

单词 austere
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔austere〕austere fare 禁欲的伙食文馨英汉〔austere〕austere practices 苦修(如斋戒、索居密室等) 英汉大词典〔austere〕a cream linen suit and austere black blouse.乳白色亚麻套装和简朴的黑色衬衫柯林斯高阶〔austere〕a decade of austere effort 10年的艰苦努力英汉大词典〔austere〕a desert nomad's austere life.沙漠游牧者严格节制的生活美国传统〔austere〕a set of very austere economic measures to control inflation.一套大力控制通货膨胀的紧缩性经济措施柯林斯高阶〔austere〕a set of very austere economic measures to control inflation一套大力控制通货膨胀的紧缩性经济措施外研社新世纪〔austere〕an austere building.朴素的建筑物。牛津同义词〔austere〕an austere chair with a straight back 一把朴素的直背椅英汉大词典〔austere〕an austere childhood during the war 战火中艰苦的童年生活剑桥高阶〔austere〕an austere hermit 禁欲的隐士文馨英汉〔austere〕an austere life 刻苦的生活文馨英汉〔austere〕an austere life 极端清苦的生活英汉大词典〔austere〕an austere life-style.自我克制的生活方式。牛津同义词〔austere〕an austere person.严厉的人。牛津同义词〔austere〕an austere style of writing 朴实无华的文体英汉大词典〔austere〕an austere style.See Synonyms at severe 不加修饰的风格 参见 severe美国传统〔austere〕an extraordinarily austere and puritanical organization.有着非常严厉的清规戒律的组织柯林斯高阶〔austere〕be austere and grave in deportment 举止庄重严肃英汉大词典〔austere〕be dressed in austere black for the funeral 穿着暗黑色服装参加葬礼英汉大词典〔austere〕her austere bedroom with its simple narrow bed 她那仅有一张窄床的简陋卧室牛津高阶〔austere〕the austere figure of a Puritan minister.清教徒牧师严厉的外表美国传统〔austere〕the church's austere simplicity 那座教堂的朴实无华朗文当代〔austere〕the monks' austere way of life 僧侣的苦行生活方式牛津高阶〔metal〕show one's metal in dealing with such austere diplomats 与如此严厉的外交家打交道时显示出勇气英汉大词典〔subservience〕an austere regime stressing obedience and subservience to authority.强调要服从并听命于当局的强权政权柯林斯高阶〔subservience〕an austere regime stressing obedience and subservience to authority一种强调服从与恭顺的强权体制外研社新世纪




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