

单词 with confidence
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-brimmed〕England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.英格兰队在锦标赛中连赢两场后信心大增。柯林斯高阶〔BEHAVE〕By the end of the course, you should be able to conduct yourself with confidence in any meeting. 本课程结束时,你无论参加什么会议都能表现得充满自信。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕Mark drew quickly and with confidence, in a way that looked completely effortless. 马克画得又快又自信,显得毫不费力。朗文写作活用〔blooming〕If they were blooming with confidence they wouldn't need me.他们要是信心百倍的话,也就不会叫我了。柯林斯高阶〔brim over with〕He was brimming over with confidence and excitement.他充满信心和激情。21世纪英汉〔brim〕England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.英格兰队在锦标赛中连胜两局后充满自信。外研社新世纪〔brim〕He seemed to be brimming with confidence .他好像充满信心。朗文当代〔brim〕The team were brimming with confidence before the game.该队在赛前信心十足。牛津高阶〔carry〕She carried herself straight and with confidence.她把身体挺得笔直,很有自信。朗文当代〔confidence〕He answered the questions with confidence.他有信心地回答了那些问题。牛津高阶〔confidence〕He's brimming with confidence. = He's full of confidence.他信心满满。韦氏高阶〔confidence〕How can anyone say with confidence that the recession is over? 有谁能够有把握地说萧条已经结束?朗文当代〔confidence〕I can say with confidence that all our targets have now been met.我可以很有把握地说我们的所有目标现在都已经实现。麦克米伦高阶〔confidence〕I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless.我可以肯定地说这样的谣言完全没有根据。柯林斯高阶〔confidence〕I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless.我可以很有把握地说这种谣言完全没有根据。外研社新世纪〔confidence〕Our goal is to prepare students to go into the business world with confidence.我们的目标是让学生做好准备,满怀信心地进入商界。朗文当代〔confidence〕She answered the question with confidence.她自信地回答了问题。牛津搭配〔confidence〕Since she got the new job, she's been brimming with confidence.自从找到新工作,她便充满了自信。牛津搭配〔confidence〕The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence.这支乐队状态极佳,自信满满。柯林斯高阶〔confidence〕The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence.乐队状态极佳, 充满信心。外研社新世纪〔confidence〕They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident.他们不能肯定他经过那场事故后还能行走。牛津高阶〔future〕He can now look to the future with confidence again.计划未来麦克米伦高阶〔heart〕He spoke with confidence, from the heart.他的话充满信心,发自心坎。柯林斯高阶〔holiday〕Buy With Confidence This Holiday Season今年的度假季, 让你买得放心外研社新世纪〔infuse〕She has infused her followers with confidence.她使她的追随者们充满了信心。韦氏高阶〔inspire〕Her work didn't exactly inspire me with confidence.她的工作并没有真正地使我产生信心。牛津高阶〔look ahead〕We can look ahead to the next match with confidence.我们可以信心十足地期待下一场比赛。外研社新世纪〔ooze〕Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence.曼彻斯特联队现在充满信心。柯林斯高阶〔recommend〕He recommended the child with confidence to her care.他放心地把孩子托付给她。英汉大词典He is instinct with confidence. 他充满信心。译典通The country still needs more shaking up, more competition, more choice before it can face the future with confidence.这个国家在能够自信地面对未来之前,还需要进行更多的改革,开展更激烈的竞争和拥有更多的选择。剑桥国际They don't inspire me with confidence.他们没有使我产生信心。剑桥国际




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