

单词 urge on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chirrup〕A series of clucks or clicking sounds, such as those made to urge on a horse.咂嘴声:如催促马时发出的一连串咯咯声或啪嗒声美国传统〔halloo〕To urge on or pursue by calling "halloo" or shouting.发出“嘿”声激励或追赶美国传统〔halloo〕Used to urge on hounds in a hunt.嗬:打猎时嗾狗发出的声音美国传统〔urge on〕Urged on by his mother, he set out to become a doctor.在母亲的鼓励下, 他决心做一名医生。外研社新世纪〔urge〕Urged on by the crowd, the Italian team scored two more goals.受到观众的激励,意大利队又进了两球。朗文当代〔urge〕The President, urged on by his staff, has decided to attend the talks.在幕僚们的怂恿下,总统已决定去参加会谈。英汉大词典From the beginning of their training our coach urges on players the importance of physical fitness.对他们的训练一开始,我们的教练就要求运动员们注意体能的重要性。剑桥国际




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