

单词 within
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕Molly tried to hide the presents but the children were too clever for her and found them within minutes. 莫莉想把礼物藏起来,但孩子们太聪明了,没几分钟就把礼物找出来了。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The U.N. demanded unrestricted searches for weapons within the country. 联合国要求不受限制地在该国内搜查武器。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The kidnappers promised to go to the embassy and turn over all their hostages within 24 hours. 绑匪答应24小时之内去大使馆交出所有人质。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The chief had been warned that there were criminal elements within the Security Police. 有人警告警长说保安警察中有犯罪分子。朗文写作活用〔HEAR〕Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers. 其中两名店员就在顾客能听到的地方大声地抱怨着。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕Pupils living within two miles of the school are expected to pay their own bus fares. 住在离开学校不到两英里的学生车费自理。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕It is only within the parameters of a clear set of goals that a national science program can be successful. 只有在明确的目标范围里,国家的科研计划才能取得成功。朗文写作活用〔Latino〕He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within the educational system.他一直致力于在教育系统内为美籍拉美人和黑人争取权益。柯林斯高阶〔NEAR〕As soon as she was within reach he grabbed her wrist. 她一靠近,他就一把抓住了她的手腕。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Once its prey is within range, the snake's head shoots forward to attack. 猎物一旦进入攻击范围,蛇就飞快地把头伸出去袭击。朗文写作活用〔POSSIBLE〕He could possibly be released from prison within three years. 他可能在三年内被释放出狱。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕The government has to deal with what seems like an insoluble political problem -- racial harmony within the community. 政府必须处理好这个看似无法解决的政治问题—社区内种族和谐问题。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Most drug abusers relapse within a year. 大多数吸毒者一年内会重染恶习。朗文写作活用〔ablaze〕Within minutes, the whole building had been set ablaze.使某物着火麦克米伦高阶〔accrue〕If you do not pay within 28 days, interest will accrue.如果28天之内不付款,就会自然生息。柯林斯高阶〔afflict〕Most patients/people who are afflicted with the disease die within one year.染上这种病的人,大多数一年内去世。韦氏高阶〔allophone〕Within French-speaking Quebec, anglophone, allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist.在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。牛津高阶〔allot〕I completed the test within the time allotted.我在限定的时间内完成了测试。牛津高阶〔backlash〕The Southern conservatives within the party backlashed.该党南方保守派产生强烈反应。21世纪英汉〔bad news〕A troublemaker within a group is always bad news.组织中的闹事者总是不受欢迎的人美国传统〔biodefence〕They have a store of biodefence drugs and vaccines that can be flown anywhere in the nation within twelve hours.他们在某处存储了用于生物武器防卫的药品和疫苗,可以在十二小时内空运至全国任何地方。剑桥高阶〔biodiversity〕The number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region.生物多样性:在特定地理区域的生物数量及种类美国传统〔boutique〕A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.小商店:在大商场或超级市场中的小商店美国传统〔bracket〕To place within or as if within brackets.用括号括起来美国传统〔button up〕Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up.在很短时间内,潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。21世纪英汉〔cabal〕He was assassinated by a cabal of aides within his own regime.他被自己政权内部的幕僚们所组成的阴谋集团暗杀了。剑桥高阶〔call〕Billy's mother told him to stay within call because supper was nearly ready.快吃晚饭了,比利的母亲叫他不要走远。英汉大词典〔camera〕Within the field of view of a television or movie camera.