

单词 westward
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ever〕moving ever westward 一直向西行进。韦氏高阶〔flow〕the westward flow of settlers 涌向西部的移民潮韦氏高阶〔follow〕followed the sun westward across the plains; followed the signs to the monkey house.顺着太阳向西穿过平原;顺着标记去猴子的巢穴美国传统〔wash〕waves of pioneers washing westward 浪潮般涌向西部的开拓者 英汉大词典〔westwards〕in a westward direction 方向朝西牛津高阶〔westward〕westward flights 西行航班朗文当代〔westward〕a westward migration of farm workers 农业工人的西移英汉大词典〔westward〕the westward expansion of the country 这个国家往西的扩张韦氏高阶〔westward〕the one-hour westward flight over the Andes to Lima.向西飞行一小时越过安第斯山脉到达利马的航程柯林斯高阶〔westward〕the one-hour westward flight over the Andes to Lima向西飞越安第斯山脉到达利马的一小时旅程外研社新世纪〔westward〕to [from] the westward 向[自]西方文馨英汉




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