

单词 vet
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕The vet asked how many litters the dog had had. 兽医问那条狗生过几窝小狗。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕Could you call the vet and ask him to come to the farm? I'd like him to have a look at one of the horses. 你打个电话给兽医叫他到农场来好吗?我想让他看看一匹马。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕Jane's taking her kitten to the vet on Friday. 简打算星期五带她的小猫去看兽医。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕The vet gave both our horses a thorough check-up and pronounced them fit to race. 兽医给我们的两匹马做了彻底的体格检查,说它们都适合参加比赛。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕Country vets aren't easily sickened, but I felt my stomach turning when I saw the state of the dog. 乡村的兽医见怪不怪,但我看到那条狗的样子却直翻胃。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕The vet was increasingly busy and had to engage two new assistants. 这位兽医越来越忙,不得不聘请两名新助手。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕When our old cat became very sick we had to ask the vet to put her down. 我家的老猫病得非常重,我们不得不叫兽医把它人道杀死。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕We need to take the cat to the vet. 我们要把猫带去看兽医。朗文写作活用〔Pisces〕All my vets, doctors and hairdressers are Pisces or Virgo.我的兽医、医生和理发师, 他们不是双鱼座的就是处女座的。外研社新世纪〔REMEMBER〕Bob, who'd been a vet in the army, vaguely remembered how to use a tourniquet. 鲍勃曾经在军队里当过兽医,隐约记得如何使用止血带。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I noticed that one of the horses was limping, and called for the vet. 我注意到其中一匹马跛了,于是叫来兽医。朗文写作活用〔action〕Tom believes that actions speak louder than words and has been demonstrating his love for Jean through taking her dog to the vet.汤姆认为行动比语言更有说服力, 一直带琼的狗去看兽医, 以此来表现对琼的爱。外研社新世纪〔combine〕University zoologists and government vets are combining forces (=working together) to investigate the disease.大学里的动物学家和政府部门的兽医联手调查这种疾病。朗文当代〔dispatch〕A vet dispatched the injured cow.兽医把伤牛利索地杀死了。21世纪英汉〔dock〕The vet docked the tail of my dog.那兽医截短了我的狗的尾巴。文馨英汉〔foot〕The vet examined the horse's hind feet .兽医检查了马的后蹄。朗文当代〔gloomy〕The vet is rather gloomy about my cat's chances of recovery.兽医对我的猫康复表示很不乐观。剑桥高阶〔improvisation〕The vet had improvised a harness.兽医临时凑成了一副马具。柯林斯高阶〔inspect〕The vet inspected the herd for ticks.兽医检查牛群身上有无扁虱。英汉大词典〔know/see where sb is coming from〕I would've taken the dog to the vet, but I could see where they were coming from.是我的话,我会把狗送去看兽医,但是我也明白他们为什么会那么想。剑桥高阶〔look〕I asked the vet to have a quick look at the puppies as well.我叫兽医顺便也看一下这些小狗。朗文当代〔make〕The vet put something down the dog's throat to make it vomit.兽医给狗灌了些东西,迫使它呕吐。剑桥高阶〔misery〕In the end we asked the vet to put the creature out of its misery (= kill it humanely).最终我们请兽医给这可怜的动物人道毁灭以结束其痛苦。牛津搭配〔neuter〕My two kittens are being neutered down at the vet hospital.我家的两只小猫正在兽医院作去势手术。英汉大词典〔obligatory〕It is obligatory for vets to be registered.兽医必须注册。牛津搭配〔old〕In the old days we got a visit from the vet maybe once a year.以前,兽医大概每年来我们这里出诊一次。柯林斯高阶〔precaution〕Vets took precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.兽医们为防止疾病蔓延采取了预防措施。朗文当代〔resort〕Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.兽医不得已只好弄死这些动物。朗文当代〔still〕I held the cat still while the vet gave the injection.兽医给猫打针时,我抱住它不让它动。牛津搭配〔take〕The cat had to be taken to the vet.得带猫去看兽医。麦克米伦高阶〔thorough〕The vet gave the animals a thorough checkup.兽医给牲畜作了全面彻底的检查。英汉大词典〔vetting〕All three are Vietnam vets.这三位都是越战老兵。柯林斯高阶〔vetting〕The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets.波士顿的新英格兰收容所将为200名老兵提供圣诞晚餐。柯林斯高阶〔vet〕All three are Vietnam vets.三人都是越战老兵。外研社新世纪〔vet〕I have to take my dog to the vet.我得带我的狗去看兽医。韦氏高阶〔vet〕I think we'll have to call the vet.我觉得我们得请兽医来看看了。牛津搭配〔vet〕She's a vet.她是一名兽医。外研社新世纪〔vet〕The author vets every script for the new TV series.这部新电视连续剧的每一个剧本,作者都要仔细地过目。朗文当代〔vet〕The bank carefully vets everyone who applies for an account.银行对每个申请开通账户的人都进行仔细的审核。剑桥高阶〔vet〕The cat injured her paw, so I took her to the vet.猫伤了爪子,我们把它送去了兽医诊所。剑桥高阶〔vet〕The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.农夫叫来兽医诊治病牛。剑桥高阶〔vet〕They have to vet individuals who work with children.他们不得不审查从事儿童工作的人。麦克米伦高阶〔vet〕We had to take the dog to the vet.我们只好带着狗去看兽医。牛津搭配〔worm〕The vet says our dog has worms.兽医说我们的狗体内有寄生虫。剑桥高阶〔year〕It took him ten years to qualify as a vet.他用了 10 年的时间才获得兽医资格。牛津搭配A new vet is joining the practice next week.一个新的兽医下周将加入到行业中来。剑桥国际He called in a vet to treat a sheep that had a prolapsed womb.他请来一名兽医治疗一只患子宫脱垂的绵羊。剑桥国际He decided to become either a doctor or a vet.他决心成为一名医生或兽医。剑桥国际She gave a little whimper as the vet inspected her paw.当兽医检查它的爪子时它轻轻地呜咽了一声。剑桥国际The vet prescribed a medicine to worm my puppy. 兽医开了一种药驱除我那小狗体内的寄生虫。译典通The vet put something down the dog's throat to make it vomit.兽医向狗的喉咙里灌了些东西,迫使其呕吐。剑桥国际The vet says our dog has worms.兽医说我们的狗身上有寄生虫。剑桥国际The vet says that our dog is so ill that it would be kinder if we put her down.兽医说我们的狗病得太厉害了,我们杀死它反倒更仁慈些。剑桥国际The vet was rather gloomy about my cat's chances of recovering from his illness.兽医对我的猫能从病中康复不抱什么希望。剑桥国际The bank vets everyone who applies for an account.这家银行对每一个申请开户的人进行审查。剑桥国际The calving was difficult and we had to call a vet.产犊困难,我们得叫兽医。剑桥国际The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.那位农场主请兽医出诊给生病的奶牛看病。剑桥国际The farmer called the vet to visit his sick cow.农民打电话让兽医来看看他生病的牛。剑桥国际We asked the vet to put our cat out of her misery after she was run over by a bus.我们的猫被车辗过之后,我们请求兽医杀死她以解脱她的痛苦。剑桥国际We found a hurt dog lying in the road, and took it to the vet.我们看见在路中央躺着一只受伤的狗,便把它带到了兽医诊所。剑桥国际We took our dog to the vet yesterday to get his claws clipped.昨天我们把狗带去兽医那里修修爪子。剑桥国际




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