

单词 一搏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔back is to/against the wall〕We knew that with so little time and money left to finish the project we had our backs to the wall.我们明白靠剩下的这么一点时间和资金来完成这个项目,我们是在拼死一搏。韦氏高阶〔battle〕As a parent, you have to pick your battles.作为父母,你必须决定哪些事值得一搏。牛津搭配〔broke〕It was a sharp disagreement about whether to go for broke or whether to compromise.是放手一搏还是保守妥协,在这一问题上的分歧很尖锐。柯林斯高阶〔calculated risk〕The army took a calculated risk when it attacked the enemy's capital without using planes.军队冒险一搏,攻打敌方首都时没有使用飞机。韦氏高阶〔calculated〕The police took a calculated risk in releasing him.警方冒险一搏,释放了他。朗文当代〔chase〕People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes, like diamonds, are worth striving for.享受追求过程中的刺激的人们清楚,奖赏和钻石一样,是值得为之一搏的。柯林斯高阶〔disastrous〕Investing his savings in that dubious stock was disastrous.他把积蓄投资于那毫无把握的股票是灾难性的一搏。英汉大词典〔edge out〕McGregor's effort was enough to edge Johnson out of the top spot.麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。柯林斯高阶〔edge out〕McGregor's effort was enough to edge Johnson out of top spot.麦格雷戈奋力一搏, 成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。外研社新世纪〔extricate〕It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。柯林斯高阶〔extricate〕It represents a last-ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。外研社新世纪〔fling〕The athlete will have one final fling before retirement.退役前,这名运动员将作最后一搏。牛津搭配〔gratification〕We took a chance and we've won. It's very gratifying.我们决定搏上一搏,结果赢了,真是令人心花怒放。柯林斯高阶〔knock-on〕Kevin Morgan's last-minute effort was disallowed for a knock-on.凯文·摩根最后一搏因用手向前击球而被视为无效。外研社新世纪〔last-ditch〕The troops made a desperate last-ditch effort to keep the town from being captured.军队做了最后殊死一搏,不让镇子落入敌手。韦氏高阶〔pig〕He and Dermott Reeve almost made a complete pig's ear of the final push for victory.他和德莫特•里夫差点把胜利前的最后一搏彻底搞砸。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕If you have been thinking about buying shares, now could be the time to take the plunge.如果你一直在考虑买股票, 现在可能是冒险一搏的时候了。外研社新世纪〔prop〕This new initiative is a desperate attempt to prop up the economy.这项新举措是为扶持经济而进行的拼命一搏。麦克米伦高阶〔rearguard action〕The unions were determined to fight a rearguard action against the government's plans to strip them of their powers.各工会下定决心作最后一搏,以抗拒政府剥夺其权力的计划。剑桥高阶〔rearguard〕Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job.厄本先生越来越像为了保住工作作最后一搏的那些人。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.她准备不惜牺牲一切,作最后的一搏。剑桥高阶〔showdown〕The president is preparing for a showdown with Republicans over his plans to reform the economy.总统正在作准备,打算就他的经济改革计划和共和党人最后放手一搏。剑桥高阶〔stake〕The team is playing for enormous stakes - the chance to play in the final.这支球队正在为无上的回报,即进入决赛,而拼命一搏。剑桥高阶Even when you're ready to take the plunge, setting up a business is not easy.即使你准备放手一搏,创业也并非易事。牛津商务




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