

单词 western
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-powered〕In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.在西方人眼里,伊拉克是位于具有重要战略意义的地区的一个重要强国。柯林斯高阶〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Clint Eastwood was excellent as the strong, silent hero in his many westerns. 克林特·伊斯特伍德在许多西部片中把坚强寡言的英雄演得很出色。朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕The Romans conquered almost the whole of Western Europe. 罗马人几乎征服了整个西欧。朗文写作活用〔Adak〕An island of western Alaska in the central Aleutian Islands. It was an important military base during World War II.艾德克岛:美国阿拉斯加西部的一岛屿,位于阿留申群岛中部。二战期间为重要的军事基地美国传统〔American Spanish〕The Spanish language as used in the Western Hemisphere.美式西班牙语:在西半球使用的西班牙语美国传统〔American〕Of or relating to North or South America, the West Indies, or the Western Hemisphere.美洲的,西半球的:北美洲、南美洲、西印度群岛或西半球的,与其有关的美国传统〔Arran〕A granite island of western Scotland in the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort area noted for its scenery and its hunting and fishing.阿兰岛:苏格兰西部克莱德港湾的一花岗岩岛。是一旅游胜地,以其风景,狩猎和钓鱼著称美国传统〔Avalon〕In Arthurian legend, an island paradise in the western seas to which King Arthur went at his death.阿渥伦:亚瑟王传奇中的天堂岛,在西海,亚瑟王终老于此美国传统〔BOOKS〕He writes Westerns in which the main characters are gay. 他写美国西部小说,其中的主角都是同性恋。朗文写作活用〔Baluchistan〕A desert region of western Pakistan bounded by Iran, Afghanistan, and the Arabian Sea.俾路支:巴基斯坦西部一沙漠地带,以伊朗、阿富汗和阿拉伯海为界美国传统〔Banat〕A region of southeast-central Europe extending across western Romania, northeast Yugoslavia, and southern Hungary.巴纳特:欧洲中部偏东南的一地区,延伸至罗马尼亚西部,南斯拉夫东北部和匈牙利南部美国传统〔Bannock〕A Native American people inhabiting southeast Idaho and western Wyoming.班诺克人:居住于美国爱达荷州东南部和怀俄明州西部的美洲人土著美国传统〔Barotseland〕A former kindgom of central Africa, now the western part of Zambia.巴罗策兰省:非洲中部以前的一个王国,现在位于赞比亚的西部美国传统〔Belitung〕An island of western Indonesia in the Java Sea between Sumatra and Borneo. It has important tin mines.勿里洞岛:印度尼西亚西部一岛屿,位于爪哇海和苏门答腊岛与婆罗洲岛之间,有重要的锡矿美国传统〔Biscay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting the western coast of Europe from Brittany in northwest France southward to northwest Spain.比斯开湾:大西洋一海湾,在欧洲西海岸从法国西北的布列塔尼向南沿伸到西班牙西北,呈锯齿状美国传统〔COUNTRY〕Western countries have been accused of interfering in Brazil's internal problems. 有人指责西方国家干预巴西国内问题。朗文写作活用〔Cardigan Bay〕A wide-mouthed inlet of St. George's Channel on the western coast of Wales.卡迪根湾:威尔士西部海岸圣乔治海峡的开阔海湾美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕The central of three ranges of the Andes in western Colombia.中科迪勒拉山脉:哥伦比亚西部安第斯山脉三个区的中心地段美国传统〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕The authorities were worried about the influence of Western films and TV programmes. 当局担心西方电影和电视节目的影响。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕The disease has been eradicated from the Western world through the use of vaccines. 这种疾病在西方国家已经通过使用疫苗根除了。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕Unemployment is a problem that many Western governments continue to face. 失业是许多西方政府继续要面对的一个问题。朗文写作活用〔GREEDY〕Western societies are becoming more materialistic as their wealth increases. 随着财富的增加,西方社会越来越物质至上了。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain. 西部高地的风光雄伟壮丽,这在英国其他地方是没有的。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕The latest news has raised hopes that another Western hostage might soon be released. 