

单词 aerodynamic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aerodynamically〕The secret of the machine lies in the aerodynamic shape of the frame.该机器的精妙之处在于其构架呈流线型。柯林斯高阶〔aerodynamics〕Aerodynamics have been improved for lower noise and better fuel economy.为降低噪声和油耗, 已对气动性能加以改进。外研社新世纪〔aerodynamics〕Its improved aerodynamics give the car more speed and better gas mileage.改进后的空气动力特性使这款车速度更快,油耗更低。韦氏高阶〔aerodynamics〕Research has focused on improving the car's aerodynamics.研究的重点是改善轿车的流线型。牛津高阶〔aerodynamics〕She has a degree in aerodynamics.她拥有空气动力学学位。韦氏高阶〔aerodynamic〕Of or relating to aerodynamics.空气动力学的:属于或关于空气动力学的美国传统〔aerodynamic〕The wing conforms to the same aerodynamic principle.这种机翼符合同一空气动力学原理。外研社新世纪〔aerodynamic〕These planes are becoming increasingly aerodynamic in shape.这些飞机的外形变得越来越呈流线型。英汉大词典〔aeromechanics〕The science of the motion and equilibrium of air and other gases, comprising aerodynamics and aerostatics.航空力学:空气和其他气体的运动与静止的科学,由空气动力学与空气静力学组成美国传统〔aerostat〕An aircraft, especially a balloon or dirigible, deriving its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air rather than from aerodynamic motion.浮空器:从周围空气的浮力而不是从空气动力获得提升力的航空器,特指气球或飞船美国传统〔aero〕Aerodynamic in styling. Used especially of an automobile or a van.流线型的:流线型的。用以特指汽车或轻型汽车的款式美国传统〔lifting body〕An aircraft or a spacecraft that has no wings and gains lift by the action of aerodynamic forces on its body.航空航天器:一种无翼飞机或航天飞机,依靠对机体的空气动力作用上升美国传统〔line〕They have a reputation for designing cars with elegant aerodynamic lines.他们以设计优雅的流线型汽车而享有盛誉。剑桥高阶〔transonic〕Of or relating to aerodynamic flow or flight conditions at speeds close to the speed of sound.超音速的:速度接近音速时的气流或飞行状况的、或与之有关的美国传统They have a reputation for designing cars with elegant aerodynamic lines.他们以设计具有优美的流线型车身的轿车而享有盛誉。剑桥国际




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