

单词 welcom
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The proposal was warmly welcomed by the German Chancellor. 这个提议受到德国总理的热烈欢迎。朗文写作活用〔ACCEPT〕The university's cafeteria welcomes any suggestions for improvement of its menu or service. 大学食堂乐于接受任何改进菜单或服务的建议。朗文写作活用〔BUT〕War is never welcome, nonetheless, I believe that we must defend our country. 战争总是不受欢迎的,但我认为我们必须保卫祖国。朗文写作活用〔HELLO〕Their guests were given a very warm welcome on arrival. 他们的客人到来的时候受到了非常热情的欢迎。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕Welcome to the early evening news. 欢迎收看晚间新闻。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕Our staff pride themselves on offering guests a warm welcome. 我们的员工为热情迎接客人感到自豪。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕You're welcome to stay for lunch, you know. 欢迎你留下来吃午饭!朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕The new policies have been welcomed by people working in education. 新政策受到教育工作者的欢迎。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕The residents of this city have an insular mindset, so strangers are not always made welcome. 这座城市的居民思想狭隘,因此陌生人不大受欢迎。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting. 旅馆的那个人以惯常的招呼方式欢迎我们。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕He doesn't seem to get the message that he's not welcome here. 他似乎没有明白到自己在这儿不受欢迎。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕Many firms are waiting for conditions to improve before they welcome any new employee aboard.许多公司都在等待条件改善, 然后才能欢迎新雇员加入。外研社新世纪〔abode〕Welcome to my humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍。韦氏高阶〔abode〕Welcome to our humble abode! 欢迎光舍!文馨英汉〔abode〕You are most welcome to my humble abode.竭诚欢迎光临寒舍。牛津高阶〔accord〕His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome.他的前任受到了同样热烈的欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔accord〕His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome.他的前任同样受到了热烈的欢迎。外研社新世纪〔all〕First of all, I want to welcome our guest speaker.首先,我想欢迎我们的演讲嘉宾。麦克米伦高阶〔arm〕We were welcomed back with open arms.我们回来受到热烈欢迎。韦氏高阶〔arrival〕The club has a dinner to welcome new arrivals to the town.俱乐部举行宴会欢迎新到镇里的人。牛津搭配〔assault〕Most US soldiers welcomed the ground assault when the order was finally given.命令最终下达后, 大多数美军士兵都愿发动地面突击。外研社新世纪〔assured〕You are assured of a warm welcome at this hotel.你在这家旅馆肯定会受到热情欢迎。牛津高阶〔await〕A warm welcome awaits all our guests.我们的客人都将受到热烈欢迎。牛津高阶〔aye〕You're aye welcome here at Knock Farm.诺克农场永远欢迎你。外研社新世纪〔beam〕There was a beam of welcome on her face.她脸上露出表示欢迎的笑容。英汉大词典〔board〕Welcome to the team. It's great to have you on board.欢迎你加入这个队。有你参加进来真是太好了。麦克米伦高阶〔bonus〕The sunshine on the final day was a welcome bonus for the spectators.决赛当天阳光明媚,观众心情格外欢畅。牛津搭配〔broadly〕The new law has been broadly welcomed.新法规受到了人们的普遍欢迎。外研社新世纪〔businesslike〕He gives me a businesslike welcome.他以很官方的方式欢迎我。外研社新世纪〔chance〕I would welcome the chance to give my opinion.我很乐意有机会讲讲自己的观点。牛津搭配〔city〕The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home.全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。牛津高阶〔clear〕I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here.我希望我已经给他讲清楚他在这里不再受欢迎。牛津高阶〔come along〕There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.