

单词 weaving
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arachne〕A maiden who was transformed into a spider by Athena for challenging her to a weaving contest.阿拉克尼:因向雅典娜挑战,进行纺织比赛而被她变成蜘蜘的少女美国传统〔LEARN〕It takes years to master the art of weaving. 精通编织艺术得花上几年时间。朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕It requires considerable practise to bring the skill of weaving to perfection. 编织技巧需要大量练习才能趋于完美。朗文写作活用〔Shetland〕A fine yarn made from the wool of sheep raised in the Shetland Islands and used for knitting and weaving.设得兰毛线:系由在设得兰群岛饲养的羊的羊毛制成的精制毛线,用于针织和编织衣物美国传统〔TURN〕We were driving around in circles, weaving through the parking lot. 我们开着车转圈,在停车场里绕来绕去。朗文写作活用〔around〕These days much of my time is spent weaving my way around drinks parties.这些天,我多半都是在酒会上晃悠过去的。柯林斯高阶〔balk〕A fellow driver criticized him for weaving about on the track to balk those who try to overtake.一名同场竞技的车手指责他为了挡住想超车的人在赛道上穿来穿去。外研社新世纪〔bobbin〕A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.线轴:装上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制花边的线轴或卷轴美国传统〔chip〕Wood, palm leaves, straw, or similar material cut and dried for weaving.编织条:用来编织的削好并且经过干燥处理的木头、棕榈叶、稻草或类似的材料美国传统〔cloth〕Fabric or material formed by weaving, knitting, pressing, or felting natural or synthetic fibers.布:通过编织、纺织、熨烫或用天然纤维、合成纤维制毡制作的织物或材料美国传统〔complect〕To join by weaving or twining together; interweave.交织:通过编织或缠绕接合在一起;互相交织美国传统〔contexture〕The act of weaving or assembling parts into a whole.装配:编织或将部分装配成为整体的行为美国传统〔cottage industry〕Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.编织和针织是传统的家庭手工业。牛津高阶〔cottage industry〕Hand weaving is a flourishing cottage industry in the region.手工编织是这个地区很兴旺的家庭手工业。朗文当代〔darn〕To mend (a garment, for example) by weaving thread or yarn across a gap or hole.织补:通过穿过裂口或洞编织线或纱来修补(例如衣服)美国传统〔darn〕To repair a hole, as in a garment, by weaving thread or yarn across it.织补:通过穿过它织线或纱线来修补洞,如在衣服上美国传统〔decorative art〕Any of the art forms, such as pottery, weaving, or jewelry making, used to create such art. Often used in the plural.装饰艺术形式:这种艺术形式的任何一种,例如制陶、纺织或宝石制造,用来创造这种艺术品。通常用作复数美国传统〔dobby〕A mechanical part in a loom that controls the harnesses so as to permit weaving of small geometric figures.多臂机:织机上控制绳线以织出小的几何图案的机械部件美国传统〔dope〕He was obviously doped(up),shouting and weaving down the street.他明显地被麻醉了,叫喊着,摇晃着走下街道。21世纪英汉〔duck〕The White House has been ducking and weaving on the issue.白宫在这一问题上一直躲躲闪闪。外研社新世纪〔experiment〕She experimented with different kinds of weaving.她尝试不同类型的织法。韦氏高阶〔fabric〕A cloth produced especially by knitting, weaving, or felting fibers.织物:一种布,尤指通过纺织、编织或毡结丝线而成美国传统〔foot〕We foot it all the night, weaving olden dances.我们一整夜都跳啊跳的, 在旧时的舞蹈中流连穿梭。外研社新世纪〔get weaving〕Let's get weaving,we've a lot to do before tonight.我们行动起来吧,天黑前我们有很多事要做。21世纪英汉〔get weaving〕We'd better get weaving - we've got a lot to do today.我们最好加快速度——今天还有很多事要做呢。剑桥高阶〔industry〕Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.织布和编织都是传统的家庭手工业。牛津搭配〔ingrain〕Made of fiber or yarn dyed before weaving. Used especially of rugs.染色原纤:由纺织前就染色的纤维或纱线制成的。尤指地毯美国传统〔jacquard〕A special loom or the method employed in the weaving of a figured fabric.提花机,提花织术:在编织带有图案的织物时使用特殊织布机或织布方法美国传统〔leno〕Weaving in which the warp yarns are paired and twisted.纱罗织法:将经纱线匹配并扭织在一起的织布方法美国传统〔loom〕An apparatus for making thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands together at right angles.织机:一种将线或纱以正确的角度织成布的机器美国传统〔macramé〕Coarse lace work made by weaving and knotting cords into a pattern.装饰编结术:制作花边饰品的粗活,把线绳经过纺织和打结形成某种图案美国传统〔nonwoven〕Made by a process not involving weaving. Used of textiles.