曝光:处于电视机或电影摄像机视场之内美国传统〔canton〕The principal force was cantoned within reach of Paris.主力部队驻扎在离巴黎很近的地方。外研社新世纪〔cell〕A small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect's wing.小隔间,小空间:封闭的小洞或小空间,比如蜂房内的巢室或植物子房内的小室或昆虫翅膀内以血管分界的区域美国传统〔charge〕The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.学校管理部门负有在预算范围内管理好学校的职责。牛津高阶〔chromatolysis〕The dissolution or disintegration of chromophil material, such as chromatin, within a cell.染色质溶解:染色物质的溶解或分解,如细胞中的染色质美国传统〔command〕There would continue to be a joint command of U.S. and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders.美国和沙特部队在沙特阿拉伯境内的军事行动将继续由联合指挥部指挥。外研社新世纪〔confines〕There is no room for negotiation within the confines of this contract.在这份合同的约定范围之内,没有协商的余地。韦氏高阶〔deposit〕She paid a £500 deposit, and agreed to pay the balance within six months.她付了500英镑的定金并同意在6个月内支付余款。麦克米伦高阶〔desire〕We desire you to complete the work within one month of the start date.我们想要你开始后一个月内完成工作。麦克米伦高阶〔difficulty〕Implementing the policy caused difficulties within the company.执行这项政策使公司内部出现了问题。麦克米伦高阶〔discharge〕More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years.在获释的犯人中有一半多在两年内又被再次判刑。剑桥高阶〔discretion〕The matter came within his discretion.这件事他可以权宜处置。英汉大词典〔dissenting〕There are few dissenting voices within the party.党内有少数反对的声音。韦氏高阶〔distance〕Success is now within striking distance.成功只是举手之劳了。英汉大词典〔distance〕The house was within walking distance of the university.这所房子到那所大学并不远,可以走路去。麦克米伦高阶〔district〕The hotel is located within Beijing's business district.该宾馆坐落在北京商业区内。牛津搭配〔double〕The government aims to double the number of students in higher education within 25 years.政府计划在25年内使高校在校生人数翻一番。剑桥高阶〔double〕The number of managers must double to 100 within three years.三年内, 经理人数必须翻倍增加到100人。外研社新世纪〔earshot〕They were within earshot of each other.他们处在能听到对方说话的距离之内。韦氏高阶〔endogenous〕Produced or growing from within.内生的,内长的美国传统〔enteric〕Of, relating to, or being within the intestine.肠的:在肠内的,或与肠相关的美国传统〔expose〕He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force.他扬言要把警队内部存在的种族歧视公之于众。牛津高阶〔extreme〕There are people at both extremes within the party.党内极左极右派都有。韦氏高阶〔factionalism〕There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement.运动中一直存在着大量的派系冲突。外研社新世纪〔factionalism〕There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement.运动中有大量的宗派之争。柯林斯高阶〔faintly〕There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.他内心深处仍怀有一丝隐约的希望:她也许永远不必知晓。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.这件事情完全在该委员会的管辖范围之内。牛津搭配〔fascicular cambium〕Cambium that develops within the vascular bundle.簇生层:在瓶状体束内形成的层美国传统〔fragmentation〕The issue of fragmentation within the physical education profession is still unresolved.体育教育中的碎片化问题还未解决。外研社新世纪〔framework〕We have to act within the existing legal framework.我们必须在现行的法律框架下行事。朗文当代〔fret〕An ornamental design consisting of repeated and symmetrical figures, often in relief, contained within a band or border.回纹饰:一种带有重复性的、对称性图案的装饰性设计,常见于浮雕中的条饰或边沿美国传统〔generation〕Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.就在不到一代人的时间里, 坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。外研社新世纪〔goods〕The goods will be delivered within ten days.货物将在 10 天内送达。牛津搭配〔gridlock〕A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused by the blockage of key intersections within a grid of streets.交通大堵塞:车辆完全不可能移动的交通堵塞,尤指因为在棋盘式街道中的重要路口发生堵塞而引起的交通停滞美国传统〔hair's breadth〕The dollar fell to within a hair's breadth of its all-time low.美元几乎跌至历史最低点。