

单词 不稳的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RISK〕No one would lend money to a company in such a precarious position. 没人会借钱给一家处境这么不稳的公司。朗文写作活用〔brittle〕This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。柯林斯高阶〔dotty〕Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky.不稳的,虚弱的;摇晃的美国传统〔dribble〕A weak, unsteady stream; a trickle.细流,涓滴:弱而不稳的水流;细流美国传统〔groggy〕Unsteady and dazed; shaky.摇摇晃晃的,不稳的,头晕的:不稳的或发晕的;摇晃的美国传统〔jiggle〕To move or rock lightly up and down or to and fro in an unsteady, jerky manner.抖动:以颠簸、不稳的状态前后上下轻微地摇晃或移动美国传统〔shamble〕To walk in an awkward, lazy, or unsteady manner, shuffling the feet.蹒跚而行:以一种笨拙、疲懒或不稳的方式行走;曳足而行美国传统〔tender〕Nautical Likely to heel easily under sail; crank.【航海】 易倾斜的:扬帆时易倾斜的;不稳的美国传统〔tipsy〕Unsteady or crooked.不稳的或歪斜的美国传统〔toddle〕An unsteady gait.蹒跚行走:一种不稳的步子美国传统〔toddle〕To walk with short, unsteady steps.蹒跚行走:用小而不稳的步子走美国传统〔top-heavy〕Likely to topple because of an uneven distribution of weight, with the majority being at the top.头重脚轻的,不稳的:由于重量分布不均,头部承受了大多数重量而导致容易翻倒美国传统〔unstable〕It is a poor and politically unstable society.这是一个贫穷落后且政局不稳的社会。剑桥高阶〔unsteady〕Not firm, solid, or securely in place; unstable.不稳的:不坚实,不牢固或不稳固地处于某一位置的;不稳的美国传统




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