最新的消息燃起了人们的希望—又一名西方人质可能很快就会获释了。朗文写作活用〔Hecate Strait〕A channel of western British Columbia, Canada, separating the Queen Charlotte Islands from coastal islands off the mainland of the province.赫卡威海峡:加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚西部的一海峡,把夏洛特女王群岛与该省大陆之外的沿海群岛分开美国传统〔Hidatsa〕A Native American people inhabiting an area along the Missouri River in western North Dakota.希达茨族:居住在北达科他西部密苏里河流城的美洲土著居民美国传统〔Honduras〕An inlet of the western Caribbean Sea bordering on Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala.洪都拉斯湾:西加勒比海一小湾,濒临伯利兹,洪都拉斯和危地马拉美国传统〔Indian pony〕A small, hardy horse of western North America, often used for crossbreeding.印第安小马:北美洲西部的一种矮小强健的马,多用来作种马与其它马杂交美国传统〔Ionian Sea〕An arm of the Mediterranean Sea between western Greece and southern Italy. It is linked with the Adriatic Sea by the Strait of Otranto.爱奥尼亚海:位于希腊西部和意大利南部的地中海的一部分。它通过奥特朗托海峡与亚德里亚海相连美国传统〔Iranian〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Persian, Kurdish, Pashto, and other languages of Iran, Afghanistan, and western Pakistan.伊朗语:印欧语系的一支,包括波斯语,库尔德语,普什图语和伊朗,阿富汗以及巴基斯坦西部其它语言美国传统〔Kathiawar〕A peninsula of western India projecting into the Arabian Sea between the Gulfs of Kutch and Cambay.卡提阿瓦半岛:印度西部伸入阿拉伯海的一个半岛,位于卡奇湾和坎贝湾之间美国传统〔Mackinaw blanket〕A thick blanket in solid colors or stripes, formerly used in northern and western North America by traders, trappers, and Native Americans.麦基诺毯:深色或有条形的厚毯,曾被北美洲北部和西部的商人,狩猎者和美洲土著人使用美国传统〔Ostyak〕A member of a Finno-Ugric people inhabiting western Siberia.奥斯加克人:居于西伯利亚西部的一支芬兰-乌戈尔族的一员美国传统〔Pitjantjatjara〕The Pama-Nyungan language of this people, used as a lingua franca in western Australia.皮詹加加拉语:皮詹加加拉人所使用的帕玛-努甘语,做为澳大利亚西部的共通语使用美国传统〔Príncipe〕An island of western Africa in the Gulf of Guinea, part of São Tomé and Príncipe.普林西比岛:非洲西部一岛屿,位于几内亚湾内,为岛国圣多美和普林西比的一部分美国传统〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Four Western tourists held by armed guerrillas in Kashmir began their seventh month in captivity today. 四名西方游客被克什米尔的武装游击队劫持,今天是第七个月了。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Trade relations between eastern and western Europe continue to expand. 东西欧之间的贸易关系在继续扩大。朗文写作活用〔Ronne Ice Shelf〕An area of shelf ice in western Antarctica south of the Weddell Sea.龙尼冰架:南极洲西部的陆架冰地区,位于威德尔海南部美国传统〔Rukwa〕A shallow lake of western Tanzania east of Lake Tanganyika.鲁夸:坦尚尼亚西部、坦干伊喀湖以东的一个浅湖.美国传统〔Río de Oro〕The southern part of Western Sahara in northwest Africa.里奥德奥罗:位于非洲西北的西撒哈拉沙漠南部美国传统〔Sagami Sea〕A bay of the western Pacific Ocean on the east-central coast of Honshu, Japan, south-southwest of Tokyo.相模海:日本本州岛中东部海岸、太平洋西部的一个海湾,位于东京的西南偏南美国传统〔Senegambia〕A region of western Africa watered by the Senegal and Gambia rivers.塞内冈比亚:非洲西部由塞内加尔河和冈比亚河灌溉的地区美国传统〔Sharon〕A fertile plain of western Israel extending along the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa.沙伦平原:以色列西部的一片肥沃平原,沿海法南部地中海海岸线延伸开来美国传统〔Shilluk〕A member of a people inhabiting the western bank of the Nile River in southern Sudan.希卢克人:居住在苏丹南部尼罗河西岸一个部族的成员美国传统〔Staffa〕An island of western Scotland in the Inner Hebrides west of Mull.斯塔福岛:苏格兰西部一岛屿,位于摩尔以西的内黑柏那美国传统〔Tarim Pendi〕An arid basin of western China south of the Tien Shan and traversed by the Tarim He. The ancient Silk Road passed through the region.