

单词 untouched
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USE〕The guests had disappeared and the food was untouched. 客人不见了,食物也没有动过。朗文写作活用〔USE〕We managed to leave our savings untouched when we bought the new car. 我们买新车时设法没有动用储蓄。朗文写作活用〔at someone's elbow〕The drink at her elbow was untouched.她旁边的饮料没有动过。韦氏高阶〔capital〕She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.她不动用银行里的本金,靠利息生活。剑桥高阶〔comb〕We're going over the house with a fine-tooth comb. Nothing will be left untouched.我们在仔细地检查屋子各处, 任何地方都不会漏掉。外研社新世纪〔desolate〕Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place.这里大半遭毁,几乎没有一栋建筑完好无损,变成了一块荒废之地。柯林斯高阶〔dorian gray〕He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process.他像是不受衰老过程的影响,青春永驻。牛津高阶〔heartstrings〕The eyes are dazzled by this work, but the heartstrings are left untouched.这件作品让他们眼花缭乱, 但内心却没有受到触动。外研社新世纪〔influence〕For centuries the country remained untouched by outside influences .许多世纪以来,该国一直未受到外界影响。朗文当代〔leave〕He rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched .他从餐桌旁站起来,白兰地一口也没喝。朗文当代〔relic〕Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.屋里的一切似乎都很古老,没有人动过,就像是古时的遗迹。朗文当代〔tourism〕These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism.这些美丽的古城相对而言还没有怎么受到旅游业的影响。剑桥高阶〔untouched〕Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕Asian airlines remained untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲各航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕Ducie is one of the world's last untouched islands, nearly 5,000km from Australia.迪西岛是当今世上仅存的几个不染尘嚣的岛屿之一,距澳大利亚近5,000公里。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕Ducie is one of the world's last untouched islands.迪西岛是全球最后几座保持自然风貌的岛屿之一。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕Few families were untouched by the war.没有几个家庭未曾遭受战争的创伤。麦克米伦高阶〔untouched〕He left his food untouched.他的食物连动都没动。韦氏高阶〔untouched〕He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.他咕哝了些什么,然后食物丝毫未动就进了起居室。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.他小声嘀咕着什么, 然后走进了起居室, 食物一口未动地放在那儿。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕In the second volume he left few areas of our life untouched.在第二卷中他对我们生活的各个方面几乎都谈到了。英汉大词典〔untouched〕Michael pointed out to me that amongst the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched.迈克尔指给我看说,瓦砾中有一栋建筑完好无损。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕Most of the countryside has been left wild and untouched.乡村的大部分地方仍保持着蛮荒自然的风貌,未遭受破坏。麦克米伦高阶〔untouched〕Most of the east coast remains untouched by tourism.东海岸的大部分地区还没受到旅游业的侵扰。剑桥高阶〔untouched〕Several papers lay untouched on the desk.有几份文件原封不动地放在书桌上。朗文当代〔untouched〕She left her meal untouched.她的饭连动都没动。牛津高阶〔untouched〕She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.她打发人把一盘一口未动的早餐送回去。英汉大词典〔untouched〕She stood with an untouched cocktail in her hand.她站着,手里拿着一杯不曾沾唇的鸡尾酒。英汉大词典〔untouched〕She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.她喝了几勺汤,但主菜却没有动过。剑桥高阶〔untouched〕She was untouched by the life around her.她没有受周围生活的影响。英汉大词典〔untouched〕Some banknotes had been taken but the credit cards were left untouched.一些钞票被拿走了, 但是信用卡却原封未动。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。牛津高阶〔untouched〕The artist's biographer left a few important events of his life untouched.传记作者对这位艺术家一生中的几个重要事件没有提及。韦氏高阶〔untouched〕The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过, 吐司也已经凉了。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过,吐司已经凉了。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕The desk had been rifled for money, some banknotes taken but cheque-book and credit cards left untouched.为了找到钱,桌子被翻过了,拿走了一些钞票,但支票簿和信用卡原封未动。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.合同的最后一项条款将不作改动。牛津高阶〔untouched〕The miser was untouched by the poor man's story.吝啬鬼对那穷人的叙述无动于衷。英汉大词典〔untouched〕The new piano stood untouched for weeks.新钢琴放了几个星期没有人碰过。英汉大词典〔untouched〕The old facade of the station remains untouched.这个车站的古老外观一直未变。英汉大词典〔untouched〕The original agreement remains untouched.最初的协议依然未变。韦氏高阶〔untouched〕The piano was untouched for years.这架钢琴多年来一直都无人弹过。韦氏高阶〔untouched〕There was one building among the rubble that remained untouched.瓦砾中有一栋建筑完好无损。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕Vested interests were left untouched.既得利益未受影响。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕Vested interests were left untouched.既得利益未受影响。柯林斯高阶〔virginal〕Untouched or unsullied; fresh.未被触碰的或未被玷污的;新鲜的美国传统〔virginity〕The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched.纯洁:未被玷污或未被碰触的状态美国传统〔war〕Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.6 年的全面战争让所有的公民都受到了影响。牛津搭配Brugge was untouched by the industrial revolution that ravaged other European cities in the last century.布鲁日城并没有受到上世纪席卷其他欧洲城市的工业革命的影响。剑桥国际Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.不幸中的万幸是东海岸的大部分仍未受到旅游业的冲击。剑桥国际She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.她不动用银行里的本金,靠利息生活。剑桥国际She sent back her breakfast tray untouched. 她打发人将一盘她一口未动的早餐送回。译典通She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.她喝了几汤匙汤, 主菜却没有动过。剑桥国际The island has been untouched by tourism. 该岛未受旅游业的影响。译典通The money from the land sale sits untouched in a trust fund.从土地售卖中赚的钱仍放在信托基金中没动过。剑桥国际These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism.这些古老美丽的城镇相对地还没有受到旅游业的影响。剑桥国际




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