

单词 violins
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕The conductor rapped the music stand with his baton and the violins stopped playing. 指挥用指挥棒笃笃地敲击乐谱架,小提琴手便停止了演奏。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly. 礼堂里闹哄哄的,三十个孩子有的在咝咝啦啦地拉着小提琴,有的在嘭嘭地打着鼓,有的在放声高歌。朗文写作活用〔bow〕Violins are played with bows.小提琴是用琴弓演奏的。剑桥高阶〔carry〕The band had only three men to carry the violins.这乐队只有3人拉小提琴。英汉大词典〔charanga〕A style of popular Cuban dance music characterized by the use of violins and flutes along with percussion instruments, piano, bass, and vocals.贾浪卡舞曲:古巴民间舞曲,以运用小提琴、长笛与打击乐器及钢琴、贝斯及和声著称美国传统〔cheap〕Violins like this don't come cheap.像这样的小提琴不会便宜。牛津高阶〔fade in〕Fade in the violins.小提琴琴声渐强。外研社新世纪〔keen〕Violins keened in a moonlight night.月明之夜小提琴奏出如泣如诉的乐声。英汉大词典〔keen〕She was lost in sad memories as violins keened in the quiet hall.听着大厅里如泣如诉的琴声,她陷入了痛苦的回忆中。21世纪英汉〔luthier〕One that makes or repairs stringed instruments, such as violins.拨弦乐器制作匠:制作或修理弦乐器的人,如小提琴美国传统〔mystique〕There is a mystique about violins, especially old violins.小提琴,尤其是古老的小提琴,常引人考究其隐秘的历史。英汉大词典〔speak〕The violins spoke at the nod of the conductor.指挥一点头小提琴就奏起来了。英汉大词典〔string quartet〕A string quartet consists of two violins, a viola, and a cello.弦乐四重奏包括两把小提琴、一把中提琴和一把大提琴。剑桥高阶〔time〕It seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time (= at a different speed from the other instruments playing the same piece of music).我觉得小提琴似乎不合拍。剑桥高阶〔violinmaker〕One who designs and crafts violins, especially as a profession.小提琴制作人:设计或加工小提琴的人,尤指职业性的制作人美国传统Violins and cellos are part of the strings, but guitars and pianos are not.小提琴和大提琴是弦乐部的一部分,但吉他和钢琴不是。剑桥国际Violins are played with bows.小提琴是拉弓出音的。剑桥国际A string quartet consists of two violins, a viola and a cello.弦乐四重奏包括两名小提琴手、一名中提琴手和一名大提琴手。剑桥国际He does not accept, as the aesthetes proclaim, that good music must have violins in it.他不认为像审美家说的那样,好的音乐里必须要有小提琴的声音。剑桥国际It seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time (= at a different speed from the other instruments playing the same piece of music).在我看来,似乎小提琴的演奏没有合上拍子。剑桥国际




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