塔里木盆地:中国西部一干燥盆地,位于天山以南,中间有塔里木河流过。古时的丝绸之路就从这一地区穿过美国传统〔Tuareg〕A member of a Moslem, Berber-speaking people inhabiting the western and central Sahara and western Sahel of northwest Africa.柏柏尔人:说柏柏尔语的穆斯林民族的一支,居住在撒哈拉西部和中部以及非洲西北的西撒黑尔美国传统〔Vogul〕A member of a people inhabiting the region of the Ob River in western Siberia, closely related to the Ostyak.沃古尔人:一个居住在西伯利亚西部鄂毕河畔的民族,与奥斯加克人是近亲美国传统〔West Coast〕A region of the western United States bordering on the Pacific Ocean and including Washington, Oregon, and California.西海岸:美国西部临太平洋的地区,包括华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州美国传统〔Western〕Western Europe西欧外研社新世纪〔Western〕Mexico had the support of the big Western governments.墨西哥得到了西方大国政府的支持。外研社新世纪〔adequate〕The western diet should be perfectly adequate for most people.西方的日常饮食应该完全能满足大多数人的要求。外研社新世纪〔advantage〕Western countries enjoyed considerable advantages in terms of technology.在技术方面,西方国家具有很大优势。朗文当代〔applicable〕Western notions of human rights are not necessarily applicable in other societies.西方的人权观念不一定在其他国家也行得通。麦克米伦高阶〔assertion〕Altman asserted, 'We were making a political statement about western civilisation and greed.' 奥尔特曼坚称,“我们那时正要发表一份关于西方文明和贪婪的政治宣言。”柯林斯高阶〔audience〕These artists remain relatively unknown to Western audiences.这些艺术家相对而言仍不为西方的艺术爱好者所熟知。牛津搭配〔avidly〕Western suppliers too are competing avidly for business abroad.西方国家的供应商也在疯狂抢夺国外商机。柯林斯高阶〔bare〕The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.军队会用尽可能少的兵力扼守西部的沙漠。柯林斯高阶〔birth rate〕The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.英国15到19岁女性的生育率在西欧最高。外研社新世纪〔blasting〕The sound of western music blasted as she entered.她一进门便听到西部音乐震天的响声。柯林斯高阶〔blitz〕From now until election day, he'll be blitzing all four western provinces.从现在起一直到选举日, 他要迅速地将西部四省全部争取过来。外研社新世纪〔border〕They live just beyond the western border of the park.他们就住在靠近这个公园的西边。韦氏高阶〔boundary〕The river forms the country's western boundary.这条河是这个国家西端的界河。韦氏高阶〔cause〕U.S. officials expect other Western governments to make common cause with them over the arrests.美国官员希望其他的西方政府能和他们联手捉拿罪犯。朗文当代〔childcare〕Britain has one of the worst records for state-run pre-school childcare in Western Europe.在西欧,英国的公办学前儿童照管一向是最差的。柯林斯高阶〔civilization〕It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.在他看来, 西方文明世界似乎陷入了严重的经济和文化危机。外研社新世纪〔civilization〕It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.在他看来,西方文明似乎陷入严重的经济和文化危机。柯林斯高阶〔cling〕The old culture clings in the western Highlands.在西部高地仍旧保留着古老的文化。英汉大词典〔collide〕In the next two years, Nasser regularly collided with the different Western powers, who refused to arm him.随后的两年里,纳赛尔不断与拒绝为他提供武器装备的几个西方大国发生冲突。柯林斯高阶〔colonial〕Western colonial attitudes 西方的殖民主义态度牛津高阶〔command〕Western Command 西部军区剑桥高阶〔commit〕They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations.他们呼吁西方国家为那些极度贫穷的国家多拨钱款。外研社新世纪〔concoction〕The movie is a brilliant concoction of American and Italian Western conventions.这部影片巧妙地把美国和意大利的西部电影传统糅合在一起。外研社新世纪〔consumerism〕They have clearly embraced Western consumerism.他们显然完全接受了西方的消费主义观念。柯林斯高阶〔cowgirl〕A hired woman, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of her duties on horseback.女牛仔:尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的女子美国传统〔cradle〕Greece was the cradle of western civilization.希腊是西方文明的发源地。