

单词 ulster
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Conchobar〕The king of Ulster.康纳尔王:(神话)厄尔斯特国国王美国传统〔Cuchulain〕A hero of ancient Ulster who single-handedly defended it against the rest of Ireland.库丘林:古时乌尔斯特的一位英雄,他单枪匹马保卫祖国并反抗爱尔兰其他地区的入侵者的英雄美国传统〔Deirdre〕A legendary princess of Ulster who eloped with her lover, Naoise, to escape marriage to King Conchobar. After the king murdered Naoise, she killed herself.狄德丽:爱尔兰传说中乌尔斯特的公主,她为逃避与康乔巴国王结婚,与情人纳奥伊斯私奔。国王谋杀了纳奥伊斯之后,狄德丽自尽而死美国传统〔immigrate〕He immigrated from Ulster in 1848.他 1848 年从阿尔斯特移民到这里。柯林斯高阶〔immigrate〕He immigrated from Ulster in 1848.他是1848年从阿尔斯特移民来的。外研社新世纪〔shed〕Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year.阿尔斯特的持枪歹徒制造了新一年的首起流血事件。柯林斯高阶〔vote〕The people of Ulster had finally been given a chance to vote on the issue.阿尔斯特(即北爱尔兰)人民在这个问题上终于获得了一个投票的机会。朗文当代




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