

单词 back of
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BACK〕at the back of something 在某物的后面朗文写作活用〔BEHIND〕at the back of something and usually hidden by it 在某物后面,通常被其遮掩朗文写作活用〔BEHIND〕the back of something 某物的背面朗文写作活用〔adjustment〕a technician made an adjustment to a smoke machine at the back of the auditorium.技工在礼堂后部对烟雾机作了调整。柯林斯高阶〔annex〕a secret annex at the back of the warehouse 仓库后面增建的密室英汉大词典〔at〕a jacket on the back of a chair 椅背上的外套朗文当代〔at〕at the back of the room 在房间的后部朗文当代〔at〕the muscles at the back of the thigh大腿后面的肌肉外研社新世纪〔back〕a back room(= one at the back of a building) 后室(位于建筑物后部)牛津高阶〔back〕a garden at the back of a house 屋后的园子英汉大词典〔back〕a stream back of the house 屋后小溪英汉大词典〔back〕an appendix at the back of a book 书末附录英汉大词典〔back〕break the back of enemy resistance 摧毁敌人的抵抗英汉大词典〔back〕give the back of the hand to the bastards 把王八羔子们狠狠训一顿英汉大词典〔back〕issues of the magazine back of 1980 这份杂志1980年以前出版的各期英汉大词典〔back〕riding on the back of a horse/donkey/camel 骑在马/驴/骆驼的背上韦氏高阶〔back〕stick sth. away in the back of one's head 把某事深藏在心底英汉大词典〔back〕the back of a carpet (coin) 地毯 (硬币) 的背面英汉大词典〔back〕the back of a chair (knife, bow) 椅 (刀,弓) 背英汉大词典〔back〕the back of a couch.睡椅的靠背美国传统〔back〕the back of a mirror/spoon 镜子/汤匙的背面韦氏高阶〔back〕the back of a ship.船尾。牛津同义词〔back〕the back of a train.列车的末节。牛津同义词〔back〕the back of an animal.动物的后部。牛津同义词〔back〕the back of the hand/leg/foot 手背;腿的后部;脚背韦氏高阶〔back〕the back of the hand; wrote on the back of the photograph.手背;写在照片背面美国传统〔back〕the back of the head 后脑勺韦氏高阶〔back〕the houses back of the church 位于教堂后面的房屋牛津高阶〔burn〕a slight burn on the back of her hand 她手背上的一处轻度烧伤牛津搭配〔cervical〕cervical vertebrae (=the bones in the back of your neck) 颈椎骨朗文当代〔cheap shot〕a cheap shot to the back of the head 犯规击打(对方球员)的后脑勺韦氏高阶〔curve〕curve the back of a sofa in a graceful arc 使沙发背呈优美的弧线形英汉大词典〔general〕a general ache radiating from the back of the neck.从后颈部扩散到全身的疼痛柯林斯高阶〔general〕a general ache radiating from the back of the neck从后颈部扩展到全身的疼痛外研社新世纪〔hackle〕hackles The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog. hackles 颈背部毛:动物,尤其是狗的颈背部可竖起的毛美国传统〔heavy〕a heavy blow on the back of the skull.后脑勺遭到的一记重击柯林斯高阶〔infant〕an infant carrier in the back of a car.汽车后部的婴儿座椅柯林斯高阶〔keyboard〕the mouse and keyboard ports on the back of your computer 电脑后侧的鼠标和键盘端口牛津搭配〔of〕a pain in the back of my head 我后脑勺的疼痛麦克米伦高阶〔of〕the back of the house 房子的后面朗文当代〔of〕the back of your dress 你衣服的背部剑桥高阶〔padded〕a landing pad on the back of the ship.船尾的停机坪柯林斯高阶〔practicable〕a practicable door at the back of the stage 舞台后部可启闭的布景门英汉大词典〔prong〕a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot.骑马人马靴后跟上镶着的马刺柯林斯高阶〔prong〕a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot骑马人马靴后跟上镶着的马刺外研社新世纪〔rub〕rub one's thumb on the back of one's head 用拇指擦擦后脑勺英汉大词典〔simmer〕thoughts simmering in the back of her mind.在她脑海中酝酿的各种思想美国传统〔slat〕slatting the back of a chair.用板条做椅子的靠背美国传统〔vault〕vault onto the back of a horse 跳上马背文馨英汉a small workroom at the back of the shop 商店后面的小工作室牛津商务




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