

单词 vetoed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REJECT〕European plans to deregulate air fares were vetoed by Spain. 欧洲对飞机票价解除管制的计划遭到了西班牙的否决。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Requests to take foster children abroad are often vetoed by the biological parent. 把收养的孩子带到国外去的请求经常遭到亲生父母的反对。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕The governor vetoed a bill that would have given some much-needed money to public libraries. 州长否决了一项可以为公共图书馆提供急需资金的议案。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕The deal was agreed by the board but vetoed by the chairman. 这笔交易经董事会同意,但遭主席否决。朗文写作活用〔override〕The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.总统否决了该议案,而参议院以一票之差未能推翻他的否决。柯林斯高阶〔override〕The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.总统否决了这项议案, 参议院因一票之差而未能推翻总统的否决。外研社新世纪〔override〕The president has vetoed 54 bills, and has been overridden 10times.总统否决了 54 项议案,另有10次否决被推翻。英汉大词典〔unexpected〕Their problems started when the President unexpectedly vetoed the bill.在总统出人意料地否决这一议案时,他们的问题出现了。麦克米伦高阶〔veto〕De Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC.戴高乐驳回了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的申请。柯林斯高阶〔veto〕Diane has vetoed every idea I've had so far.黛安娜反对我迄今所提的每一个想法。麦克米伦高阶〔veto〕Father vetoed our plan to buy a new car.父亲不同意我们购买新汽车的计划。21世纪英汉〔veto〕His parents vetoed his trip.他的父母反对他去旅行。英汉大词典〔veto〕I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.我想去野营,但这个想法很快遭到了其他人的反对。牛津高阶〔veto〕In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed Britain's entry into the Common Market.1961年,戴高乐总统行使否决权,反对英国加入西欧共同市场。剑桥高阶〔veto〕Jenny wanted to invite all her friends, but I quickly vetoed that idea .珍妮想邀请她所有的朋友,不过我立即对此表示反对。朗文当代〔veto〕My boss vetoed my taking any more time off this year.我的老板不允许我今年再请假。剑桥高阶〔veto〕Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。牛津高阶〔veto〕President Bush vetoed the bill on July 6.布什总统于 7 月 6 日否决了那项议案。朗文当代〔veto〕She vetoed several restaurants before we could agree on one.她否决了好几家餐馆之后我们才在一家达成了一致。韦氏高阶〔veto〕The President vetoed the bill.总统否决了这一提案。韦氏高阶〔veto〕The President vetoed the economic package passed by Congress.总统否决了国会通过的一揽子经济计划。柯林斯高阶〔veto〕The boss vetoed our proposal.上司反对我们的建议。牛津同义词〔veto〕The government vetoed this proposal.政府否决了这项提议。外研社新世纪〔veto〕The president effectively vetoed this measure.总统实际上否决了这项措施。牛津搭配〔veto〕We wanted to do a cross-country trip, but our parents vetoed it.我们想进行一次穿越全国的旅行,但我们的父母反对这样做。韦氏高阶Congress has vetoed the resumption of military aid to the rebels.国会已否决了对叛乱者继续军事援助。剑桥国际His parents vetoed his plan to buy a motorcycle. 他的父母反对他买摩托车的计划。译典通I was surprised when the committee vetoed my proposal.我很惊讶该委员会居然否决了我的提案。剑桥国际In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed (= refused to allow) Britain's entry into the Common Market. [T] 1961 年戴高乐总统反对英国进入西欧共同市场。剑桥国际My boss vetoed my taking any more time off this year. 我的老板禁止我今年再请假。剑桥国际The plan was vetoed by the government. 这个计划被政府否定了。译典通The takeover was vetoed by the European Commission.这项收购遭到欧盟委员会的否决。牛津商务The union vetoed the introduction of six-month contracts.工会拒绝采用六个月的合同。牛津商务




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