

单词 wooden spoon
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fluffy〕Cream together the margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy.用一只木勺把人造黄油和糖搅拌成稀松的糊状。柯林斯高阶〔fluffy〕Cream together the margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy.用一只木勺把人造黄油和糖搅拌成稀松的糊状。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕Scrape the base of the pan with a wooden spoon.用木勺把锅底刮干净。外研社新世纪〔stir〕Using a wooden spoon, stir to a soft batter.用木勺搅成软面糊。外研社新世纪〔the wooden spoon〕Our college team took the wooden spoon in the inter-collegiate league this season.我们校队在本赛季的校际联盟比赛中取得了末名奖。剑桥高阶〔wooden spoon〕Cardiff took the wooden spoon in this year's rugby tournament.卡地夫队得了今年英式橄榄球锦标赛的末名奖。麦克米伦高阶〔wooden spoon〕England, Italy and Scotland are competing to avoid the wooden spoon.英格兰队、意大利队和苏格兰队在互相竞争免遭垫底。外研社新世纪〔wooden spoon〕Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。柯林斯高阶〔wooden〕Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon.用木勺搅打混合物。剑桥高阶〔work into〕Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.用木勺把油逐渐混入蛋黄。外研社新世纪〔work in〕Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon.慢慢将液体倒入面粉,同时用木勺轻轻地将两者搅在一起。柯林斯高阶〔work in〕Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.用木勺将油慢慢掺到蛋黄中。柯林斯高阶Our college team took the wooden spoon in the inter-collegiate league this season.我们学院在本季度的校际联赛中取得了末名奖。剑桥国际Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and then pour into a baking tin.用木调羹搅拌混合物,然后将其倒入一个烤模里。剑桥国际Use a wooden spoon for stirring and mixing ingredients while cooking.在烹饪时用木匙来搅拌、混合配料。剑桥国际Use a wooden spoon to stir the sauce.用木调羹来搅拌调料。剑桥国际




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