英汉大词典〔crawl〕They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.当西欧的大多数国家正从经济衰退中缓慢复苏时,他们并没有预见到法国的通货膨胀率会升高。柯林斯高阶〔culprit〕About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.大约10%的日本青少年体重超标。营养学家称主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。外研社新世纪〔culture〕A brief history of Western culture 西方文化简史朗文当代〔deal〕The prestige of the Western Powers has been dealt a heavy blow.西方列强的威信受到了严重的打击。文馨英汉〔decadence〕Western decadence 西方社会的颓废韦氏高阶〔deference〕The traditional menu was changed in deference to Western tastes.考虑到西方人的口味,对传统菜单作了改动。牛津搭配〔descend over〕The sun descended over the western hills.日落西山。21世纪英汉〔diet〕He grew up on a diet of westerns.他是看西部电影长大的。外研社新世纪〔disadvantageous〕The Second World War started in the most disadvantageous possible way for the western powers.二战爆发时西方列强处境极为不利。柯林斯高阶〔discount〕Western sources in the talks discounted the harsh Mid-east reaction.会谈中,西方的消息源轻描淡写报道了中东各国的强烈反应。英汉大词典〔drift〕Western U.S. To drive (livestock) slowly or far afield, especially for grazing.【美国西部】 驱赶:慢慢地或在野地里赶(牲口),尤指为了放牧美国传统〔dryness〕The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona.单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。柯林斯高阶〔dualism〕Western dualism values mind over body.西方的二元论更重视思想,而不是身体。剑桥高阶〔dump〕Drugs that are banned in Western countries are often dumped in Third World countries.在西方国家被查的药当倾销于第三世界的国家。文馨英汉〔economy〕Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s.在 20 世纪 90 年代爱尔兰是西欧经济发展最快的国家之一。牛津高阶〔encompass〕The map shows the rest of the western region, encompassing nine states.地图显示了西部地区的其余部分, 共包含9个州。外研社新世纪〔endemic〕This is a problem endemic to the Western world.这是西方世界普遍存在的一个问题。英汉大词典〔epitomize〕Beethoven has come to epitomize the whole of western classical music.贝多芬是整个西方古典音乐的代表。外研社新世纪〔epoch〕The Renaissance was an epoch in the civilization of western Europe.文艺复兴运动是西欧文明发展的重要时期。英汉大词典〔escapist〕The western is escapist entertainment.西部片是人们逃避现实的娱乐形式。外研社新世纪〔escort duty〕The ship was on escort duty in the Western Mediterranean.该舰在西地中海执行护航任务。外研社新世纪〔exaggerated〕Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.他坚称西方国家的恐惧被过分夸大了。外研社新世纪〔execute〕I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains.我在又高又陡的山地西面成功打了个急转弯。外研社新世纪〔exploitative〕The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。柯林斯高阶〔expose〕These people have not been exposed to glimpses of Western life before.这些人过去丝毫未曾见识过西方生活。外研社新世纪〔fall〕All the western provinces had fallen into enemy hands.西部各省全部落入敌人手中。麦克米伦高阶〔fold〕Many Western Marxists left the Communist fold in the 1970s.麦克米伦高阶〔galilee〕A small chapel or porch at the western end of a medieval English church.门廊:中世纪英国教堂西端的小间或门廊美国传统〔galvanize〕Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.饥民的照片在电视上播出后,西方的慈善组织倍感震惊,马上行动了起来。剑桥高阶〔government〕The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments.关于世界贫困状况的报告呼吁西方政府采取紧急行动。牛津搭配〔heart disease〕Heart disease is the leading cause of death in many Western countries.心脏病在许多西方国家是一个主要的致死病因。剑桥高阶〔horror〕They show nothing but westerns and horrors.他们只放映西部片和恐怖片。英汉大词典〔hybrid〕The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song.这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。牛津高阶〔iconoclast〕Cage was an iconoclast. He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure.凯奇是个反传统的人。他拒绝接受西方有关和声和结构的音乐传统的束缚。