外研社新世纪〔highlight〕The incident has sadly only served to highlight the differences within the party.令人痛心的是,这一事件只是凸显了政党内部存在的种种分歧。牛津搭配〔hope〕I hope to get a job within the next two weeks.我希望能在未来两周内找到一份工作。柯林斯高阶〔hour〕We hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour).我们希望能在一个小时之内到达那里。牛津搭配〔human〕The desire for joy lies deep within the human spirit .对快乐的渴求藏在人类心灵的深处。朗文当代〔hum〕Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.五小时之内, 设备又会嗡嗡地运转起来。外研社新世纪〔illusion〕Within the first week at college all my illusions were shattered.大学的第一个星期还没结束,我所有的幻想就已全部破灭了。牛津搭配〔inbreeding〕The breeding of related individuals within an isolated or a closed group of organisms or people.近亲繁殖:在一个分离的或封闭的生物群或人群内部进行的近亲繁殖美国传统〔inquire within〕Saturday staff needed - Inquire within.招聘周六工作人员——详情请入内咨询。剑桥高阶〔intramolecular〕Within a molecule.分子内的:在分子内部的美国传统〔intrauterine〕Occurring or situated within the uterus.子宫内的:发生于或位于子宫内部的美国传统〔law〕Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.辩护律师可在法律许可的范围内利用任何手段为当事人脱罪。牛津高阶〔law〕You can't take that course of action and remain within the law.如果那样做就会触犯法律。剑桥高阶〔limiting〕In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence.在这种情况下,我们会把能告诉你的都告诉你,当然这是有限度的,而且需要保密。柯林斯高阶〔means〕It is far better to pay off old debts steadily by living within your means.量入为出地一步步偿还旧债,这个方法要好得多。柯林斯高阶〔mean〕You ought to live within your means.你应该量力为出美国传统〔measure〕We must keep it within measure.我们必须时刻掌握好分寸。外研社新世纪〔milieu〕They stayed, safe and happy, within their own social milieu.他们待在自己所属的社交圈里, 安稳又愉快。外研社新世纪〔minute〕Within minutes (或a minute), the police arrived.转瞬间警察赶到了。英汉大词典〔niche〕The particular area within a habitat occupied by an organism.生物居所的特定区间:在一个栖息地内一个有机体占据的特殊空间美国传统〔note〕Please note that the bill must be paid within ten days.请注意本账单必须在十天以内付清。朗文当代〔of〕We live within a mile of the school.我们住在距学校不到1英里的地方。剑桥高阶〔option〕Baseball To transfer (a player) to a minor-league club with the option of recalling him within a specified period of time.【棒球】 调动球员:将(一位棒球手)转入普通协会并在一定时期内可选择是否将其召回美国传统〔oscillate〕Physics To vary between alternate extremes, usually within a definable period of time.【物理学】 振荡,振动:在两个振动极端间变化,通常指在一段确定的时间里美国传统〔outwit〕To win the presidency he had first to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.要想赢得总统之位,他必须首先智胜其在社会党内的竞选对手。柯林斯高阶〔out〕The firefighters arrived, and within minutes the fire was out.消防员赶到,几分钟后火就扑灭了。朗文当代〔paramedic〕We intend to have a paramedic on every ambulance within the next three years.我们计划在未来3年内为每辆救护车配备一名急救医士。柯林斯高阶〔parameter〕The investigation stayed within the parameters set by the court.调查是在法庭制定的规范下进行的。韦氏高阶〔pay for itself〕You save so much on heating costs with our high-quality windows that the windows will pay for themselves within five years! 使用我们的优质窗户,你可以节省大量供暖费用,五年内就可以收回成本。韦氏高阶〔pay〕A more efficient machine would pay for itself within a year.效率更高的机器会在一年内自己把成本赚回来。麦克米伦高阶〔performance〕This was a very impressive performance by the young player, who scored 14 points within the first ten minutes.那位年轻球员的表现十分出色,在开场10分钟内就得了14分。剑桥高阶〔periplasm〕The region near or immediately within a bacterial or other cell wall, outside the plasma membrane.周质:在细菌或其它细胞壁之间或附近,原生质膜外的地区美国传统〔planetary〕Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.在我们自己的星系里可能有数以万计的行星系。柯林斯高阶〔pound〕I said it was a pound to a penny they'd get married within a year — and they did! 我说过他们很可能在一年之内结婚——果不出所料! 英汉大词典〔precinct〕A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.监狱院落里发现了一个地道入口。剑桥高阶〔precinct〕He took up residence in chambers within the precinct of a monastery.