

单词 wits
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Buying a second-hand car can be very tricky. You really have to have your wits about you. 买二手车可能会上当,你真得留点神。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕It was only because John kept his wits about him that the boys managed to get home safely. 正是因为约翰保持警觉,这些孩子才得以安然返家。朗文写作活用〔COMPETE WITH〕On the quiz show ordinary people pit their wits against a panel of celebrities. 问答节目中,普通人与一群名人斗智。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Film-makers have always known that one way to capture an audience is to frighten it out of its wits. 拍电影的人从来就知道抓牢观众的办法之一就是把他们吓得半死。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I knew a man was following me, and I was scared out of my wits. 我知道有个男人跟着我,都吓得魂不附体了。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕A dozen writers and wits used to gather at the Algonquin Hotel for lunch. 很多作家和才子以前常常聚在阿尔贡金酒店用餐。朗文写作活用〔about〕He always has his wits about him.他一向不失急智。英汉大词典〔about〕Keep your wits about you.你要长点心眼美国传统〔badger〕He badgered the witness out of her wits.他把女证人盘问得不知所措。英汉大词典〔battle of wits〕In this movie, it's a battle of wits as the bank robbers try to outsmart the city's detectives.在这部影片中,银行劫匪想要智胜城市侦探,双方展开了一场智斗。韦氏高阶〔battler〕With chess you're involved in a battle of wits from start to finish.下国际象棋从头到尾都是在比拼智慧。柯林斯高阶〔battle〕A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader.好的悬疑故事是作者和读者之间智慧的较量。朗文当代〔claw〕Those runners used their wits and strength to claw back the points being lost in the field.那些跑垒员用他们的智慧和体力补回了场上丢失的分数。英汉大词典〔duel〕They engaged in a duel of wits.他们相互斗智。韦氏高阶〔dull〕Watching TV for a long time dulls one's wits.长时间看电视使人头脑迟钝。21世纪英汉〔ensue〕When those two friends meet, a battle of wits ensues.那两个朋友一旦相遇,一场智斗总是随之发生。21世纪英汉〔frighten/scare sb out of their wits〕Don't shout like that! You scared me out of my wits.别那么大喊大叫的!你都吓死我了。剑桥高阶〔frighten〕My father thought he was amusing me but he was frightening the wits out of me.我爸爸以为是在逗我开心, 却把我吓得要死。外研社新世纪〔frighten〕The noise frightened me to death/out of my wits (= gave me a severe fright).那声音吓得我要死/不知所措。剑桥高阶〔gather your wits〕I spent the five-minute break between games gathering my wits and rethinking my strategy for the second half.我利用中场休息的5分钟镇静下来,并重新思考下半场比赛的战术。剑桥高阶〔gather〕She let out a loud sigh and tried to gather her wits.她大声叹了口气, 想清醒一下。外研社新世纪〔have/keep (all) your wits about you〕Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to keep your wits about you.在城市里骑自行车可能会非常危险——你必须保持清醒的头脑。剑桥高阶〔labour〕Government officials labour their wits on tasks like these.政府官员们常为这类任务绞尽脑汁。英汉大词典〔labour〕They seldom labour their wits on thankless task.他们很少为吃力不讨好的工作动脑筋。21世纪英汉〔limber〕You should limber up your wits before the test.在测验之前你该动动脑筋。21世纪英汉〔live by〕Out in the jungle, with no food or shelter, he had to live by his wits.远在丛林,没有食物和居所,他不得不靠智慧生存。韦氏高阶〔match〕They matched wits.他们的智慧不相上下。外研社新世纪〔mind〕He lacks formal education but is adept at living by his wits.