

单词 under
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔act〕act well under all conditions 在任何条件下都表现很好英汉大词典〔advisement〕take sth. under advisement 对某事作周密考虑英汉大词典〔allied〕an Allied theatre under British direction 英国负责指挥的同盟国战区英汉大词典〔articulation〕the soft round pads under the joints of each finger and the articulation of these joints每根手指的关节下面的圆形软垫以及这些关节的连结外研社新世纪〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%.今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%柯林斯高阶〔belt〕a secretary with several years' experience under her belt 一位拥有数年工作经验的秘书朗文当代〔break〕a delicate chair that will break under a great weight. To 一张会在重压下破碎的精致椅子。 美国传统〔cloak〕operate under a cloak of secrecy 在神秘气氛中进行活动英汉大词典〔command〕under the direct command of Lieutenant Sykes 在赛克斯陆军中尉的直接指挥下牛津搭配〔condition〕neglected children living under the most appalling conditions 生活在最恶劣环境下的无人关注的儿童牛津高阶〔controlled〕a test held under controlled conditions 在受控条件下进行的一次试验朗文当代〔cover〕take cover under a tree 躲到树下英汉大词典〔crack〕cracked under the pressure.在压力下崩溃了美国传统〔deadly〕worked under deadly strain.在极度的紧张状态下工作美国传统〔experimental〕results obtained under the new experimental conditions 在新的实验环境下得出的结果麦克米伦高阶〔favor〕sailed under favor of cloudless skies.在天空无云的帮助下飞行美国传统〔ferule〕be under the ferule 在(老师)管教之下英汉大词典〔guise〕spoke to me under the guise of friendship.伪装成友善的样子对我说话美国传统〔hammer〕to come/go under the hammer(= to be sold at auction) 被拍卖牛津高阶〔handicap〕work under a handicap 在不利的条件下工作英汉大词典〔illegal〕a campaign to stop the illegal sale of cigarettes to children under 16 禁止向16岁以下儿童非法销售香烟的运动剑桥高阶〔imaginable〕their imprisonment under some of the most horrible circumstances imaginable.他们被关押在可以想象出的最恐怖的环境中柯林斯高阶〔influence〕relaxed under the influence of the music; the influence of television on modern life.在音乐的影响下放松;电视对现代生活的影响美国传统〔inspiration〕the spread of improved nursing under the inspiration of Florence Nightingale 在弗洛伦丝‧南丁格尔的鼓舞下得以改善的护理工作的普及朗文当代〔irrigation〕two million acres under irrigation 200 万英亩的灌溉区域牛津搭配〔jab〕jab a secret buzzer under the counter 猛按柜台下的秘密报警器英汉大词典〔lay〕to lay sb under an obligation to do sth 使某人承担做某事的义务牛津高阶〔misapprehension〕be under a misapprehension about sb.'s intention 误解某人的意图英汉大词典〔mortar〕to come under mortar fire/attack 受到迫击炮火的袭击牛津高阶〔name〕a king renowned under the cognomen "the Just.” See also Synonyms at appoint ,celebrity 国王以“公正者”的名字著称 参见同义词 appoint,celebrity美国传统〔occupation〕people living under occupation 生活在沦陷区的人民韦氏高阶〔patronage〕under the patronage of ...在…的保护[赞助]下文馨英汉〔portrait〕an interesting portrait of life under communism 对共产主义生活的有趣描述麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕athletes who show grace under pressure (=who behave well when they are anxious) 压力下仍表现出良好风度的运动员朗文当代〔provocation〕do sth. under provocation 被激做某事英汉大词典〔quilt〕lie under one's quilt 躺在被窝里英汉大词典〔regardful〕under his regardful gaze.在他密切注视下。牛津同义词〔regime〕a military regime under Franco 佛朗哥统治下的军事政权牛津搭配〔repair〕under repair 在修理中文馨英汉〔rinse〕rinse one's hands under the tap 用自来水冲洗双手 英汉大词典〔rule〕under the long rule of George III 在乔治三世的长期统治下英汉大词典〔sail〕a pirate ship under full sail 全速行驶的海盗船牛津搭配〔sail〕a ship under sail(= using sails) 张帆行驶的船牛津高阶〔shroud〕a parked car huddled under a shroud of grey snow.车身上覆着一层灰白色积雪的停放着的汽车柯林斯高阶〔sit down under〕to sit down under the insult忍受侮辱21世纪英汉〔snuggle〕snuggled happily under the covers.在盖子底下幸福地蜷伏着美国传统〔study〕a focus group of researchers and practitioners to study how to manage operational systems under stress由研究员与执业医师组成的核心小组学习如何在压力下应付操作系统外研社新世纪〔threat〕a country under threat of civil war 面临内战威胁的国家韦氏高阶〔umbrella〕under the political umbrella of 在…的政治庇护下英汉大词典〔under age〕his efforts to stop under age drinking and drug abuse.他为制止未成年人酗酒吸毒而作的努力柯林斯高阶〔under〕under contract.受合同的约束美国传统〔under〕listed under biology.被列在生物学中美国传统〔under〕march under a heavy load 负着重物行军 英汉大词典〔under〕sink under a load of grief 承受不了悲伤而垮下 英汉大词典〔under〕swim under water 在潜泳 英汉大词典〔under〕traveled under a false name.用假名旅游美国传统〔under〕work under great difficulties 在巨大的困难下工作 英汉大词典〔unreasonable〕work under unreasonable pressure 在过大的压力下工作 英汉大词典〔visibility〕flying/driving under conditions of poor/low/reduced visibility 在能见度差/低/减弱的条件下飞行/驾驶韦氏高阶〔watch〕keep sb. under close watch 置某人于严密监视下 英汉大词典




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