

单词 verbal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EACH OTHER〕The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse. 辩论室经常只被用作是各方恶语相向的一个平台。朗文写作活用〔Freudian slip〕A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion.口误:一种说话时的错误,从中可以流露出一种潜意识的信仰、思想或情感美国传统〔SPEAK〕Federal authorities gave Alascom verbal approval to begin the project. 联邦当局口头批准阿拉斯加通信公司开始这个项目。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕We had a verbal agreement but no written contract. 我们有口头的协定,但没有签书面合同。朗文写作活用〔VO〕Verbal order.口头命令美国传统〔ability〕The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.这种测试考查的是语言能力和数学能力。朗文当代〔abuser〕Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.拉夫特不断地破口大骂和他联合主演的演员。柯林斯高阶〔abuse〕He had apparently experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers.显然他经常遭到同事的辱骂。剑桥高阶〔acrobatics〕No one could rival his ad-libbed verbal acrobatics.在即兴表达的技巧上没人能与他相媲美。外研社新世纪〔agon〕The part of an ancient Greek drama, especially a comedy, in which two characters engage in verbal dispute.辩论:古希腊戏剧的一部分,尤指喜剧中涉及两个人物的口头争辩美国传统〔agreement〕They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。牛津高阶〔altercation〕He got involved in a verbal altercation with Kelly.他与凯利发生了争吵。外研社新世纪〔aoristic〕Of or being the verbal aspect that expresses a momentary or completed action, especially in past time.不定过去时的,不定过去式的:动词体的或是动词体的,表示短暂动作或已完成动作的,尤指过去时间内美国传统〔assault〕A violent physical or verbal attack.攻击,抨击:武力或口头上的攻击美国传统〔assault〕He launched into a verbal assault on tabloid journalism.他口头对小报新闻进行了抨击。牛津搭配〔assault〕He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents.他猛烈抨击其民主党对手。柯林斯高阶〔be on the receiving end〕Sales assistants are often on the receiving end of verbal abuse from customers.售货员经常遭到顾客的辱骂。剑桥高阶〔broadside〕A forceful verbal attack, as in a speech or editorial.抨击,谩骂:猛烈的言词攻击,如在一个演讲或社论中美国传统〔cannonade〕A harsh verbal or physical attack.攻击:严厉的言辞或人身攻击美国传统〔causative〕Abbr. caus.Expressing causation. Used of a verb or verbal affix.缩写 caus.表达原因的:表达原因。用作动词或动词词缀美国传统〔character assassination〕A vicious personal verbal attack, especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation.诽谤:恶意的人身言语攻击,尤指意在破坏或玷污某位公众人物声誉的诽谤美国传统〔cheap shot〕An unfair or unsporting verbal attack on a vulnerable target.暗算:对脆弱目标不公正的或不正大光明的言辞攻击美国传统〔communication disorder〕Any of various disorders, such as stuttering or perseveration, characterized by impaired written or verbal expression.语言障碍:任何一种的异常,例如结巴或持续重复的行为,特征为受损的书写或语言表达美国传统〔consent〕They provided verbal consent for the interview to be taped.他们口头同意对采访录音。牛津搭配〔construction〕Avoid complex verbal constructions.避免使用复杂的动词结构外研社新世纪〔construction〕Avoid complex verbal constructions.避免使用复杂的动词结构。柯林斯高阶〔decrease〕Teachers reported decreases in drug use and verbal abuse of teachers.教师们反映说吸毒和对教师的言语侮辱减少了。朗文当代〔dexterity〕He's a teacher known for his imagination and verbal dexterity.他是一名以想象力丰富和言语机敏而著称的老师。韦氏高阶〔discourse〕Verbal exchange; conversation.交谈;对话美国传统〔discourse〕Verbal expression in speech or writing.演说,论述:口头表达或书面文字表达美国传统〔dispute〕A verbal controversy; a debate.口头辩论;争论美国传统〔down〕Do you have it down in writing/on paper, or was it just a verbal agreement? 你有书面的东西吗?还是只是口头协议?剑桥高阶〔durative〕Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses action continuing unbroken for a period of time.(动词)持续性的:用来表示动作继续一段时间而未中断的动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔dysphasia〕Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.难语症,诵读困难症:语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的美国传统〔ending〕Verbal nouns have the ending -ing.动名词以 -ing 结尾。朗文当代〔feedback〕The facilitator offers verbal feedback to each student.协调人将反馈信息用语音提供给每个学生。牛津搭配〔felicity〕Her article contained one or two verbal felicities that will stay in my mind for years.她的文章中有一两处精妙之语,会令我多年难以忘怀。剑桥高阶〔incantation〕A formula used in ritual recitation; a verbal charm or spell.符咒,咒语:作法时用的套话;口头上的符或咒语美国传统〔incantation〕Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.