他在一个修道院院落内的寝室里住了下来。牛津搭配〔precinct〕Women aren't allowed within the precincts of this men's club.此男子俱乐部妇女免进。英汉大词典〔pregnant〕Carrying developing offspring within the body.怀孕的:体内怀有生长着的后代的美国传统〔presentiment〕There was a presentiment of dread within him.他心中有一种恐怖的预感。英汉大词典〔prestige〕The post carried great prestige within the police force.这个职位在警察系统内很受尊重。牛津搭配〔prettify〕Everything in the town seems to have been prettified to within an inch of its life.镇上的各种事物看来都被过度美化,其生命力几乎就此殆灭。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole; balance or symmetry.均称,平衡:整体中各部分之间协调或和谐的关系;平衡或对称美国传统〔province〕It's within his province to issue authorization.他有权授权。英汉大词典〔raise〕Within two months Kelly got a raise.两个月之内凯利就涨薪了。外研社新世纪〔range〕He shouted angrily at anyone within range.他看见谁就对谁吼叫。牛津高阶〔range〕Your blood pressure's well within the normal range.你的血压非常正常。朗文当代〔reach〕Isabelle placed a cup on the table within his reach.伊莎贝尔在他旁边的桌子上放了一只杯子。外研社新世纪〔reach〕Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.伊莎贝尔把酒杯放在桌上他伸手可及的地方。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕We can wear anything we like to the office, within reason.只要不出格,我们在办公室可以爱穿什么就穿什么。剑桥高阶〔reference〕People interpret events within their own frame of reference.人们都根据自己的标准来解读各类事件。牛津搭配〔referral〕Only 39 percent of patients were seen within four weeks of referral.被介绍转诊的病人,只有 39% 的人在四个星期内就诊。朗文当代〔remit〕That issue is not within the remit of the working group.那个问题不在工作组的职权范围之内。柯林斯高阶〔reside〕Meaning resides within the text of the poem.诗的含义体现在诗文中。韦氏高阶〔restraint〕We did the best we could within the limited time restraints.我们在有限的时间内尽了最大的努力。牛津搭配〔retell〕It is a tale which has often been retold within West Indian literature.这是西印度群岛文学中广为流传的故事。柯林斯高阶〔retraction〕Miss Pearce said she expected an unqualified retraction of his comments within twenty four hours.皮尔斯小姐说她希望他在24小时内无条件收回他的评论。柯林斯高阶〔rights〕You'd be within your rights to complain about those shoes, you know.你瞧, 你是有权抱怨那双鞋子的。外研社新世纪〔rumour〕There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement.运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。柯林斯高阶〔scramble〕A helicopter was scrambled within minutes of the news.直升机在接到消息几分钟之后紧急起飞。剑桥高阶〔second〕Within seconds he had disappeared from view.他不一会儿就从视野中消失了。牛津搭配〔see〕They saw off three enemy attacks within three days.他们在3天中打退了敌人的3次进攻。英汉大词典〔sell〕The tickets sold out within hours.几小时内票就卖光了。牛津高阶〔sight〕The ship sank within sight of the harbour.这艘船在靠近港口的地方沉没了。麦克米伦高阶〔sink〕Her heart sank within her.她的心情低落美国传统〔slate〕Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days.几项颇受争议的能源措施定于几天后提交参议院讨论。外研社新世纪〔spark〕A tiny spark of rebellion flared within her.一星反叛的小火花在她心中闪了一下。牛津搭配〔speed〕The car reaches a speed of 60 miles per hour within five seconds.这款车能在 5 秒钟之内提速到每小时 60 英里。牛津搭配〔sphere〕The region is within the Russian sphere of influence.这一地区在俄罗斯的势力范围内。牛津搭配〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中美国传统〔stable〕Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit.家庭内稳定的关系对孩子们有益。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕With the new train service, Northampton's now within striking distance.有了新的火车(通行)服务,北安普敦如今近在咫尺。麦克米伦高阶〔striking〕I believe we are within striking distance of an agreement.我认为我们即将达成协议。外研社新世纪〔subcategory〕A subdivision that has common differentiating characteristics within a larger category.亚类,子种类,子范畴:一个更大的种类或范畴中之具有相同特征的分类或子范畴美国传统〔subconscious〕The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.