

单词 wading bird
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crane〕Any of various large wading birds of the family Gruidae, having a long neck, long legs, and a long bill.鹤:任一种鹤科的大型、长颈、长腿、长嘴的水鸟美国传统〔heron〕Any of various wading birds of the family Ardeidae, having a long neck, long legs, a long pointed bill, and usually white, gray, or bluish-gray plumage.鹭:鹭科中的各种涉水禽鸟之一,有长颈、长腿、长长的尖喙,通常为白色、灰色或淡蓝灰色的羽毛美国传统〔ibis〕Any of various storklike wading birds of the family Threskiornithidae of temperate and tropical regions, having a long, slender, downward-curving bill.鹮:鹮科中生活在温带和热带地区的一种象鹳的涉禽。长有细长的、向下弯曲的嘴美国传统〔jacksnipe〕Any of several similar New World wading birds.与之类似的西半球的涉水禽鸟美国传统〔phalarope〕Any of several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae, resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable them to swim.瓣蹼鹬:瓣蹼鹬科的一种小型涉水禽鸟,类似矶鹞,但长有适于游泳的足蹼美国传统〔plover〕Any of various widely distributed wading birds of the family Charadriidae, having rounded bodies, short tails, and short bills.鸻:鸻上科中的一种分布广泛的涉禽,有圆型的身体、短尾和短嘴美国传统〔precocial〕Covered with down and capable of moving about when hatched. Used of wading birds and domestic fowl.早成性的:刚孵出便覆有绒毛并能行走的。用于涉禽和家禽美国传统〔retreat〕Wading birds collect small molluscs from the mud flats when the tide retreats.涉禽在退潮时从淤泥滩上寻觅小个的软体动物。麦克米伦高阶〔semipalmate〕Having partial or reduced webbing between the toes, as some wading birds do.具半蹼的:足趾之间有部分的或退化的蹼的,例如某些涉水鸟美国传统〔spoonbill〕Any of several long-legged wading birds similar to the ibis but having a long, flat bill with a broadly spatulate tip.琵鹭:与朱鹭相似的长腿涉水鸟,但具有扁平的、长的、末端成宽阔刮勺形状嘴美国传统〔stork〕Any of various large wading birds of the family Ciconiidae, chiefly of the Eastern Hemisphere, having long legs and a long straight bill.鹳:属鹳科的任何一种大的涉禽,主要分布于东半球,具有长腿及直喙美国传统〔water bird〕A swimming or wading bird.水鸟:游禽或涉禽美国传统Kuwait Bay is one of the world's most important wintering grounds for wading birds.科威特湾是世界上最重要的涉禽过冬场所之一。剑桥国际




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