

单词 unending
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕The wet winter days seemed at times unending. 冬季的雨天有时候似乎没完没了。朗文写作活用〔militarily〕They remain unwilling to intervene militarily in what could be an unending war.他们仍不愿对一场可能会旷日持久的战争进行军事干预。外研社新世纪〔militarily〕They remain unwilling to intervene militarily in what could be an unending war.他们仍然不愿意对一场可能会旷日持久的战争进行军事干预。柯林斯高阶〔unending〕Her life seems to have consisted of an unending series of disasters.她的生活似乎是由连续不断的灾难组成的。麦克米伦高阶〔unending〕I do not recall any formal training, just endless work and an unending stream of people! 现在想起来,没有任何正式的培训,有的只是没完没了的工作和无休无止的人流!柯林斯高阶〔unending〕I do not recall any formal training, just endless work and an unending stream of people!我想不起有过任何正式培训, 只有做不完的工作和无穷无尽的人流!外研社新世纪〔unending〕Motherhood seemed to her an unending cycle of cooking, washing, and cleaning.做母亲对她来讲似乎就是整天没完没了的做饭、洗衣和打扫卫生。剑桥高阶Motherhood seemed to her an unending cycle of cooking, washing and cleaning.做母亲对她来讲似乎是没完没了地做饭、洗衣和清洁工作。剑桥国际No period has seen anything comparable to our own unending, daily inundation of the home by human violence on TV.人类暴力行为每天通过电视不断地涌入每个家庭,这是前所未见的。剑桥国际People are tired of the unending debate about tobacco. 人们厌倦了有关抽烟的无休止的讨论。译典通The weekend's bomb explosion was just the latest in an unending series of terrorist attacks.周末炸弹爆炸只是一系列恐怖分子不断袭击中最近的一次。剑桥国际




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