

单词 average
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ability〕students of average ability 中等能力的学生朗文当代〔above〕be above the average 在平均水平之上英汉大词典〔average〕average a set of numbers.取一组数的平均值美国传统〔average〕average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度美国传统〔average〕a decidedly average performance 水平绝对一般的表演麦克米伦高阶〔average〕a player of average ability.一个中等能力的运动员美国传统〔average〕a student of average ability 才智平平的学生剑桥高阶〔average〕a woman of average height.一个中等身材的妇女柯林斯高阶〔average〕an average day 普通的一天韦氏高阶〔average〕an average family 普通家庭英汉大词典〔average〕an average performer 演技平平的演员英汉大词典〔average〕an average rate/cost/price 平均费率╱成本╱价格牛津高阶〔average〕at an average speed of 100 miles per hour 以平均每小时 100 英里的速度牛津高阶〔average〕below (the) average 低于一般水平英汉大词典〔average〕make an A average 获得优等平均分数英汉大词典〔average〕the average American car owner美国一般的私家车拥有者外研社新世纪〔average〕the average American family/home buyer 普通的美国家庭/住房购买者韦氏高阶〔average〕winds with an average speed of 15 miles per hour 平均时速为15英里的风麦克米伦高阶〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%.今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%柯林斯高阶〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%外研社新世纪〔compute〕compute a batting average 计算击球率韦氏高阶〔cynical〕a cynical distrust of friendly strangers; a cynical view of the average voter's intelligence.对和善的陌生人轻蔑的不信任;对每个投票者的智力表示轻视的看法美国传统〔daily〕average daily wage 平均日工资英汉大词典〔density〕an average density of 2.4 people per hectare 每公顷 2.4 人的平均密度牛津搭配〔depth〕a sea with an average depth of 35 metres 平均深度为 35 米的一片海域朗文当代〔earnings〕an employee's average weekly earnings 雇员的平均周薪朗文当代〔earnings〕the growth in average earnings over the last ten years 过去 10 年以来平均收入的增长牛津搭配〔expenditure〕the family's average expenditure on food 家庭用于食物的平均支出牛津搭配〔factor〕go up by an average factor of 50% 以50%的平均速率上涨英汉大词典〔food〕the amount of food that an average family consumes in a week 普通人家一周所消耗的食物牛津搭配〔household〕an average household income of £420 a week平均一周420英镑的家庭收入外研社新世纪〔income〕an average household income of £27,000 平均27000英镑的家庭收入麦克米伦高阶〔income〕the average per capita income 人均收入牛津搭配〔indifferent〕an uninterested glance. See also Synonyms at average 不感兴趣地一瞥 参见同义词 average美国传统〔intelligence〕a man of average intelligence 中等才智的人英汉大词典〔intelligence〕a person of average intelligence 智力平平的人麦克米伦高阶〔intelligible〕the ability to make complex concepts intelligible to the average reader 以通俗易懂的方式让普通读者理解复杂概念的能力韦氏高阶〔liquidity〕a bank that is increasing its liquidity by shortening the average term of its loans.一家以缩短平均贷款期限来提高其资金流动性的银行美国传统〔longevity〕the average longevity of human beings 人的平均寿命文馨英汉〔markup〕an average markup of 10% 平均 10% 的加成牛津高阶〔miss〕mis.ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions. mis.ses 少女(或妇女)尺码:为平均高度和身材的女人或女孩制定的一系列衣服的尺寸美国传统〔p.a.〕dentists with an average net income of £48,000 p.a.年均净收入4.8万英镑的牙医们外研社新世纪〔pay〕the average take-home pay of a manual worker 体力劳动者的平均税后工资牛津搭配〔percentage〕the percentage rise in the average salary 平均工资增长的百分比牛津搭配〔rainfall〕an average annual rainfall of 10 cm *10 厘米的年平均降雨量牛津高阶〔rate of return〕an 8 per cent average rate of return.平均8%的收益率柯林斯高阶〔real〕a real increase of 6% in average wages 平均工资 6% 的实际增长率朗文当代〔remand〕the average remand population of the prisons 各监狱的候审人平均数英汉大词典〔saving〕average savings of 30% 平均节约 30%牛津搭配〔snowfall〕an average snowfall of 5 inches per year 每年平均5英寸的降雪量英汉大词典〔span〕an average life span of 70 years 平均寿命70岁剑桥高阶〔strike〕strike an average 算出平均数英汉大词典〔unit〕the average unit cost of all products 所有产品的平均单位成本牛津搭配〔workaday〕the workaday struggles and concerns of the average person 普通人的日常辛劳和忧虑韦氏高阶a decrease/an increase in the average revenue per customer 按每位顾客计平均收益的减少/增加牛津商务an average daily trading volume of 100 000 shares 日均 10 万股的交易量牛津商务an average markup of 10% 平均加价 10%牛津商务the average earnings index for the services sector 服务业的平均收入指数牛津商务the average nationwide price of petrol 汽油的全国平均价格牛津商务the percentage rise in the average salary 平均工资的增长百分比牛津商务




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