他缺乏正规的教育,但却通过他的智慧生活得很好。美国传统〔nine〕Nine times out of ten, a woman would do better to rely on her wits and her legs to get her out of trouble.大多数情况下, 女人最好还是依靠自己的智慧和行动摆脱困境。外研社新世纪〔pit against〕Here is your chance to pit your wits against the experts.这是一个你与专家斗智的机会。外研社新世纪〔pit against〕I'd like to pit my wits against the best.我想与最优秀的人斗智。外研社新世纪〔pit your wits against sb/sth〕Would you like to pit your wits against our quiz champion? 你想和我们的智力竞赛冠军斗智吗?剑桥高阶〔pit〕I'd like to pit my wits against the best.我希望同最优秀的对手斗智。柯林斯高阶〔pit〕Pit your wits against family or friends! 和家人或朋友斗智去吧!朗文当代〔pit〕Small businesses are having to pit their wits against the giant companies.小公司只好使出全身解数来应对大公司。麦克米伦高阶〔pit〕You can pit your wits against his strength.你可以用你的机智来跟他的力气对抗。文馨英汉〔puzzle〕They puzzled their wits to find the answer.他们开动脑筋以求找到答案。英汉大词典〔scare〕He scared me out of my wits (= made me extremely frightened) by driving so fast.他开得那么快,把我吓得半死。剑桥高阶〔sharpen〕His wits sharpened even he's older.他年纪更老了,然而他的头脑变得更加敏锐了。21世纪英汉〔sharpen〕We'll need to sharpen our wits if we're going to defeat Jack's team.要击败杰克的队,我们需要更加聪明一些。剑桥高阶〔shock〕My wits were shocked out of me.我的理智被震惊所夺走。文馨英汉〔spiv〕One, usually unemployed, who lives by one's wits.诈欺的人:通常无固定职业且靠行骗过日子的人美国传统〔terrify〕She was terrified out of her wits.她吓得魂不附体。英汉大词典〔well〕Obviously she had been frightened out of wits, as well she might be.显然她已吓得六神无主了,于她来说这亦在情理之中。英汉大词典〔whoever〕Whoever you send north has to have their wits about them.你无论派谁去北方, 都要让他们保持警惕。外研社新世纪〔wits〕He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.他不得不与一个冷静、聪明而又狡猾的对手斗智。外研社新世纪〔wits〕She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today.她凭借个人才智升到了今天的职位。外研社新世纪〔wits〕She used her wits to outsmart the enemy.她用机智打败了敌人。外研社新世纪〔wits〕Travellers need to keep their wits about them.旅行者需要随机应变。外研社新世纪〔wits〕You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.你把我们吓坏了, 我们听说你出了事故。外研社新世纪〔wits〕You'll need to have your wits about you at the interview.在采访时你要保持头脑清醒。外研社新世纪〔wit〕Alone and penniless, I was forced to live on my wits .孤身一人又身无分文,我只得靠我的机智来过活。朗文当代〔wit〕Celebrity teams pit their wits against each other in this lively quiz show.名人参赛队在这一妙趣横生的智力游戏节目中互相斗智较量。牛津搭配〔wit〕Claudia paused, trying to gather her wits enough to reply.镇定下来麦克米伦高阶〔wit〕He does not work—he lives by his wits.他不工作,而靠骗人混饭吃。英汉大词典〔wit〕He has quick [slow] wits.他才智敏锐[迟钝]。文馨英汉〔wit〕He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.他不得不与一个冷静、聪明而又狡猾的对手斗智。柯林斯高阶〔wit〕He needed all his wits to find his way out.他需要绞尽脑汁找到出路。牛津高阶〔wit〕I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits.我感到无助,但尽量让自己冷静下来。朗文当代〔wit〕I hope you had the wits to apologize.我希望你能认识到错误去道歉。牛津搭配〔wit〕I was terrified out of my wits at the very idea.我被这样的念头吓坏了。朗文当代〔wit〕Kate paused and gathered her wits.凯特停下来恢复一下理智。牛津高阶〔wit〕Keep your wits about you at all times.随时都要保持清醒的头脑。麦克米伦高阶〔wit〕Keep your wits about you when you're driving.驾车时要头脑清醒。英汉大词典〔wit〕She couldn't seem to gather her wits and tell us what had happened.她好像还没有恢复理智,还不能告诉我们发生了什么事情。