

单词 witchcraft
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAGIC〕At that time, hundreds of women were burned at the stake for witchcraft. 那时候成百上千的妇女因施巫术在火刑柱上被烧死。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕People who were accused of practicing witchcraft were thrown into the lake. 那些被指控施巫术的人被扔进湖里。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕She's dating a really weird guy who's into witchcraft and black magic. 她在和一个很古怪的家伙交往,那人对巫术和魔法很着迷。朗文写作活用〔black art〕Black magic; witchcraft.妖术;巫术美国传统〔black magic〕Magic practiced for evil purposes or in league with supposed evil spirits; witchcraft.巫术:为邪恶目的或与想象的恶妖联手实施的妖术;巫术美国传统〔chain reaction〕A group of girls set off a chain reaction of hysteria and prejudice when they accuse certain people of witchcraft.一群女孩子指责某些人摆弄巫术, 从而引发了一连串过激反应和偏见。外研社新世纪〔death〕Legend has it that Sarah was put to death for practising witchcraft.据传说萨拉因为行巫术儿被处死了。朗文当代〔deviltry〕An act of mischief, cruelty, or witchcraft.恶作剧的、残忍的或巫术的行为美国传统〔deviltry〕Evil magic; witchcraft.妖术:邪恶的魔力;巫术美国传统〔diablerie〕Sorcery; witchcraft.巫术;妖术美国传统〔magic〕The group is known for its belief in witchcraft and magic.这一组织以相信巫术和魔法而出名。剑桥高阶〔necromancy〕The town accused her of witchcraft and necromancy.镇上居民指责她施展巫术。韦氏高阶〔occult〕He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.他对巫术魔法情有独钟。牛津高阶〔pseudo〕They speak the language of phoney magic and pseudo witchcraft.他们说些装神弄鬼的话。麦克米伦高阶〔sorcery〕Use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits; witchcraft.巫术,魔法:通过鬼神的帮助而对他人使用超自然的力量;巫术,妖术美国传统〔sortilege〕Sorcery; witchcraft.巫术;占卜术美国传统〔voodooism〕The practice of sorcery or witchcraft.巫术:魔法或巫术的实行美国传统〔witching〕Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.巫术的,施魔法的:与巫术有关的或有巫术特征的美国传统〔witch〕To cause, bring, or effect by witchcraft.用巫术使、带来或起作用美国传统Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.巫术现在在美国是一种得到认可的宗教。剑桥国际At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft. 那时候大多数人相信巫术和魔法。译典通It used to be thought that women who practised witchcraft had a pact with the Devil.过去人们常常认为施巫术的女人与魔王有协定。剑桥国际The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.这个团体以相信巫术和魔法而出名。剑桥国际




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