came off and got wedged between the bars.她的鞋掉了下来,卡在栏杆中间。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕His bag wedged in the crack of the door.他的书包被卡在门缝里了。21世纪英汉〔wedge〕His foot wedged in the narrow crack.他的脚卡在那狭缝里了。英汉大词典〔wedge〕His massive family wedged into a small car for vacation.他的一大家子人挤进一辆小汽车前去度假。英汉大词典〔wedge〕His nomination drove a wedge into party unity.他的提名引起党内不和美国传统〔wedge〕I wedged myself into the car's back seat.我挤进了小汽车的后座。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you(= to make you start disliking each other).我不想在你们俩中间挑起不和。牛津高阶〔wedge〕I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.我关上小屋的门,并用一根木棍将门楔住。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.我关上棚屋的门, 并用一根木棍把门楔住。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕I started to feel Toby was driving a wedge between us.我开始觉得托比在挑拨我们之间的关系。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕I think it's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.我觉得让武装警察永久性地在城市里巡逻是老鼠拉木锨,大头在后边。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕I was standing waiting for a bus, wedged between (= fixed between and unable to move away from) two old ladies and their bags of shopping.我正站着等公共汽车,夹在两位上了年纪的女士和她们的购物袋中间,动弹不得。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕I was tightly wedged between two fat women.我被紧紧地挤在两个胖女人中间。英汉大词典〔wedge〕It was a decision which drove a wedge between her and her family.这样的决定破坏了她和她的家人之间的关系。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕It's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.武装警察全天候满城巡逻, 看来有大事要发生。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.在层与层之间敲入楔子可以把石头凿开。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕Please wedge this cabinet to keep it from tipping.请在橱底楔入楔子以防它倾斜。21世纪英汉〔wedge〕Please put a wedge in the door so that it will stay open.请用三角木抵住门,让它开着。英汉大词典〔wedge〕Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in.在门底下塞一个楔子让门敞开着,我们好往里面搬箱子。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.她在门把手的下面紧紧地顶上一把椅子。牛津搭配〔wedge〕She wedged her foot into the crack.她把脚插入缝隙中。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕She wedged herself into the passenger seat.她挤进了旅客座椅中。牛津高阶〔wedge〕She wedged the door open.她用楔子把门抵住,使它开着。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕Someone had wedged the door open with a brick.有人用砖抵住门让它开着。牛津搭配〔wedge〕The battalion formed a wedge and marched toward the enemy.这个营排成楔形队列向敌人进军。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕The boat was now wedged between the rocks.船卡在了岩石之间。牛津高阶〔wedge〕The crowd formed itself into a wedge.人群排成楔形。麦克米伦高阶〔wedge〕The dog got wedged between the couch and the end table.狗被夹在了沙发和茶几之间。韦氏高阶〔wedge〕The hotel's wedged right between the two airports.那家宾馆正好处于两个机场中间。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕The phone was wedged under his chin.电话听筒夹在他的下巴下。麦克米伦高阶〔wedge〕The phone was wedged under his chin.电话夹在他下巴下面。朗文当代〔wedge〕The seats are arranged in wedges.座位被排列成一组组的楔形。英汉大词典〔wedge〕The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。英汉大词典〔wedge〕The table was wedged between the bed and the wardrobe.桌子挤在床和衣橱中间。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕The woodsman drives the wedge into the log with a heavy maul.伐木工用大槌把楔子打进原木。英汉大词典〔wedge〕Their divorce has driven a wedge between the two families.他们的离婚导致了双方家庭的不和。朗文当代〔wedge〕They tried to drive a wedge between you and the Arabs.他们试图挑起你们与阿拉伯人之间的不和。英汉大词典〔wedge〕They tried to use the issue as a wedge to divide Democratic lawmakers from Hispanic voters.他们试图利用这一事件使民主党议员和西班牙裔选民产生分歧。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕To fix in place or tighten with a wedge.把…楔住,把…楔牢美国传统〔wedge〕To split or force apart with or as if with a wedge.楔入,劈开:用或好象用楔子劈开或使分裂美国传统〔wedge〕Victoria wedged herself into the passenger seat.维多利亚挤到了乘客座位上。朗文当代〔wedge〕You'll have to wedge the window open.你得用楔子抵住才能把窗户打开。麦克米伦高阶Find something to wedge the window open/closed with.找点什么东西楔入窗户,使它开着/关上。剑桥国际Fire doors should not be wedged open at any time.任何时候都不要将防火门打开楔住。剑桥国际Her foot wedged in the narrow crack. 她的脚卡在那狭缝里了。译典通Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband. 她婆婆挑起她与丈夫间的不和。译典通I was standing waiting for a bus, wedged between (= fixed between and unable to move away from) two old ladies and their bags of shopping.我站着等待公共汽车,两位老妇人和她们的购物袋把我夹在中间动不了。剑桥国际Identity cards for football supporters could be the thin end of the wedge -- soon everyone might have to carry identification.足球迷的身份证可能是个惹祸的东西,不久人人都要带着证件。剑桥国际It would be silly to let things which have happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.用过去发生的事情来挑拨我们现在的关系,真傻。剑桥国际Open the door wide and wedge it with a wad of newspaper. 把门开大,再用一卷报纸把它楔牢。译典通Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.一块块石头可通过在各层之间插入楔子来分开。剑桥国际Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in.将一块楔子推到门下,以便我们搬盒子进来的时候门是开着的。剑桥国际




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