

单词 unequal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market is deeply entrenched in our culture. 劳动力市场男女不平等的现象在我们的文化中根深蒂固。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It was an unequal relationship. He was rich, powerful and experienced -- I was very young and naive. 那是种不平等的关系。他有钱有势,阅历丰富—而我则年纪轻轻,天真幼稚。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕People are paid unequal amounts because they have unequal talents. 人们报酬不同是因为能力不同。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The unequal distribution of wealth is a feature of our system of government. 财富分配不均是我们这个政治体制的一个特征。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The boxers were so unequal in size that it was never really a true contest. 两名拳击手身材差别太大,这根本不是真正的比赛。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕When people are forced to compete on unequal terms they become resentful. 当人们被迫在不平等条件下展开竞争时,就会变得怨忿不平。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The two pieces of rope were unequal in length. 这两条绳子长度不同。朗文写作活用〔air lock〕An airtight chamber, usually located between two regions of unequal pressure, in which air pressure can be regulated.密封舱,压差隔离室:通常位于气压不同的两地之间的密封舱,气压在其中可以调节美国传统〔didynamous〕Having four stamens in two pairs of unequal length.二强雄蕊的:在两对不等长度中有四枚雄蕊美国传统〔distribution〕Brazil has a very unequal distribution of income and wealth.巴西的收入和财富分配很不平均。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕To decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths.抽签:用长度不等的草抽签决定美国传统〔gender discrimination〕The report will examine unequal pay as well as other types of gender discrimination in the workplace.这份报告将检查收入不平等和其他种类的工作场所性别歧视。剑桥高阶〔heteromerous〕Having unequal or differing parts within the same structure or similar structures.异基数的:在同样或类似的构造中有不相等的或不同的部分的美国传统〔inequality〕An instance of being unequal.不平等的事美国传统〔inequality〕The condition of being unequal.不均等:处于不均衡的状态美国传统〔length〕Use two planks of unequal length.用两块长短不同的厚木板。麦克米伦高阶〔monoclinic〕Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third.单斜晶系的:有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的美国传统〔of unequal〕The two boards are unequal in length/size. = The two boards are of unequal length/size.这两块板的长度/大小不一。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕The two gables were of unequal height and pitch.两面山墙的高度和斜度都不相同。外研社新世纪〔rhomboid〕A parallelogram with unequal adjacent sides.长斜方形:具有不相等邻边的平行四边形美国传统〔scalene〕Having three unequal sides. Used of triangles.不等边的:有三条不相等的边的。用于三角形美国传统〔shoe〕The circumstances have been reversed; an unequal relationship has been inverted.情况已经逆转;一种不平等的关系已经被倒过来了美国传统〔short〕The worst side of an unequal deal.处于劣势的:一不平等事物的最坏的一面美国传统〔society〕US society is becoming more unequal.美国社会正变得越来越不平等。牛津搭配〔sound off〕She sounded off about the unequal pay raises.她对不公平的加薪明确表示不满。韦氏高阶〔strike against〕They struck against unequal pay.他们为反对不平等工资待遇而举行了罢工。21世纪英汉〔triclinic〕Having three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. Used of certain crystals.三斜的:具有三个相交为斜角的不相等的轴的。用于某些晶体美国传统〔unequaled〕He is unequaled as a chess player.做为一名西洋棋的棋手,他是无与伦比的。文馨英汉〔unequally〕He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.他感觉难以胜任这项工作,希望有人能给点建议。柯林斯高阶〔unequally〕Her critics say she has proved unequal to the task.批评她的人说事实证明她并不具备完成这项工作的能力。柯林斯高阶〔unequally〕The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.埃及人很有可能用不同长度的24小时来度量日子。柯林斯高阶〔unequally〕This country still had a deeply oppressive, unequal and divisive political system.这个国家的政治体制依然残暴异常,缺少平等,四分五裂。柯林斯高阶〔unequal〕A mere politician will prove unequal to the position.纯粹的政治家将证明自己难以担当这个职务。英汉大词典〔unequal〕He felt unequal to the job.他觉得无法胜任这份工作。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.他想让她高兴起来,但发现他根本无法做到。剑桥高阶〔unequal〕Her feet are of unequal sizes.她的两只脚大小不一。英汉大词典〔unequal〕I felt quite unequal to the challenge.我觉得完全无力应对这一挑战。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕In social standing the two men were considered as unequals.这两人的社会地位被认为是不同等的。英汉大词典〔unequal〕It became clear that he was unequal to the demands of the job.很明显,他不能胜任这项工作的要求。麦克米伦高阶〔unequal〕She felt unequal to the task she had set herself.她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。牛津高阶〔unequal〕She was unequal to the task.她不具备完成这项任务的能力。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕That's certainly the main reason given by men for unequal pay.那无疑是男性对不公平薪资给出的主要理由。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕The pieces were unequal in length.那几件东西长度不同。朗文当代〔unequal〕The rooms upstairs are of unequal size.楼上的房间大小不同。牛津高阶〔unequal〕The sleeves are unequal in length.这两只衣袖不一样长。牛津高阶〔unequal〕The slices were unequal in size.这两片大小明显不一样。剑桥高阶〔unequal〕There is little doubt that access to education in this country is highly unequal.毫无疑问,在这个国家接受教育的机会是极不平等的。麦克米伦高阶〔unequal〕They have an unequal relationship.他们之间的关系相当不平等。剑桥高阶〔unequal〕This country still had an unequal political system.该国的政治体制仍然不平等。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕Until women are paid as much as men, they will be competing on unequal terms.在男女同工同酬前,妇女将会一直在不平等的条件下与男人竞争。剑桥高阶〔unequal〕Women claimed they were given unequal treatment.妇女们声称她们受到了不平等待遇。麦克米伦高阶〔unparalleled〕Without parallel, equal, or match; unequaled.无双的:没有对等物或对手的;独一无二的美国传统〔wolf〕Dissonance in some intervals of a keyboard instrument tuned to a system of unequal temperament.不协调音:适应不规则的音律系统的键盘乐器在某些音程中的不协调音美国传统Common themes in her writing are sexism and the unequal treatment of blacks and whites.她的作品中常见的主题是性别歧视及黑人和白人不公平的待遇。剑桥国际He faced his enemy with unequaled courage. 他以无比的勇气面对他的敌人。译典通He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.他想使她振奋起来, 但发现不能胜任这个任务。剑桥国际He was unequal to the job. 他不胜任这项工作。译典通Her feet are of unequal size. 她的两只脚大小不一样。译典通She cut two slices of noticeably unequal size.她割了明显不一样大小的两片。剑桥国际They have a rather unequal relationship.他们之间有不平等的关系。剑桥国际Until women are paid as much as men they will be competing on unequal terms.在妇女取得与男子一样的报酬前,她们是在不平等的条件下竞争。剑桥国际




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