

单词 under cover of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attack〕The attack took place under cover of darkness.进攻在夜幕的掩护下进行。牛津搭配〔cover〕Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house.后来他们在夜幕的掩护下溜进了房子。牛津高阶〔cover〕The burglar broke into the house under cover of darkness.窃贼在夜幕掩护下闯进那所房子。剑桥高阶〔cover〕They escaped under cover of darkness.他们在夜幕的掩护下逃跑了。朗文当代〔cover〕They move under cover of darkness.他们在黑暗的掩护下行进。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕They move under cover of darkness.他们在黑暗的掩护下行进。外研社新世纪〔cover〕They planned to attack under cover of darkness.他们打算在黑暗的掩护下发起攻击。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕We attacked at night, under cover of darkness.夜里我们在夜幕的掩护下发动进攻。牛津搭配〔darkness〕Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house.在夜色的掩护下麦克米伦高阶〔darkness〕They managed to escape under cover of darkness.他们设法在夜色掩护下逃跑了。牛津高阶〔darkness〕They moved from place to place under cover of darkness.他们在夜幕的掩护下四处活动。牛津搭配〔jump〕The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.进攻在炮火的掩护下开始了。英汉大词典〔shelter〕The army mounted the invasion under cover of darkness.军队在夜色的掩护下发动攻击。美国传统The burglar broke into the house under cover of darkness.窃贼在夜幕的掩护下闯进了房子。剑桥国际




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