

单词 wedded
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPY〕After what appeared to be nine years of wedded bliss, the couple has separated. 这对夫妇经过了九年看似幸福的婚姻生活后分居了。朗文写作活用〔bliss〕They're celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss.他们正在庆祝 25 年的美满婚姻生活。牛津搭配〔courtier〕Many of the courtiers were strongly wedded to traditional ways of doing things.许多朝臣都恪守传统,循规蹈矩。剑桥高阶〔quarrel〕This newly wedded couple are always quarreling.这对新婚夫妇总是吵架。21世纪英汉〔this〕Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? 你愿意让这个男人成为你的合法丈夫吗?韦氏高阶〔wedded bliss〕She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.她沉醉于对婚后幸福的浪漫幻想。外研社新世纪〔wedded〕Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.自然环境保护主义者大多致力于保持物种的多样性。柯林斯高阶〔wedded〕Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband? 你同意让这个男人成为你的合法丈夫吗?韦氏高阶〔wedded〕Elaine and Fran have been living in wedded bliss for almost a year now.伊莱恩与弗兰已经度过了快一年幸福美满的婚姻生活。剑桥高阶〔wedded〕For the moment I' m wedded to my work.目前我一心扑在工作上。外研社新世纪〔wedded〕He is wedded to his job [his opinions].他专心于那件工作[固执己见]。文馨英汉〔wedded〕He proposed she become his lawfully wedded wife.他请求她做他的合法妻子。柯林斯高阶〔wedded〕He was wedded to his work.他献身于工作。韦氏高阶〔wedded〕Managers can become wedded to a certain way of doing things.管理人员在行事方式上可能会形成一套固定的做法。剑桥高阶〔wedded〕On the whole the working class is still wedded to the Labour Party.总的说来工人阶级仍然拥护工党。朗文当代〔wedded〕She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.她沉醉于婚后幸福的浪漫幻想。柯林斯高阶〔wedded〕She's wedded to her job.她专心致志地工作。牛津高阶〔wed〕He wedded a girl from Shanghai.他娶了一位上海姑娘。英汉大词典〔wed〕His new writing job wedded his love of words and/to his eye for fashion.他新的这份文案工作把他对文字的热爱和他的时尚眼光结合在了一起。韦氏高阶〔wed〕They were both 21 when they wedded.他俩结婚时都是21岁。英汉大词典David is wedded to his work. 大卫十分热爱自己的工作。译典通Elaine and Ian have been living in wedded bliss for almost half a year now.现在伊莱恩与伊恩已在婚后的幸福中生活了近半年了。剑桥国际He wedded a girl from Scotland. 他娶了个苏格兰姑娘。译典通He is wedded to his own opinions and nothing can change him. 他固执己见,什么也不能使他改变。译典通The Social Democrats are still wedded to the concepts of high taxation and regulation.社会民主主义者仍然执著于高税收与法规的思想。剑桥国际The couple led a life of apparent domestic / wedded bliss.这一对夫妻过着明显幸福的家庭 / 婚姻生活。剑桥国际They are wedded by common interests. 共同的利益将他们结合在一起。译典通




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