

单词 washing up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LUCKY〕That jammy devil Steve has got out of the washing up again. 史蒂夫这个幸运儿又不用洗碗了。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕If you do the cooking tonight, I'll do the washing up. 今天晚上如果你做饭,我就洗盘子。朗文写作活用〔case〕Normally everyone has to help with the washing up, but in her case we made an exception.平常个个人都得帮着刷洗碗碟,不过就她的情形来说,我们又当别论。牛津同义词〔cue〕They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.他们开始洗刷碗碟了,这就是暗示我们该离开聚会了。剑桥高阶〔do ... up〕Do the washing up so that I can take it to the laundry.把要洗的衣物捆好,我好把它们拿到洗衣店去。21世纪英汉〔excuse〕You're excused from doing the washing up tonight.今晚你可以不洗碗。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕Ruth always tries to get out of doing the washing up.露丝总想逃避洗衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔letoff〕I'll let you off doing the washing up. 我免了你洗碗碟的活儿。英汉大词典〔let〕I'll let you off doing the washing up. 我免了你洗碗碟的活儿。英汉大词典〔mad〕Kerry got really mad with Richard for not doing the washing up.理查德没洗碗,克丽大发雷霆。剑桥高阶〔powerful〕This new washing up liquid is much more powerful than the old one.这种新款洗洁剂比老款去污能力更强。外研社新世纪〔see〕Go on, you go out. I'll see to the washing up.行了,你出去吧,我来洗碗。朗文当代〔sit〕Why don't you sit yourself down? We'll do the washing up.你何不舒舒服服地坐着呢?我们来洗。麦克米伦高阶〔spat〕She was having a spat with her brother about who should do the washing up.她刚为了该由谁来洗碗与她哥哥吵了几句。剑桥高阶〔thanks〕Thanks a lot for doing the washing up.非常感谢你洗了碗碟。麦克米伦高阶〔thank〕Look at all this washing up – thank goodness for dishwashers.麦克米伦高阶〔wash up〕Washing up before dinner is a good habit.饭前洗手是个好习惯。21世纪英汉〔wriggle out of〕I managed to wriggle out of doing the washing up.我设法逃避了洗碗的活儿。外研社新世纪He insisted on helping me washing up. 他坚持要帮我洗碗。译典通He just watches TV all evening and never lifts / raises a finger (=makes any effort to help) when it comes to cooking or washing up.他整个晚上只是看电视,做饭洗碗的事他从不动一根手指。剑桥国际He offered to do all the washing up if I did all the cooking, which seemed like a fair (= reasonable) deal.如果我做饭他就主动刷碗碟,这看上去是公平合理的。剑桥国际I couldn't (=It was unacceptable to) let her do all the washing up by herself.我不能让她一个人洗。剑桥国际I think he expects to be congratulated every time he does the washing up.我想他每次洗完餐具都指望得到夸奖。剑桥国际If you do the washing up, I'll do the drying.要是你洗碗,那么我就擦碗。剑桥国际Many people like to wear aprons while they are cooking or doing the washing up.许多人在下厨或洗东西时喜欢系上一条围单。剑桥国际She's just having a spat with her brother about who should do the washing up.她刚为了由谁洗碗这件事和她哥哥争吵了一番。剑桥国际Stack the washing up by the sink and I'll do it later.将要洗的东西叠在水槽边,等会儿我来洗。剑桥国际They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.他们开始洗刷碗碟,这就暗示我们该离开晚会了。剑桥国际




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