柯林斯高阶〔individuality〕The human face is emblematic, in western culture, of individuality and identity.在西方文化里, 人脸是个性和身份的象征。外研社新世纪〔inhibit〕Western investors have been inhibited by concerns over the country's history of economic instability.该国经济不稳定的历史令西方投资者们担忧, 因此望而却步。外研社新世纪〔inspiration〕South America was a source of inspiration for Western writers.南美洲是西方作家的灵感源泉。外研社新世纪〔iron curtain〕Often Iron Curtain The military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and western Europe after World War II. 常作 Iron Curtain 铁幕:第二次世界大战后在苏联集团和西欧之间设置的军事,政治和意识形态上的屏障美国传统〔land〕He landed his troops on the western shore.他率部队在西岸登陆。外研社新世纪〔lap〕This county lapped a few miles over the western bank of the river.本县范围伸出河西岸数英里。英汉大词典〔lie〕The river lies along the western edge of the mountains.这条河在山脉的西侧。韦氏高阶〔linkage〕Western diplomats firmly reject any linkage.西方外交官坚决拒绝任何关联协议。柯林斯高阶〔ludicrously〕By Western standards the prices are ludicrously low.以西方标准来看,价格低得离谱。柯林斯高阶〔major〕He was the only major Western ambassador present.他是到场的西方唯一主要国家的大使。英汉大词典〔manor〕The district over which a lord had domain and could exercise certain rights and privileges in medieval western Europe.采邑:在中世纪的西欧,领地拥有者具有某些权力和特权的区域美国传统〔marshal〕Western powers are marshalling their military resources.西方强国正在集结他们的军事资源。麦克米伦高阶〔mass〕Western reports say that troops have been massing in the region since December.西方的报道说自十二月军队就集结在这个地区了。朗文当代〔mountain〕The Rockies are a mountain chain/range in the western United States.落基山脉绵亘于美国西部。剑桥高阶〔nester〕Western U.S. A squatter, homesteader, or farmer who settles in cattle-grazing territory.【美国西部】 放牧地自耕农:居住在牧牛区的擅自占用土地的人,农舍主或农民美国传统〔oater〕A movie about frontier or cowboy life; a western.西部电影:关于拓荒者或牛仔生活的电影;西部片美国传统〔offer〕The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。柯林斯高阶〔outlook〕Most Western societies are liberal in outlook.西方社会大多思想观念开放。牛津高阶〔panacea〕Western aid may help but will not be a panacea.西方援助可能会有所帮助, 但不是灵丹妙药。外研社新世纪〔per se〕The authors' argument is not with the free market per se but with the western society in which it works.作者的论点与自由市场本身无关,而是与自由市场所处的西方社会有关。柯林斯高阶〔pigeonhole〕Patsy was pigeonholed as a Country and Western singer, but that's too simple.帕齐被归为乡村和西部音乐歌手,但那有点太片面了。朗文当代〔pocket〕We don't believe that they have the economic reforms in place which would justify putting huge sums of Western money into their pockets.我们认为他们并没有让经济改革步入正轨,因此不存在把巨额西方资金送进他们口袋的正当理由。柯林斯高阶〔power〕In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.在西方人眼里, 伊拉克是个强国, 位于具有重要战略意义的地区。外研社新世纪〔prohibitive〕The cost of conversion to western technology would be prohibitive.向西方科技转化的费用可能会高昂得令人望而却步。麦克米伦高阶〔propaganda〕They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.他们发起了一场反对西方政府的宣传运动。朗文当代〔puppet〕Western powers have been accused of trying to establish a puppet government/regime in the divided country.西方列强被指责企图在这个被分裂的国家建立傀儡政府。剑桥高阶〔range〕The book identifies plants that grow on the western ranges.这本书对生长于西部牧场的植物做了辨识。韦氏高阶〔resonant〕We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, resonant with past conflicts.步入这样一个有着重要历史意义、激起无数关于历史冲突的遐想的宫殿中,作为第一批来此参观的西方游客,我们深感荣幸。剑桥高阶〔rest〕He rests in a cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing.他长眠于北京西郊的一个公墓中。21世纪英汉〔retire〕He has retired his Western clothes which were required overseas.他已经不穿海外需穿的西式服装了。英汉大词典〔rollback〕The rollback of reform is putting off private western investors.