无纺的:与纺织无关的制作过程。用于指纺织品美国传统〔nonwoven〕Material or a fabric made by a process not involving weaving.无纺织物:非纺织制成的材料或纤维美国传统〔overshot〕A pattern in weaving made when filling threads are passed over two or more warp threads at a time.浮纬花纹:纹织的一种图案,由纬线一次穿过两条以上的经线而织成美国传统〔palmetto〕Leaf strips of any of these plants, used in weaving.用于编织的小棕榈叶片条美国传统〔pick-up stick〕A pointed implement used in weaving to draw the weft through the warp.勾棒:在编织上用来在将纬线穿拉过经线的尖状工具美国传统〔pick〕A weft thread in weaving.纬纱:纺织中用的纬纱线美国传统〔quill〕A spindle or bobbin around which yarn is wound in weaving.纡管;纬管:在纺织中绕以纱线的锭子或筒管美国传统〔reed〕A narrow, movable frame fitted with reed or metal strips that separate the warp threads in weaving.笳:装有苇条或金属条的狭窄的可移动的框子,在纺织中用于分开经纱美国传统〔rya〕The weaving pattern characteristic of such rugs.里亚毯织法美国传统〔shuttle〕A device used in weaving to carry the woof thread back and forth between the warp threads.梭子:纺织中带着纬线在经线中来回运动的一种装置美国传统〔sobriety〕The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a sobriety test.警察说他的车在路上一直开得摇摇晃晃的,因此让他停了下来,给他做了个酒精测试。剑桥高阶〔steep〕She steeped reeds for basket weaving.她把芦苇浸泡起来以备编织篮子。21世纪英汉〔straw〕Stalks of threshed grain, used as bedding and food for animals, for thatching, and for weaving or braiding, as into baskets.禾杆:脱谷的谷物的茎杆,可用作床垫,动物的饲料,盖房顶以及编织或编带;如编成蓝子美国传统〔temple〕A device in a loom that keeps the cloth stretched to the correct width during weaving.伸幅器:织机上保持织物在纺织过程中以正确宽度伸平的部件美国传统〔textile〕A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric.纺织品:布料,尤指编织所制成的布料;纺织品美国传统〔textile〕Fiber or yarn for weaving or knitting into cloth.纺织品原料:用于编织成布的纤维或纱线美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔wamble〕To move in a weaving, wobbling, or rolling manner.摇晃前行:以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进美国传统〔warp〕To arrange (strands of yarn or thread) so that they run lengthwise in weaving.排列(线等):整理排列(线或丝束)以使它们排列成纺织中的经线美国传统〔watap〕A stringy thread made from the roots of various conifers and used by certain Native American peoples in sewing and weaving.根制线:由各种针叶树的根制成的一种线,被某些美洲印第安人用来缝和织美国传统〔weave〕She is skilled at spinning and weaving.她是纺织能手。牛津高阶〔weave〕She was weaving in and out of the traffic.她在来往的车辆中穿来穿去。牛津高阶〔weave〕The car was weaving in and out of traffic.那辆车在车流中穿梭。韦氏高阶〔weave〕They spend some of the time weaving.她们花了些时间进行编织。麦克米伦高阶〔weave〕When I studied weaving, I became intrigued with natural dyes.学习纺织激起了我对天然染料的兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔web〕They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit.他们指控他编织了一个满是谎言和欺诈的骗局。柯林斯高阶〔whorl〕Architecture An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils.【建筑学】 螺层:一种含有很风格化的藤叶和卷须的装饰结构,如石制品或纺织品上美国传统〔wicker〕A flexible plant branch or twig, as of a willow, used in weaving baskets or furniture.柳条,枝条:(如柳树等)植物的柔韧的枝或嫩条,用于编篮子或家具美国传统〔work〕Mary worked some blue into the rug she was weaving.玛丽在她编织的毯子里搀了些蓝线。英汉大词典〔work〕Needlework, weaving, lacemaking, or a similar textile art.针线活:针线活,编织、饰带制作或相似的纺织艺术美国传统〔woven〕Material or a fabric made by weaving.纺织品:纺织而成的材料或织物美国传统〔yarn〕A continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic material, such as wool or nylon, used in weaving or knitting.纺线,纤维线:天然或人工合成材料制成的盘绕成股的连线,如羊毛或尼龙,用于纺织或编织美国传统A spider is weaving a web under the eaves. 蜘蛛在屋簷下织网。译典通Aided by increasing automation of spinning and weaving, some big surviving factories have cut their workforces by a half.由于日益增加的纺纱与织布自动化,一些幸存的大公司已经削减了一半工人。剑桥国际Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs. 这个国家的妇女善织地毯。译典通




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