那段记忆深深埋藏在我的潜意识里。剑桥高阶〔subnuclear〕Of or located within the nucleus of an atom; smaller than the nucleus.亚核的:原子核内的,位于原子核内的;比原子核还小的美国传统〔subspecialty〕A narrow field of study or work within a specialty, as pediatric dermatology or geriatric psychiatry.分专业:一专业中的狭窄的研究领域或工作领域,例如小儿皮肤病学或老年心理学美国传统〔subtype〕A group forming a type within a larger type.亚型:较大类型中形成一类的群组美国传统〔symptomatic〕The dispute is symptomatic of tensions that exist within the union.这次争论表明了联合会内部的紧张关系。麦克米伦高阶〔tantalizingly〕The prize was tantalizingly within my reach.对我来说, 奖金看似伸手可及, 却又触摸不到。外研社新世纪〔target〕We are well within our target for trains arriving on time.火车准点率符合我们设定的目标。牛津搭配〔time trial〕A competitive event, as in sports, that participants must complete within a given period of time, often in order to qualify for another event.(汽车比赛等的)计时赛:为取得参加另一比赛项目资格的一种(运动)比赛项目,参加者必须在固定时间内完成美国传统〔trusty〕My trusty weapon was within reach at all times.我那件可靠的武器始终在我手边。英汉大词典〔undercurrent〕Despite the losing streak, there is an undercurrent of hope within the team.尽管连遭挫败,球队内部还是涌动着一股希望的暗流。韦氏高阶〔viviparous〕Zoology Giving birth to living offspring that develop within the mother's body. Most mammals and some other animals are viviparous.【动物学】 胎生的:通过在母体中发育产生后代的。绝大多数哺乳动物和其它一些动物为胎生美国传统〔volatility〕Within the six million Liberal voters there is much volatility.在自由党的600万选民中有很大程度的不稳定性。英汉大词典〔walk〕There are plenty of bars and restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.在离酒店几步路的地方,有许多酒吧和餐馆。朗文当代〔week〕I'll have the report finished within the next couple of weeks.我要在接下来的几个星期内完成这个报告。牛津搭配〔wheel〕Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。柯林斯高阶〔within〕Within an hour of our arrival Caroline was starting to complain.我们到达还没有一小时卡罗琳就开始抱怨了。朗文当代〔within〕Within criminal law almost anything could be defined as 'crime'.在刑法中,几乎任何行为都可以被界定为“犯罪”。柯林斯高阶〔within〕Within living memory these mountains were the home of the brown bear.在大家的记忆中,这些山是棕熊的家园。麦克米伦高阶〔within〕Within the space of a year, three of the town's factories have closed down.一年之内,镇上已有三家工厂关闭。朗文当代〔within〕At last our little boat came within sight of Alexandria Bay.在看得见的地方;在听得见的地方麦克米伦高阶〔within〕He'll arrive within an hour.他将在1小时内到达。英汉大词典〔within〕He's coping much better within himself.他心里好受多了。外研社新世纪〔within〕I'm feeling more relaxed within myself.我心里觉得更轻松了。朗文当代〔within〕In 1992 cross-border controls within the EU were dismantled.1992年,欧盟内部取消了边境通行管制。剑桥高阶〔within〕Prisoners who died were buried within the walls of the prison.死去的犯人就被葬在监狱的高墙之内。朗文当代〔within〕She has a kind of spiritual strength that comes from deep within.她的内心深处有一股巨大的精神力量。麦克米伦高阶〔within〕The motives that attract people to work within a social service are variable.吸引人们到社会福利部门工作的动机各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔within〕The prisoners demanded the freedom to meet within the prison.犯人要求享有在监狱内会见访客的自由。外研社新世纪〔within〕They were outwardly calm but nervous within.他们表面上显得冷静,内心却十分紧张。韦氏高阶〔work〕An architect must work within the confines of the laws of physics.建筑师工作时必须遵循物理学定律。牛津搭配〔zooxanthella〕Any of various yellow-green algae that live symbiotically within the cells of other organisms, such as those of certain radiolarians and marine invertebrates.动物黄藻:与其它生物细胞共生的黄绿色海藻,如某些放射虫和海生无脊椎动物美国传统Within three feet of her was the divan. 长沙发椅在离她三尺远的地方。译典通Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.在到达后两周内所有外国人都必须到当地警察局登记。剑桥国际A tax-free sum is guaranteed if the life assured dies within the specified period.如果寿险投保人在指定期限内去世,可以获得免税赔偿额。