

单词 when not
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advance〕When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。柯林斯高阶〔advance〕When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时, 就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。外研社新世纪〔bench〕The place where the players on a team sit when not participating in a game.赛场外板凳:不参加比赛的运动员坐的地方美国传统〔cohabit〕To live together in a sexual relationship when not legally married.未婚同居:无法定婚姻住在一起,有性关系美国传统〔commission〕Ships will remain in commission when not refitting.不进行整修的舰船将继续服役。英汉大词典〔decayed〕When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。柯林斯高阶〔decay〕When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.牙菌斑如果不及时清除, 会导致龋齿和齿龈问题。外研社新世纪〔drop leaf〕A hinged wing on a table that can be folded down when not in use.垂板:桌子上用铰链联接的活动桌板,不用时可折转放下美国传统〔faldstool〕A folding chair or stool, especially one used by a bishop when not occupying the throne or when presiding away from the cathedral.折叠椅:可折叠的椅子或凳子,特指主教离开主教座或他的主教座堂以外主持圣事时使用的美国传统〔feeling〕He had developed a feeling for when not to disturb her.他已经逐渐意识到什么时候不要去打扰她。牛津搭配〔fold〕When not in use it folds up out of the way.不用时就折起放好。柯林斯高阶〔fold〕The table folds up when not in use.桌子不用时可以折叠起来。剑桥高阶〔fold〕The table folds up when not in use.这桌子不用时可以折叠起来。牛津高阶〔kickstand〕A swiveling metal bar for holding a two-wheeled vehicle, such as a motorcycle, upright when not being ridden.撑脚架:一个可转动的金属条,以使两轮车(如摩托车)在不骑时可以保持直立美国传统〔leash law〕An ordinance requiring that dogs be kept on a leash when not restricted to their owners' property.管制法令:一条要求当狗不在其主人地产内活动时必须拴在皮带上的法令美国传统〔pincushion〕A small, firm cushion into which pins are stuck when not in use.(供缝纫针用的)针垫:一种小而硬的垫子,不用针时可插在上面美国传统〔pocketknife〕A small knife with blades or a blade that can fold into the handle when not in use.小折刀,小刀:一种有几个刃或一个刃的小刀,不用时可折起来收进柄内美国传统〔rest〕At rest (= when not moving) the insect looks like a dead leaf.这种昆虫静止时就像一片枯树叶。牛津搭配〔straight razor〕A razor consisting of a blade hinged to a handle into which it slips when not in use.折叠式剃刀:一种刀片连在刀把上、不用时能折叠到刀把里去的剃刀美国传统〔stress〕Katy could think clearly when not under stress.在没有精神压力的情况下凯蒂思路清晰。柯林斯高阶〔stress〕Katy could think clearly when not under stress.凯蒂在没有压力时思路清晰。外研社新世纪The device detaches from the computer completely when not in use.这设备不用时完全可以从计算机上取下来。牛津商务Those were the good old days when not everything had a price.那些是过去的好日子,那时并不是所有东西都收费的。剑桥国际We had to put in/pull out the extra leaf of the table (= extra part of the table that can be folded away when not wanted) because there were eight of us for dinner.我们必须再支起桌子的一个活边因为晚上有八个人吃饭。剑桥国际We went out for a walk at five in the morning, when not a soul was stirring (= when no one else was awake or moving about).我们清晨5点外出散步时不见其他人影。剑桥国际




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