念咒:口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果美国传统〔inchoative〕Grammar Of or being a verb or verbal form that designates the beginning of an action, a state, or an event.【语法】 表示动作开始的:属于或作为表示行为、状态或事件开始的动词或动词短语的美国传统〔indefinable〕His talk is a series of verbal conjuring tricks with indefinables.他的谈话是一整套玩弄模糊不清概念的言语把戏。英汉大词典〔intolerance〕These verbal attacks are clearly motivated by racial intolerance.这些言语攻击显然受到了种族偏狭心理的驱使。麦克米伦高阶〔joust〕There was a lot of verbal jousting between the lawyers.律师们唇枪舌剑了许多个回合。韦氏高阶〔language〕Verbal communication as a subject of study.口头语言,口语:作为学习的主题的口头交流美国传统〔lash〕A caustic verbal attack.讽刺:刻薄的口头上的攻击美国传统〔last word〕The final statement in a verbal argument.结论:一场争论结束时的最后声明美国传统〔launch into sth〕He launched into a verbal attack on her handling of the finances.他对她的财务管理方式进行了一番抨击。剑桥高阶〔left-brained〕Of or relating to a person whose behavior is dominated by logic, analytical thinking, and verbal communication, rather than emotion and creativity.左脑型人的:行为举止主要受逻辑、分析型思维及语言交流支配而不是情感及创造力的人的或与其相关的美国传统〔match〕We were just having a little verbal sparring match. () 我们刚进行了小小的语言“交锋”。牛津搭配〔nationalism〕OK is probably the chief verbal nationalism of the United States.OK大概可算美国人的主要口头习惯用语了。英汉大词典〔nonverbal〕Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.语言表达能力程度低的美国传统〔onrush〕A violent physical or verbal attack; an assault.袭击:身体上猛烈的打击或言辞犀利的抨击,袭击美国传统〔onslaught〕She unleashed a verbal onslaught on her critics.她发布了一系列言论攻击批评她的人。牛津搭配〔oral-formulaic〕Of or relating to poetry in which traditional material is improvised at each performance by using verbal formulas as an aid to memory.以公式创作诗歌的:在历次诗歌朗诵时利用文字公式作记忆工具对传统材料即兴创作的诗的或与之有关的美国传统〔payment〕Verbal abuse was hardly the payment I expected for my troubles.我花了那么多力气,没料到换来的是一顿辱骂。剑桥高阶〔political terrorism〕Informal Intimidation or verbal abuse used by a politician to frighten another politician or other politicians.【非正式用语】 政治恐吓:恐吓或言辞的辱骂,由政客用来恐吓另一名政客或其他政客美国传统〔pornograph〕A pornograph can be either verbal or visual.淫秽作品可以是文字也可以是图片。英汉大词典〔portrait〕A verbal picture or description, especially of a person.人物描写:图片描写或语言描绘,尤指对一个人美国传统〔pyrotechnics〕His verbal pyrotechnics could hold an audience spellbound.他出色的口才能迷倒听众。剑桥高阶〔rhetorician〕A person given to verbal extravagance.夸大其辞的人美国传统〔rhetoric〕Verbal communication; discourse.讨论:口头交流;讨论美国传统〔salvo〕A forceful verbal or written assault.口头或书面的猛烈攻击美国传统〔sharpshooting〕Accurate, often unexpected verbal or written attack.一针见血:精确的,通常未预料的言辞或书面抨击美国传统〔signify〕Slang To exchange humorous insults in a verbal game.【俚语】 辱骂:在斗嘴过程中互相开玩笑的辱骂美国传统〔strikebreaker〕Many strikebreakers were subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多破坏罢工的人遭到了口头和人身攻击。剑桥高阶〔strong-arm〕The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.没有恶语相向也没有大动干戈就把这笔钱要回来了。柯林斯高阶〔strong-arm〕The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.没有恶语相向也没有大打出手就把这笔钱要回来了。外研社新世纪〔tic〕The verbal tic “you know” often occurs in her speech.她的讲话中经常出现“你知道”这样的口头禅。韦氏高阶〔tilt〕A combat, especially a verbal one; a debate.争论:尤指口头上的争斗;争论美国传统〔verbally〕The West must back up its verbal support with substantial economic aid.西方国家必须以切实的经济援助来兑现他们的口头支持。柯林斯高阶〔verbally〕The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。柯林斯高阶〔verbally〕They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.他们被推来搡去,受到大肆的谩骂攻击。柯林斯高阶〔verbally〕Wayne has great verbal dexterity.韦恩的语言表达能力很强。柯林斯高阶〔verbally〕We have a verbal agreement with her.我们和她有个口头约定。柯林斯高阶〔verbal〕Verbal ability is dominant in the left side of the brain.语言能力主要受左脑控制。麦克米伦高阶〔verbal〕A verbal noun or adjective.动词性单词:动词性名词或形容词美国传统〔verbal〕Airport officials received a stream of verbal abuse from angry passengers whose flights had been delayed.航班被延误,机场的官员们遭到了愤怒的乘客们的语言攻击。剑桥高阶〔verbal〕He scored well on the verbal section of the test.在测试中,他的词语部分得了高分。