改革的倒退让西方的私人投资者十分反感。外研社新世纪〔saturation〕The company's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.这家公司在许多西方国家的产品销售已接近饱和。牛津搭配〔shape〕The Greeks shaped the thinking of Western man.希腊人对西方人的思想产生了巨大影响。外研社新世纪〔ship〕Toxic waste is shipped from Western Europe to other countries.有毒废物被用船从西欧运送到其他国家。麦克米伦高阶〔showpiece〕The factory was to be a showpiece of Western investment in the East.这家工厂将会成为西方在东方投资的样板。柯林斯高阶〔signatory〕Most western European nations are signatories to/of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.大部分西欧国家都是北大西洋公约组织的缔约国。剑桥高阶〔similarity〕Here the similarity with Western politics ends.和西方政治的相似点到此为止。牛津搭配〔skinner〕Western U.S. A mule driver.【美国西部】 赶骡人美国传统〔slander〕Korea has been a target of threats and slanders from the major western powers.朝鲜一直是西方主要大国威胁和诋毁的目标。柯林斯高阶〔socioeconomic〕He described the western European historical model of socio-economic development.他描述了西欧社会经济发展的历史模式。外研社新世纪〔sooner〕A person who settled homestead land in the western United States before it was officially made available, in order to have first choice of location.抢先占地者:指美西部在官方正式许可可以得到之前抢占宅地的人,以便于首先选择住地美国传统〔source〕Western diplomatic sources confirmed reports of fighting over the border.西方外交界消息人士证实在边境发生战斗的消息。英汉大词典〔spaghetti Western〕A low-budget Western film made by a European, especially an Italian, film company.意大利人拍摄的美国西部影片:由欧洲拍摄的低预算的美国西部影片,尤指意大利的电影公司美国传统〔springer〕Western U.S. A cow about to give birth.【美国西部】 待产的牛美国传统〔spring〕The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring.西澳大利亚州的工党政府明年春天要举行选举。外研社新世纪〔spring〕The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring.西澳大利亚工党政府明年春天要举行选举。柯林斯高阶〔stump up (sth)〕Chissano said Western governments should stump up the cash to fund land redistribution.希萨诺说西方国家政府应该掏腰包为土地重新分配提供资金。剑桥高阶〔styling〕His suit showed Western styling but was sloppily worn.他这套衣服是西方款式的,但已邋遢破旧。英汉大词典〔sunset〕The event or time of the daily disappearance of the sun below the western horizon.傍晚:太阳每日在西方地平线下消失的事件或时间美国传统〔symbol〕White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。牛津高阶〔target〕The nuclear weapons are targeted on Western Europe.这些核武器对准了西欧。21世纪英汉〔thought〕Western thought西方思想外研社新世纪〔thought〕Aristotle's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years.亚里士多德的科学理论统治了西方思想达 1,500 年。柯林斯高阶〔totem〕This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation.这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志物之一。柯林斯高阶〔treat〕Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms and not the cause.西医往往治标不治本。剑桥高阶〔troop〕In 1988, about 220,000 American troops were stationed in Western Europe.1988年大约有22万美国军队驻扎在西欧。剑桥高阶〔uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll and country music.对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。柯林斯高阶〔uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm&blues, rock&roll and country music.对于外行人来说, 西部摇摆乐是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。外研社新世纪〔unsurprisingly〕The proposals were swiftly and unsurprisingly rejected by Western ministers.一如所料,这些提议当即遭到西方各部长的反对。柯林斯高阶〔vibe〕You don't see a vibe like you see in Manchester on a Saturday night in any other city in western Europe.在西欧其他任何城市的星期六晚上,你都无法看到像曼彻斯特这样的景象。柯林斯高阶〔western sandwich〕A sandwich having a western omelet as a filling.三丁煎蛋三明治:由三丁煎蛋做馅的三明治美国传统〔westernize〕To convert to the customs of Western civilization.