

单词 weddings
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARRY〕Mom always cries at weddings. 妈妈在婚礼上总要落泪。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕I only wear this suit on special occasions, like weddings. 这套衣服我只在特殊场合上穿,比如婚礼上。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕Clare tactfully changed the subject when someone started talking about weddings. 有人开始谈起婚礼来,克莱尔便知趣地岔开了话题。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕Etiquette is especially important on occasions such as weddings and funerals. 在婚礼、葬礼等场合中,礼仪尤其重要。朗文写作活用〔SO/THEREFORE〕Jewish weddings are both religious and civil. Therefore two official applications for marriage are necessary. 犹太人的婚礼包括宗教和世俗两种形式,所以必须有两份正式的结婚申请。朗文写作活用〔any〕I go to church for weddings but not for any other reason.我只有参加婚礼才会去教堂。剑桥高阶〔bhangra〕A Punjabi dance music traditionally performed during harvest festivals and weddings, characterized by the beating of a large, two-headed drum.旁遮普舞曲:传统上在庆祝收获、举行婚礼时演奏的旁遮普舞曲,特征是击打双面大鼓美国传统〔cater〕He has a small hotel and also caters for weddings and funerals.他开了一家小旅馆,并承办红白喜事的酒席。21世纪英汉〔cater〕Most of our work now involves catering for weddings.我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。牛津高阶〔chicken out〕His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.他妈妈抱怨他找借口躲避家庭聚会,如婚礼之类的。柯林斯高阶〔confetti〕At weddings we throw confetti for good luck.我们在婚礼上撒五彩纸屑以求好运。外研社新世纪〔emotional〕He tends to get emotional at weddings.他在婚礼的场合往往容易激动落泪。韦氏高阶〔function〕The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅可以举办婚礼和其他公开活动。牛津高阶〔function〕This room may be hired for weddings and other functions.这个房间可以租来举办婚礼或其他活动。朗文当代〔hassle〕Weddings are so much hassle that you need a break afterwards to recover.办婚礼太麻烦了, 之后得好好休息才能歇过来。外研社新世纪〔hassle〕Weddings are so much hassle that you need a good break afterwards.婚礼真是件折腾人的事,办完后得好好休息才行。柯林斯高阶〔hunting ground〕Other people's weddings are the perfect hunting ground for ideas.别人的婚礼是寻找启发的绝佳场合。柯林斯高阶〔hunting ground〕Other people's weddings are the perfect hunting ground for ideas.别人的婚礼是找点子的绝佳之处。外研社新世纪〔klezmer〕A traditionally itinerant Jewish folk musician of eastern Europe performing in a small band, as at weddings.犹太乐师:在东欧的小型乐团中演奏(如在婚礼上)的习惯于巡回演出的犹太民间乐师美国传统〔leap〕All weddings are a leap in the dark.所有婚礼都是一场未知的冒险。外研社新世纪〔lousy〕Europe is lousy with castles that provide castle weddings.欧洲到处都是城堡, 可以举办城堡婚礼。外研社新世纪〔nominally〕Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered churches only for weddings and funerals.爸名义上是循道宗教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。英汉大词典〔preferable〕The summer months are preferable for weddings.夏季更适合举行婚礼。牛津搭配〔quite〕I quite like going to weddings, but I don't want to go to theirs.我相当喜欢参加婚礼,但我不想去参加他们的。麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to (= mentioning) weddings.因为我知道发生了什么,所以就避开不谈婚礼的事儿。剑桥高阶〔say〕There is something to be said for small weddings.有必要考虑一下小规模的婚礼。韦氏高阶〔society〕It was the high season for society weddings.这是上流社会举办婚礼的旺季。外研社新世纪〔suchlike〕I keep my best suit for weddings and funerals and suchlike occasions.我最好的套装留在出席婚礼、葬礼以及类似场合的时候穿。麦克米伦高阶〔than〕We never go to church other than for funerals and weddings.除了参加葬礼和婚礼,我们从不去教堂。朗文当代〔venue〕The hall is a popular venue for weddings.这个礼堂是举行婚礼的热门场地。牛津搭配Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered Churches only for weddings and funerals. 爸名义上是卫理教教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。译典通For a lot of people, baptisms, weddings and funerals are the only time they go to church.对于许多人来说,只有在洗礼、婚礼和葬礼他们才去教堂。剑桥国际He runs a restaurant and also caters for weddings and parties. 他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。译典通I go to church for weddings but not for any other reason.我去教堂只是参加婚礼,而从不为其他原因去。剑桥国际Knowing what had happened I avoided making any reference to (= mentioning) weddings.知道出了什么事后,我避开谈到婚礼。剑桥国际She likes wearing polka dots when she goes to weddings.她参加婚礼时喜欢穿有圆点花纹的服装。剑桥国际Some people don't have church weddings because they don't want the bother (= they don't want to make the effort that is necessary).有些人没有举行教堂婚礼,因为他们不想找这个麻烦。剑桥国际




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