韦氏高阶〔verbal〕It can sometimes be difficult to give a verbal description of things like colours and sounds.有时候可能很难用语言来描述颜色、声音之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔verbal〕Make sure the discussion remains purely verbal.要保证大家完全保持动嘴讨论而不能动手。麦克米伦高阶〔verbal〕Maria was getting loads of verbal from her staff.玛丽亚备受员工的责骂。朗文当代〔verbal〕The difference is merely verbal.差别仅仅在于措辞。英汉大词典〔verbal〕The job applicant must have good verbal skills.应聘这份工作的人必须具有良好的语言表达技能。牛津高阶〔verbal〕They can be subjected to verbal and physical abuse.谩骂;辱骂麦克米伦高阶〔verbal〕They had a verbal agreement for her to receive £3,000 a month.他们有个口头协议,让她每月拿3,000英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔verbal〕They had a verbal exchange.他们有过口头交流。韦氏高阶〔verbal〕We gave only verbal instructions.我们只给出了口头指令。韦氏高阶〔verbal〕We have a verbal agreement with her.我们和她有个口头协议。外研社新世纪〔verbid〕A verbal noun or adjective.动名词,动词性形容词美国传统〔vocal〕A dog is a vocal, but not a verbal being.狗是一种能发声但不能说话的动物。英汉大词典〔woodnote〕Natural, spontaneous verbal utterance.自然的、朴素的语言发声美国传统〔wordplay〕Witty or clever verbal exchange; repartee.俏皮话:机灵的或聪明的语言交换;巧妙的应答美国传统〔wordy〕Relating to or consisting of words; verbal.语言的:跟词语有关或由词语构成的;语言的美国传统〔word〕A verbal signal; a password or watchword.口令;口令或暗号美国传统Airport officials received a stream of verbal abuse from angry passengers whose flights had been delayed.机场官员们受到了航班延误了的旅客们的一顿臭骂。剑桥国际All those applying for the job are given a numerical and a verbal reasoning test.所有申请这份工作的人都接受了一次数字运算和文字推理的测试。剑桥国际Feldman's interview reads like a verbal exercise, almost setting itself up as a paradigm of the perfect interview.费尔德曼的访谈录读起来像是一个口头练习,几乎树立成完美采访的样板。剑桥国际He launched into a verbal attack on her handling of the finances.他对于她的资金管理苛责了一番。剑桥国际He said that he had experienced a lot of verbal abuse (=the use of rude or cruel language) from his co-workers.他说他已经从他的同事那里听到了许多骂人的话。剑桥国际Her article contained one or two verbal felicities which will stay in my mind for years.她的文章有一两处精妙之语,使我久久难忘。剑桥国际His verbal pyrotechnics held his audience spellbound.他所展示的语言技巧使观众都入迷了。剑桥国际His former wife accused him of beatings, verbal abuse and other cruelties.他的前妻控告他对她的殴打,辱骂以及其他种种虐待。剑桥国际I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。译典通Imrhan's iconoclasm led him to mount a series of verbal and physical attacks on the church, the family and the state in his long political career.伊姆汉打破旧传统的主张使他在漫长的政治生涯中对教会、家庭和国家发动了一系列言语和行为上的攻击。剑桥国际It can sometimes be difficult to give a verbal description of things like colours and sounds.有时可能很难用语言描述颜色和声音之类的事物。剑桥国际Many of the strikebreakers have been subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多罢工破坏者都已遭到口头和身体攻击。剑桥国际Sales assistants are often at the receiving end of verbal abuse from customers.售货员通常是受顾客责骂的人。剑桥国际Several people were reported to have suffered verbal and physical attacks.据报道,有数人受到了口头以及人身攻击。剑桥国际She received a verbal warning from her manager when she arrived late again.她再次迟到时受到经理的口头警告。牛津商务The captain gave him a verbal lashing (= criticized him severely) after his disappointing performance.他的表现令人失望,上尉严厉地批评了他。剑桥国际The children are required to take a verbal reasoning test at the age of 11.根据要求,孩子们在11岁时要接受一次语言推理测试。剑桥国际The job applicant must have good verbal skills.应征者须具有良好的语言技能。牛津商务The prime minister was in a combative mood and made several verbal attacks on the opposition.首相正处在好斗的情绪中,对反对党进行了好几次口头攻击。剑桥国际The short piece was full of mistakes and verbal infelicities (=unsuitable expressions).这篇短文充满着错误和不恰当的措辞。剑桥国际The study investigated differences in verbal ability/skills between girls and boys.那项研究调查了男孩和女孩之间语言表达能力/技巧的差别。剑桥国际They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头销售协议。牛津商务They were locked in a verbal duel. 他们在进行舌战。译典通This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。译典通You have to admire her verbal dexterity (= ability to use language).你不得不钦佩她口齿伶俐。剑桥国际




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