

单词 white people
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Black Nationalist〕A member of a group of militant Black people who urge separatism from white people and the establishment of self-governing Black communities.黑人民族主义者:黑人好战团体成员之一,力主脱离白人的分离主义及确立黑人团体自治美国传统〔Mr Charlie〕A white person or white people considered as a group.查理先生:白种人或白种人的总称美国传统〔NATURAL〕In front of them were 500 miles of virgin plains almost uninhabited by white people. 在他们眼前,是连绵500英里的原始平原,几乎没有白人居住。朗文写作活用〔RACE〕In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years. 在牙买加,黑人和白人多年来一直和谐共处。朗文写作活用〔Uncle Tom〕A Black person who is regarded as being humiliatingly subservient or deferential to white people.汤姆叔叔:被认为对白人卑躬屈膝或谦恭忍让的黑人美国传统〔White〕Working with White people hasn't been a problem for me or for them.无论对我还是对他们来说, 和白人共事都不是问题。外研社新世纪〔varying〕The Creole is spoken to varying degrees by young white people.年轻白人在不同程度上讲一些克里奥耳语。麦克米伦高阶〔white man's burden〕The supposed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to nonwhite people.白人的责任:假设的白人应统治并将其文化带给非白人种族人民的责任美国传统〔white supremacist〕One who believes that white people are racially superior to others and should therefore dominate society.白人至上主义者:相信白种人在人种上优于其它人种因此应该由其管辖社会的人美国传统〔white trash〕Used as a disparaging term for a poor white person or poor white people.穷苦白人:对单个穷困的白人或全体穷苦白人的贬称美国传统〔whiteness〕Working with white people hasn't been a problem for me or for them.和白人共事对我、对他们来说都不是个问题。柯林斯高阶〔whitey〕Used as a disparaging term for a white person or white people.白鬼:用于指单个白人的贬称或整体白人的贬称美国传统




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