

单词 一捆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕She keeps all his old letters, tied up in bundles. 她把他所有的旧信件一捆捆地扎好并保存下来。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕People trudged on, carrying shapeless bundles full of clothes or bedding. 人们抱着一捆捆包得乱七八糟的衣服和被单艰难地行走。朗文写作活用〔after〕I saw the man dragging a bundle of firewood after him.我看见那男人身后拖着一捆柴。21世纪英汉〔besom〕A bundle of twigs attached to a handle and used as a broom.长柄细枝扫帚:一捆细枝固定于一长柄上,用作扫帚美国传统〔bind〕He said there were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.他说有时犯人会被紧紧地捆绑起来,往往一捆就是好几天。柯林斯高阶〔bind〕There were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.有时犯人会被紧紧地捆绑起来, 往往一捆就是好几天。外研社新世纪〔bundle〕She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds.她拿出一捆钞票,接着数出了195英镑。柯林斯高阶〔bundle〕We bundled the old newspapers for the trash man.我们为垃圾清理工把旧报纸扎成一捆。21世纪英汉〔crackle〕He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened papers and crackled them.他把手插进一捆松散的纸张中,一把抓住而使发出窸窣之声。21世纪英汉〔disentangle〕He was sitting on the deck disentangling a coil of rope.他坐在甲板上解开一捆绳索。牛津高阶〔draw〕He drew a sheaf of hundred-mark notes from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一捆100马克票面的钞票。英汉大词典〔eye〕His eyes were drawn to a bundle of papers in the corner.他注意到角落里的一捆文件。牛津搭配〔fagot〕To collect or bind into a fagot; bundle.捆成一束;一捆美国传统〔fake〕One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable.一卷绳索,一捆船索:卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷美国传统〔fender〕A cushioning device, such as a bundle of rope or a piece of timber, used on the side of a vessel or dock to absorb impact or friction.缓冲装置:一种减小震动或冲撞力的装置,如一捆绳子或一块木头,用在船或船坞的侧面以承受撞击或摩擦力美国传统〔kip〕A set or bundle of such hides.一批或一捆幼兽皮美国传统〔load〕He picked up a load of firewood and carried it into the house.他抱起一捆柴火搬到房子里去了。韦氏高阶〔omer〕An offering of a sheaf or an omer of the first harvest of barley to a priest in the Temple on the second day of Passover.敬献的一捆大麦:逾越节后的第二天向庙中神职人员敬献的一捆大麦或第一次收获的大麦的一欧麦美国传统〔pack〕A collection of items tied up or wrapped; a bundle.一捆,一包:捆住的或包扎好的东西集合;包袱,包裹美国传统〔pitchfork〕Richard was so strong he could pitchfork a bale of straw high onto a trailer.理查德非常有劲, 他能把一捆稻草高高叉到拖车上。外研社新世纪〔sheaf〕A bundle of cut stalks of grain or similar plants bound with straw or twine.谷束:用稻草或细绳捆起的一捆砍下的谷物或类似植物的茎杆美国传统〔sheaf〕To gather and bind into a bundle.扎:收集或捆成一捆美国传统〔sheave〕To collect and bind into a sheaf.束,捆:收集并捆成一捆美国传统〔stick〕The old man was carrying a load of sticks.那个老人抱着一捆树枝。剑桥高阶〔straw man〕A bundle of straw made into the likeness of a man and often used as a scarecrow.稻草人:做成人的形状的一捆稻草,常用作吓嘘的东西美国传统〔straw〕I sat on a bale of straw near the fire.我坐在炉火边的一捆稻草上。牛津搭配〔tally〕The dishes were counted in tallies of 20.碟子是以20一捆为计算单位点数的。英汉大词典〔tie〕She tied the newspapers in a bundle.她把报纸扎成一捆。牛津高阶〔truss〕Something gathered into a bundle; a pack.聚成一捆的东西,一堆美国传统〔up〕She kept Albert's letters in a bundle tied up with ribbon.她把艾伯特的信用丝带扎成一捆。麦克米伦高阶All her clothes and belongings were wrapped in a bundle (= contained in a cloth which was tied closed).她所有的衣服东西都被捆成一捆。剑桥国际Hay is baled before loading. 装车前,干草被打成一捆一捆的。译典通He came in carrying a bundle of sticks for the fire.他走进来,抱了一捆柴火。剑桥国际He tripped over a coil of cable.他被一捆绳索绊倒。剑桥国际




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