

单词 unofficial
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFFICIAL〕Unofficial sources say that over 100 people were shot dead in the rioting. 非官方消息称,这次暴动中有一百多人被开枪打死。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕She seems to have become the unofficial spokesman for the group. 她好像已经成了这个组织的非正式发言人。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕The Prime Minister discussed the matter with his German counterpart on an unofficial visit to his home last month. 上个月,首相到德国总理的官邸作了一次私人访问,就此事进行了讨论。朗文写作活用〔Triple Crown〕Baseball An unofficial championship title achieved by a player who is at the head of the league in batting average, home runs, and runs batted in.【棒球】 三连冠:棒球运动的非正式个人冠军称号,由在联赛中击球、跑垒、本垒打中领先于全队的运动员获得美国传统〔Triple Crown〕Sports Games An unofficial championship title attained by a horse that wins the three traditional races for a specified category.【体育运动】 【游戏】 三连冠:赢得了某一特定项目的三次传统赛马比赛的马所获得的一种非正式的冠军称号美国传统〔USE〕Journalists draw on both published and unofficial information from many different sources. 新闻记者利用来自许多不同来源的已公布和非官方消息。朗文写作活用〔boatlift〕An unofficial system of transporting supplies and people, especially refugees, from one country to another by boats that are often dangerously overcrowded.偷运:运送货物和人员的非官方体系,尤指偷运难民,用船将他们从一个国家运至另一个国家。这些船通常非常危险地容纳过多的人美国传统〔commodore〕Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.舰队司令官:用作英国海军上校的非正式名称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队内美国传统〔compartment〕My life was divided into two watertight compartments, unofficial and official.我的生活分成互不影响的两部分,私生活的一面和官场生涯的一面。英汉大词典〔decree〕In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.他于 7 月份下令解散国内所有的非正式武装组织。柯林斯高阶〔decree〕In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups to disband.他于七月发布一项政令, 解散所有非法武装。外研社新世纪〔elder statesman〕A prominent, highly experienced older person, especially a retired official acting as an unofficial adviser.前辈,元老:广为人知的极有经验的年长者,尤指一位作非官方顾问的退休官员美国传统〔kitchen cabinet〕A group of unofficial advisers to the head of a government.厨房内阁:政府首脑的非官方的顾问团美国传统〔officious〕Informal; unofficial.不正式的;非官方的美国传统〔reform〕The demobilized soldiers were reformed into unofficial semimilitary organizations.复员军人被改编组成非正式的半军事化组织。英汉大词典〔roaring〕Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.出售非官方纪念品的推销员的生意也很红火。柯林斯高阶〔straw vote〕An unofficial vote or poll indicating the trend of opinion on a candidate or an issue.测验民意的模拟投票:非官方的投票或民意测验,以显示民意在一候选人或问题上的倾向美国传统〔understand〕A secret buyer is understood to have paid $1 million for the three pictures (= there is unofficial news that this has happened).据说,有一位不愿透露姓名的买家花了100万美元买走了那3幅画。剑桥高阶〔unofficial strike〕Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.职工投票决定继续进行非正式罢工, 以支持上周被解雇的7名同事。外研社新世纪〔unofficially〕Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.官方报道说死亡人数在100人以下,但非官方估计至少有200人死亡。柯林斯高阶〔unofficially〕Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.职工投票决定继续进行非正式罢工,以支持上周被解雇的7名同事。柯林斯高阶〔unofficial〕Unofficial estimates of the number of people killed in the earthquake range from 3,000 to 5,000.据非官方估计,地震遇难人数在3000人到5000人之间。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million.非官方的估计数字为 200 万以上。牛津高阶〔unofficial〕According to unofficial sources, the decision will be appealed.据非官方消息,这个判决将被上诉。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕He has become the president's unofficial spokesman.他已成为总统的非官方发言人。麦克米伦高阶〔unofficial〕Hodges wrote an unofficial biography of the artist.霍奇斯写了一部这位艺术家的非正式传记。朗文当代〔unofficial〕I am including an unofficial translation of the speech.我正在收录该演讲的一个非正式译文。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕My participation is unofficial.我的参加不代表官方。英汉大词典〔unofficial〕She was the group's unofficial leader.她是这个组织的非正式领袖。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕The President made an unofficial visit to the Senator's house.总统去那位参议员的家进行了一次私人访问。朗文当代〔unofficial〕The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.前总统到中国进行了私人访问。牛津高阶〔unofficial〕The mayor paid an unofficial visit to the hospital.市长对这家医院进行了一次私人访问。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕The song is the college's unofficial anthem.这首歌是这所大学的非正式校歌。韦氏高阶〔unofficial〕The union is to take unofficial strike action next Tuesday.工会将于下周二举行非正式罢工。麦克米伦高阶〔unofficial〕This is strictly unofficial, but I think the Minister is about to resign.一个未经官方证实的消息——我想这位部长就要辞职了。外研社新世纪Unofficial estimates claim Japanese men work a staggering 2700 --3000 hours a year on average, or around 55 hours a week.非官方估计声称日本人一年平均工作2700--3 000小时左右, 或者是每周约55小时。剑桥国际Unofficial estimates put the figure at over 2 million.非官方估计数字为 200 多万。牛津商务Unofficial reports said the death toll could be much higher.非正式报告说死亡数字可能会更高。剑桥国际A secret buyer is understood to have paid £1 million for the three pictures (= there is unofficial news that this has happened).据说, 一位不愿透露姓名的购买者花了一百万英镑购买那三幅画。剑桥国际Many newspapers gave evidence of the difficulty in assessing the validity of rumours and the need to rely on unofficial sources.许多报纸提出证据,说明评估传言准确性的困难和依赖非正式消息来源的必要。剑桥国际The unofficial exchange rate is 2 000 dinar to the dollar.非官方汇率为 1 美元兑换 2000 第纳尔。牛津商务The unofficial grey market initially priced the shares between €2.89 and €2.96.非官方灰色市场将这只股票初始价定在 2.89 欧元和 2.96 欧元之间。牛津商务The Prime Minister is on an unofficial visit to Spain.首相正在西班牙进行非正式访问。牛津商务The council has decided to issue taxi drivers with permits, in an attempt to crack down on unofficial drivers.为了打击开黑车,市政会决定给出租车司机发许可证。剑桥国际There has, according to unofficial figures, been a 51% increase in the numbers of men convicted of minor offences in the last four years.根据非官方数字, 在最近四年里犯轻罪的男人数字增加了51% 。剑桥国际




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