牛津搭配〔wit〕She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today.她凭借个人才智升到了今天的职位。柯林斯高阶〔wit〕She learned to survive on her wits.她学会了靠自己的头脑生存。剑桥高阶〔wit〕The game allows you to match wits with a computer criminal.这个游戏可以让你与计算机罪犯斗智斗勇。牛津搭配〔wit〕The game was a long battle of wits.这场游戏是长时间的斗智。牛津高阶〔wit〕The latest news has scared the wits out of investors.最新的消息把投资者吓坏了。牛津搭配〔wit〕The sight scared [frightened] her out of her wits.那景象吓得她魂不附体。文馨英汉〔wit〕The strike developed into a battle of wits between management and workers.这场罢工发展成为劳资双方智慧的较量。牛津搭配〔wit〕They do tough interviews, so you'll need to have your wits about you.他们的面试很难对付,所以你得保持头脑清醒。牛津搭配〔wit〕Travellers need to keep their wits about them.旅行者需要随机应变。柯林斯高阶〔wit〕You must set your wits to work.你必须运用智慧。文馨英汉〔wit〕You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.你把我们吓坏了,我们听说你出事了。柯林斯高阶〔woolgathering〕His wits have gone (或run) woolgathering.他思想开了小差,在胡思乱想了。英汉大词典He'll need all the wits and political experience he can muster if he's going to run for president.如果他打算参加总统竞选的话,将会需要自己所能聚集的所有机智及政治经验。剑桥国际I knew a fellow who lived for years by his wits. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子。译典通In the gameshow, each contestant has to pit their wits against (= compete in a test of intelligence and knowledge with) the celebrity guest if they want to go for the star prize.在游戏节目中,每位参赛选手都得绞尽脑汁与特邀的名人对抗,如果他们想争取明星奖的话。剑桥国际In this part of the city you have to keep your wits about you all the time. 在该城市的这一地区你一定得随时保持警觉。译典通Keep your wits about you and swim to shore. 保持冷静,游到岸边。译典通Our opponents on this issue have some strong arguments, so we'll need to sharpen our wits if we're going to defeat them.我们在这个问题上的对手有一些有力的论据,所以如果要击败他们,我们就得敏捷机智。剑桥国际She spent the five-minute break between games gathering her wits and rethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.她利用中场休息的5分钟镇静下来,并重新考虑下半场比赛的策略。剑桥国际She was scared out of her wits. 她被吓得不知所措。译典通She's learned to survive on her keen wits and intellect.她已经学会了依靠她敏锐的头脑与智力生存。剑桥国际That loud noise scared the wits out of me.那响声吓得我魂不附体。剑桥国际That noise frightened me to death / out of my wits (=gave me a severe fright).那响声吓得我要命/六神无主。剑桥国际The Italian team are going to need all their wits about them if they want to beat the French in the final tomorrow.意大利队如果想在明天的决赛中战胜法国队的话,需要得保持头脑高度清醒。剑桥国际The beggar boy lived by his wits. 乞童靠机智维生。译典通The girl was terrified out of her wits. 那女孩吓得魂不附体。译典通The sight of a gun frightened the life / the (living) daylights / the wits out of them (=It gave them a severe fright).看到枪,他们吓得要命/六神无主。剑桥国际The trial became an elaborate game of wits between the two lawyers.这场审判成了两名律师之间的高难度智力竞赛。剑桥国际When he heard that the police were after him, he had just enough time to gather his wits and leave town before they arrived at his house.听说警察在追捕他时,他仅有点时间镇静下来,在他们到达之前离开城镇。剑桥国际You'll have to keep your wits about you when negotiating the contract.合同谈判时,你必须保持头脑清醒。剑桥国际




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