

单词 university
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BETRAY〕a powerful story of love and betrayal set in the tranquil world of Cambridge University 以剑桥大学的宁静世界为背景的一个震撼人心的爱与背叛的故事朗文写作活用〔Open University〕an Open University course开放大学的一门课程外研社新世纪〔SPORT/GAME〕the annual university boat race between Oxford and Cambridge 牛津大学和剑桥大学一年一度的划船比赛朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕a subject that you study at school or university 在学校学习的一门学科朗文写作活用〔accord〕act in accord with university policies.和大学政策相一致美国传统〔administration〕university administrations 大学行政部门牛津高阶〔administration〕negotiations between the University administration and the students大学管理层和学生之间的谈判外研社新世纪〔assembly line〕a university that functions as a sports assembly line.职责为体育运动装配线的大学美国传统〔a〕a university 一所大学英汉大词典〔board〕board some students from the university 为几名大学生包伙(或提供膳宿)英汉大词典〔breeding ground〕the university as a breeding ground for new scientific theories.作为新的科学理论发源地的大学美国传统〔cadre〕the current cadres of a university curricula 一所大学课程的现行大纲英汉大词典〔call〕be called to the presidency of the university 被聘任大学校长英汉大词典〔cap〕a Harvard University cap [=a cap that has the name or symbol of Harvard University on it] 哈佛大学帽(有哈佛校名或标志的帽子)韦氏高阶〔co-ed〕two University of Florida coeds.佛罗里达大学的两名女学生柯林斯高阶〔colleague〕her colleagues at the university 她在这所大学的同事麦克米伦高阶〔criminologist〕a criminologist at the University of Montreal.蒙特利尔大学的犯罪学家柯林斯高阶〔daughter〕the daughter of a university professor.大学教授的女儿柯林斯高阶〔dispense〕a referral project at the University of Texas to dispense information on birth control and abortion得克萨斯大学一个提供节育和堕胎知识的引荐项目外研社新世纪〔division〕the engineering division of a university 大学的工程系英汉大词典〔dropout〕a university dropout 大学退学生英汉大词典〔dropout〕a university with a high dropout rate 退学率高的大学牛津高阶〔economy〕the place of the university in the educational economy of the state 大学在国家教育系统中的地位英汉大词典〔entrance〕a university entrance exam 大学入学考试牛津高阶〔faculty〕the faculty of the University of Iowa 艾奥瓦大学的全体教员牛津搭配〔fine art〕the university of Cairo's faculty of fine arts.开罗大学美术系柯林斯高阶〔foundation〕the foundation of a new university 一所新大学的创办英汉大词典〔free〕the free and easy atmosphere of university life 无拘无束的大学生活朗文当代〔graduate〕university graduates 大学毕业生朗文当代〔graduate〕a graduate of Aston University 阿斯顿大学的学位获得者麦克米伦高阶〔guidance〕guidance about university degrees 有关大学学位的指导牛津搭配〔in-residence〕a writer-in-residence at the university 在大学任教的作家英汉大词典〔leading〕a leading university 一流大学文馨英汉〔lecturer〕a lecturer in medieval studies at Edinburgh University 爱丁堡大学一位研究中世纪的讲师朗文当代〔man〕a university man (男) 大学生 (或具有大学学历的人)英汉大词典〔moral〕the moral climate of a university 大学的道德风气 英汉大词典〔municipal〕a municipal university (hospital) 市立大学(医院)英汉大词典〔ombudsman〕the university ombudsman 大学意见调查员麦克米伦高阶〔outfit〕the BBC's Open University outfit 英国广播公司开放大学节目的全班人马英汉大词典〔paper chase〕a paper chase to obtain a university degree 为获取大学学位的长期苦读麦克米伦高阶〔political asylum〕a university teacher who is seeking political asylum in Britain.寻求在英国政治避难的大学教师柯林斯高阶〔position〕a faculty position at Iowa State University 在艾奥瓦州立大学的教职牛津搭配〔prestigious〕a prestigious university 名牌大学牛津高阶〔principal〕the Principal of Glasgow University 格拉斯哥大学校长麦克米伦高阶〔read〕read law at a university 在大学攻读法律 英汉大词典〔reliance〕the increased reliance of the university on private funds 这所大学对私人资金越来越多的依赖牛津搭配〔remove〕remove a student from the university 将一学生开除出大学 英汉大词典〔resign〕resign the presidency of a university 辞去大学校长职务 英汉大词典〔school〕a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.宾夕法尼亚大学兽医学系的一名讲师柯林斯高阶〔senate〕the senate of Loughborough University 拉夫伯勒大学评议会牛津高阶〔state-run〕a state-run university [radio station] 国立大学[国营广播电台]文馨英汉〔the〕the University of Leeds 利兹大学英汉大词典〔ubiquitous〕the ubiquitous bicycles of university towns 大学城里处处可见的自行车牛津高阶〔undergraduate〕during her undergraduate years at the University of California 她在加州大学读本科的岁月牛津搭配〔university〕university students 大学生麦克米伦高阶〔university〕a university course/degree/lecturer 大学课程╱学位╱讲师牛津高阶〔university〕a university entrance exam 大学入学考试牛津搭配〔university〕finish university 大学毕业英汉大词典〔university〕the University of York 约克大学牛津高阶〔university〕the university union/tennis team/orchestra 大学联合会/网球队/管弦乐队麦克米伦高阶




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