牛津商务An updated version of the software will be available within six months.这软件的更新版本六个月内就可上市。剑桥国际Both international and domestic flights (= ones flying only within the country itself) will be disrupted by the strikes.无论国际的还是国内的班机都会受到罢工的扰乱。剑桥国际Could you confirm your booking in writing within three days, please.请在3日之内以书面形式确定你的预约。剑桥国际He believes that it isn't dangerous for a baby to be born underwater, provided that it is brought to the surface (= brought above the top part of the water) within seconds of being born.他认为婴儿在水下出生并不危险,只要在出生后几秒钟内立刻把它送到水面上来。剑桥国际He couldn't believe a direct challenge to his leadership was coming from within his own party.他无法相信对他领导地位的直接挑战正来自他自己的党派内。剑桥国际He was prepared to put his head on the block and say the bank would be profitable within one year.他准备冒险断言这银行将在一年之内获利。牛津商务I am extremely worried about the growing rift within our party. 我对党内日益滋生的嫌隙甚感忧心。译典通If I'm not promoted within the next two years I'm going to change jobs.如果我在今后的两年内得不到提升,我打算换工作。剑桥国际If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off.如果这份帐单在五天内未被付清,将停止对你的煤气供应。剑桥国际If we plan (= make decisions) carefully, we should be able to stay within our budget.如果我们小心地计划,我们可以不超支。剑桥国际If we've got our sums right, we should be profitable within six months.如果我们的计算没错的话,我们在六个月内就会盈利。牛津商务If you feel insecure within a relationship there has to be a reason.你如果在某种关系中感到不稳定,那必定有原因。剑桥国际If you pay the balance on your monthly statement of account within 14 days, no interest will be payable.如果你在 14 天内付清月度对账单上的欠款,就不需要支付利息。牛津商务It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party.这项政策不得人心,在党内引起了众多分歧。剑桥国际Items should be paid for within 14 days of receipt.收到商品后应该在 14 天内付款。牛津商务Libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain within (their) budget.图书馆发现保持预算变得越来越困难。剑桥国际Passes are available for one month's unlimited travel within Europe.欧洲无限制旅行一个月的票有售。剑桥国际Regular application of the cream should reduce swelling within 24 hours.定时搽用本霜, 可在24小时内减轻红肿。剑桥国际She fell ill suddenly and was dead within a week.她突然病倒,一星期内就死了。剑桥国际The government is aiming for all schools to be wired up to the Internet within five years.政府的目标是在五年内使所有学校接入互联网。牛津商务The publication is popular within the 15 to 24-year-old male demographic.这出版物受 15 至 24 岁的男性顾客欢迎。牛津商务The range of the missiles (= distance within which they could operate) was 30 miles.该导弹的射程为三十英里。剑桥国际The team's standout goalie made four spectacular saves within the first 40 minutes of play.这队出色的守门员在比赛的前40分钟内救出了4个险球。剑桥国际There are no signs of any cleavage within the union about the strike.在工会内部对于罢工没有任何分歧的迹象。剑桥国际There were increasing signs of restiveness within the party.党内有越来越多的不耐烦迹象。剑桥国际This new business is predicted to start producing revenue within a year.预计这家新企业一年内开始赢利。牛津商务Under the present law, death sentences cannot be carried out within ten days of their promulgation.在现行法律下,死刑判决在颁布之日起十天内不能执行。剑桥国际We camped within sound of the sea. 我们在听得见海涛声的地方露营。译典通We live within (easy) reach of the station.我们住在离车站不远处。剑桥国际We're looking for a house which is within sight of (= from which it is possible to see) the mountains.我们正在找一所能看到群山的房子。剑桥国际You can wear what you like -- within limits -- though I don't suppose they'd welcome you in if you were wearing jeans.虽然我不认为你穿牛仔裤他们会欢迎你----不过你可以在容许的范围内穿你所喜欢的任何衣服。剑桥国际You don't expect to make much profit within the first couple of years of setting up a company.你不要指望在开办公司的头几年里赚取许多利润。剑桥国际




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