使西化:使转变为西方文明的风俗习惯美国传统〔western〕Western Africa 西非韦氏高阶〔western〕Western Of, relating to, or descended from those Christian churches that use or formerly used Latin as their liturgical language. Western 西派教会的:用或从前用拉丁语作为其礼拜仪式语言的基督教会的,与之有关的,或来自此种教会的美国传统〔western〕Western art 西方艺术牛津高阶〔western〕Western values 西方价值观韦氏高阶〔western〕I watched a western on TV.我看了电视上播放的一部西部电影。牛津同义词〔western〕Often Western A novel, film, or television or radio program about frontier life in the American West. 常作 Western 西部小说、电影、电视剧或广播:有关美国西部地区的边远地区生活的小说、电影、电视剧或广播节目美国传统〔western〕The menu has a slightly western accent.这份菜单略偏重西式菜肴。外研社新世纪〔western〕The sun began to turn crimson on the western horizon.西方地平线上的落日逐渐变成深红色。外研社新世纪〔wish〕Western leaders sent good wishes to the new American president.西方领导人向新任美国总统致以良好的祝愿。柯林斯高阶〔womb〕The Near East is the womb of western civilization.近东是西方文明的发源地。英汉大词典〔world music〕Music from cultures other than those of Western Europe and English-speaking North America, especially popular music from Latin America, Africa, and Asia.世界性音乐:来自西欧及北美英语系以外文化的音乐,尤其指来自拉丁美洲、非洲或是亚洲的流行乐美国传统〔year-long〕The course is a standard year-long introduction to Western civilization.西方文明入门是一门标准的一学年课程。剑桥高阶Western companies are casting covetous eyes on the bargain-priced companies of eastern Europe.西方公司把贪婪的目光投向了东欧的廉价公司。剑桥国际Western dualism values mind over body.西方二元论认为精神比肉体重要。剑桥国际A giant black opal worth £3 million has been found in Western Australia.在西澳大利亚人们发现了一颗价值3百万英镑的巨大的黑色蛋白石。剑桥国际Alaska is at the western extremity of North America. 阿拉斯加在北美西部的尽头。译典通At the market, you can barter for souvenirs with Western consumer goods such as jeans and lipstick.在集市上你可以用牛仔裤或口红等西方日用品与当地人交换纪念品。剑桥国际During the previous famine western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.在上次饥荒期间,西方慈善机构看了电视里饥饿人们的画面后大为震动。剑桥国际Having studied Soviet politics, we felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, resonant with past conflicts.研究了苏联政治后,我们感到很荣幸地成为第一队西方游客。进入回荡着旧时冲突的有历史意义的王宫。剑桥国际He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise (= it appears to be money etc. given freely but it is also a method of controlling a situation).他声称对于第三世界,大多数的西方援助只是变相的殖民主义。剑桥国际Many Western Buddhists think it is important to be vegetarian because it agrees with the Buddhist precept of not harming any living being.很多西方佛教信徒认为吃素是很重要的,因为它符合佛教不杀生的戒律。剑桥国际Some Western scientists believe that there are still a few cosmonauts of Russia operating independently in outer space. 有一些西方科学家认为太空中还有一些俄国宇航员在独立运作。译典通The western diet is generally thought to contain too much fat and sugar.西方饮食一般被认为含有过多的脂肪和糖。剑桥国际The earth is divided into the northern and southern hemispheres by the equator and into eastern and western hemispheres by some meridians.地球被赤道划分为北半球和南半球,被一些经线划分为东半球和西半球。剑桥国际The local tourist guides delight gullible Western tourists with unlikely stories.当地的导游以离奇的故事取悦轻信的西方游客。剑桥国际The world's deepest mine is South Africa's Western Deeps, where gold is mined 24 miles below the surface.世界上最深的矿井是南非的西部深井,那里的金子是在地面下24英里处开采的。剑桥国际We are angry at the insouciance with which Western newspapers are treating the prospect of war.西方报纸对待将要发生战争的漠不关心令我们很愤怒。剑桥国际When did the country open its borders to Western business? 这个国家是甚么时候向西方企业开放边界的?牛津商务




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