

单词 tyrant
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔boorish〕a boorish tyrant 粗野的暴君韦氏高阶〔description〕a tyrant of the worst description 恶贯满盈的暴君英汉大词典〔gleeful〕be gleeful over the downfall of the tyrant 对暴君的倒台欢欣鼓舞英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl the tyrant from his throne 把暴君赶下王位英汉大词典〔iconize〕an iconized tyrant 被偶像化的独裁者英汉大词典〔immovable〕an immovable tyrant 冷酷无情的暴君英汉大词典〔inhuman〕a brutally inhuman tyrant 残忍的暴君韦氏高阶〔inhuman〕an inhuman tyrant 没有人性的暴君文馨英汉〔inhuman〕an inhuman tyrant 没有人性的暴君英汉大词典〔oppose〕a merciless tyrant who kills all those who oppose him 把所有反抗他的人都杀掉的残忍暴君麦克米伦高阶〔oppress〕a tyrant that oppresses the people 压迫人民的暴君英汉大词典〔pitiless〕a pitiless tyrant 冷酷无情的暴君朗文当代〔remorseless〕a tyrant of remorseless cruelty 残忍又毫无悔恨之意的暴君英汉大词典〔trade〕a tyrant who trades in human lives 以老百姓生命作交易的暴君英汉大词典〔tyrant〕a tyrant of a teacher 一位专横的教师英汉大词典〔unmerciful〕an unmerciful tyrant 残忍的暴君英汉大词典〔untitled〕an untitled tyrant 无合法统治权的专制僭主英汉大词典




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