

单词 vexation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chafe〕Annoyance; vexation.恼怒;焦躁美国传统〔displease〕To cause annoyance or vexation to.使生气,使烦心美国传统〔fume〕A state of resentment or vexation.愤怒或烦恼的状态美国传统〔fume〕To feel or show resentment or vexation.发怒:感到或显示生气或发怒美国传统〔gall〕Exasperation; vexation.激怒,烦恼美国传统〔gall〕The cause of such vexation.恼怒的原因美国传统〔pet peeve〕Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation.经常抱怨的问题:某人经常抱怨的事物;个别人的烦恼美国传统〔pique〕A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride.生气,自尊受损:因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态;自尊心受损的感觉美国传统〔ruffle〕Annoyance; vexation.扰乱:打扰;生气美国传统〔vexation〕After several unsuccessful attempts to start his car, he swore in vexation.几次发动汽车都没有打着火,他气得骂了起来。剑桥高阶〔vexation〕Erika stamped her foot in vexation.埃丽卡恼火地跺跺脚。朗文当代〔vexation〕He grumbled in vexation.他烦躁地抱怨着。韦氏高阶〔vexation〕He kicked the broken machine in vexation.他气得踢了那台坏机器一脚。外研社新世纪〔vexation〕He kicked the broken machine in vexation.他气得踢了那台坏机器一脚。柯林斯高阶〔vexation〕Rain on Sunday is a vexation to the children.星期天下雨是使孩子们很恼火的事。英汉大词典〔vexation〕She bit her lip in vexation at herself.她咬着嘴唇对自己感到恼火。英汉大词典After several unsuccessful attempts to start his car, he swore in vexation.几次试图发动汽车不成功,他恼火地咒骂了起来。剑桥国际Alice is crying with vexation. 爱丽丝烦恼得哭了。译典通It was a great vexation to her that no one seemed to believe what she said. [C]  似乎没有人相信她说的话,这让她大伤脑筋。剑桥国际Their defeat caused them considerable vexation.他们输了,让他们非常苦恼。剑桥国际




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