

单词 waves of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran.地震带来的冲击波在德黑兰也能感觉到。柯林斯高阶〔beating〕Physics The periodic variation in amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 波震动:由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动美国传统〔beat〕Physics To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 振动:叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音美国传统〔break over〕The waves of cheering broke over him.阵阵欢呼声浪潮般向他袭来。21世纪英汉〔course〕His smile sent waves of excitement coursing through her.他的微笑使她感到一阵阵激动。朗文当代〔descend〕Waves of sadness descended on him.他突然感到阵阵悲伤。麦克米伦高阶〔diagram〕The sound waves of the voice could be diagramed as in B.这个声音的声波如图B所示。柯林斯高阶〔diagram〕The sound waves of the voice could be diagrammed as in B.这种话音的声波如图B所示。外研社新世纪〔dispossession〕Waves of dispossession have marked the history of mankind.更替不断的豪夺已成为人类史的特征。文馨英汉〔flow〕Waves of emotion flowed across his huge face.他那张大脸上一时间表情千变万化。柯林斯高阶〔flow〕Waves of emotion flowed across his huge face.他那张大脸上闪过多种表情。外研社新世纪〔frequency〕You can't hear waves of such a high frequency.如此高频率的声波是无法听到的。柯林斯高阶〔frequency〕You can't hear waves of such a high frequency.你无法听到如此高频的声波。外研社新世纪〔interference〕Physics The variation of wave amplitude that occurs when waves of the same or nearly the same frequency come together.【物理学】 干扰:当同样或相近频率的波接近时而使波的振幅发生变化美国传统〔mush〕Buses mushed along the avenue, throwing up rich waves of slush.公共汽车在大雪覆盖的大街上行驶,卷起阵阵雪水。英汉大词典〔nausea〕I was overcome by waves of nausea.一阵阵的恶心使我很不舒服。牛津搭配〔pore〕Waves of misery penetrated every pore.痛苦深彻骨髓。柯林斯高阶〔pulsate〕Waves of excitement pulsed through us as the race began.比赛开始时我们的心头掠过一阵阵激动。美国传统〔resonator〕A hollow chamber or cavity with dimensions chosen to permit internal resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustical waves of specific frequencies.共振腔:具有容积的空室或空腔,可允许在某一频率下的电磁波或声波产生内部共振振荡美国传统〔rickrack〕A sailboat appliqué decorates the shirt, riding on waves of rickrack.一片帆船图形的贴花缝在衬衫上作装饰,只见那帆船正航行在波曲形花边带之上。英汉大词典〔ricochet〕The waves of applause seemed to ricochet off the back wall.一阵阵喝彩声好像从后墙上反射回来。英汉大词典〔shock wave〕Shock waves of revolution shattered the government.革命的冲击波使政府垮了台美国传统〔surf〕The waves of the sea as they break upon a shore or reef.激浪,碎波:撞击海岸或海礁而破碎的海浪美国传统〔wash〕Waves of nausea washed over him.他突然感到阵阵恶心。牛津高阶〔wave number〕The number of waves per unit distance in a series of waves of a given wavelength; the reciprocal of the wavelength.频率:给定波长的一系列波中每单位长度波的数目;波长的倒数美国传统〔wave〕Waves of protesters began arriving at the stadium.大批抗议者开始抵达体育馆。麦克米伦高阶〔wave〕Waves of warm air washed over us.热浪朝我们扑面而来。韦氏高阶〔wave〕He was overcome by waves of anger/fear.一腔怒气/一阵恐慌涌上他的心头。韦氏高阶〔wave〕She loved surfing the giant waves of the sea.她喜欢在大海的巨浪中冲浪。牛津搭配〔wave〕The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran.地震产生的冲击波在德黑兰也能感觉到。外研社新世纪For years waves of invaders pillaged (towns along the coast) without anyone being able to stop them.年复一年,一批批的入侵者掠夺(沿岸的城镇),无人能阻挡他们。剑桥国际He stretched out on his lilo, feeling the gentle waves of the sea beneath him.他伸展四肢躺在筏子上,感到身下海浪轻轻地拍打着。剑桥国际




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