

单词 will to live
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕The will to live can be a vital factor in recovery. 求生的意志有时是康复的一个极重要因素。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕When her husband died, she seemed to lose the will to live. 丈夫去世后,她似乎失去了活下去的意志。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The Muslim residents say they are ready and willing to live side by side with their neighbors again. 穆斯林居民称,他们非常乐意和邻居重修旧好,和睦相处。朗文写作活用〔approve〕I don't personally approve but I'm willing to live with it.我本人对此并不赞同,但是我会容忍。牛津搭配〔pine away〕I believe she actually pined away, lost her will to live.我想她实际上已经变得非常憔悴, 不想再活下去了。外研社新世纪〔will〕After six months in hospital she began to lose the will to live (= the desire and determination to stay alive).住院6个月后,她开始失去活下去的勇气。剑桥高阶〔will〕Even though she was in terrible pain, Mary never lost the will to live.虽然承受着巨大的痛苦,玛丽从未丧失活下去的意志。朗文当代〔will〕In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live.尽管如此遭遇,他从未丧失活下去的意志。牛津高阶〔will〕She gradually regained the will to live.她渐渐恢复了活下去的勇气。牛津搭配〔will〕She has lost her will to live.她已丧失求生的欲望。文馨英汉After six months in hospital she began to lose the will to live (= the desire and determination to stay alive).住院6个月后,她开始失去生存的勇气。剑桥国际




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