今天有一个大型的媒体推介会,非常希望您能光临。柯林斯高阶〔come in〕Welcome. Please come in.欢迎,请进来。韦氏高阶〔constructive〕We welcome any constructive criticism .我们欢迎任何有建设性的批评。朗文当代〔contestant〕Please welcome our next contestant.请欢迎我们的下一位竞赛选手。牛津高阶〔correspondence〕The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject.编辑欢迎读者有关任何问题的来信。牛津高阶〔democrat〕This bill will be welcomed by democrats everywhere.这项议案会受到各地民主人士的欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔dialogue〕We would welcome a frank and in-person dialogue with the advocates of privacy legislation.我们欢迎和隐私立法拥护者面对面坦诚对话。外研社新世纪〔discern〕He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.他觉察到他们的接待有点冷淡。牛津高阶〔distraction〕Football is a welcome distraction, because country life can be hard.足球是一项广受欢迎的消遣, 因为乡村生活有时会很艰苦。外研社新世纪〔distraction〕Work was a welcome distraction from her problems at home.工作正好把她的注意力从家庭问题上转移开。牛津搭配〔diversion〕For the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems.政府欢迎这场战争,因为它转移了人们对国家经济问题的注意力。牛津高阶〔diversion〕Sports provide him with a welcome diversion from the pressures of his job.运动所带来的宜人消遣能让他从工作的压力中解脱出来。韦氏高阶〔drink〕The thirsty plants drank in the welcome rain.干渴的植物吸收喜人的及时雨。英汉大词典〔eagerness〕Paul was made welcome at the UN and received with eagerness.保罗在联合国受到欢迎和热情接待。外研社新世纪〔either〕Applications are welcomed from people of either sex and any age.男女老少均可申请。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会同我一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎。牛津高阶〔extend〕The chairperson extended a warm welcome to the guest speaker.主席向特邀演讲人表示热烈欢迎。剑桥高阶〔faith〕People from all faiths are welcome.欢迎各界宗教人士。朗文当代〔far〕The new legislation is welcome but does not go far enough.新法规受到欢迎,但力度还不够大。牛津高阶〔fish〕She may be fishing for a compliment and welcome your reassurance.她也许是在拐弯抹角地想获得称赞,希望得到你的肯定。柯林斯高阶〔form〕His recent performances mark a welcome return to form.他近期的表现标志着他已恢复到以往可喜的竞技状态。牛津搭配〔friendly〕The friendly glow of the fire was welcome after our hike through the snowy mountains.徒步穿过雪山之后,令人愉快的火光让我们感到舒服。韦氏高阶〔frosty〕We received a frosty welcome.我们受到了冷遇。韦氏高阶〔generally〕The plan was generally welcomed.这个计划受到普遍的欢迎。牛津高阶〔geniality〕Bob was always genial and welcoming.鲍勃总是那么友善热情。柯林斯高阶〔glowing〕She described in the most glowing terms how warm her welcome had been.她绘声绘色地描述了她热烈的欢迎。外研社新世纪〔good day〕Welcome and good day.你好,欢迎你。韦氏高阶〔greeting〕A word or gesture of welcome or salutation.问候,招呼:一个欢迎或致敬的词语或姿态美国传统〔guarded〕He gave the proposal a guarded welcome.他对这个提议表示谨慎的欢迎。朗文当代〔guest〕The best man welcomed the wedding guests as they arrived.男傧相迎候来参加婚宴的客人。牛津搭配〔hand〕She smiled and extended a hand in welcome.她笑着伸出一只手表示欢迎。牛津搭配〔hand〕So please give a big hand to (= welcome with clapping) your host for the evening, Bill Cronshaw! 请热烈鼓掌欢迎今晚的主持比尔‧克朗肖!剑桥高阶〔hang out of〕People hung out of windows to welcome her home.人们探出窗外欢迎她回家。外研社新世纪〔hello〕They welcomed us with a warm hello.他们以热烈的问候向我们表示欢迎。韦氏高阶〔hero〕The Olympic team were given a hero's welcome on their return home.奥运代表队回国时受到了英雄般的欢迎。牛津高阶〔herself〕We were welcomed by the company president herself.我们受到公司女总裁的亲自欢迎。韦氏高阶〔hint〕The profession welcomed the recommendations with more than a hint of relief.许多某物麦克米伦高阶〔individual〕We welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals.我们欢迎符合条件的个人提出申请。牛津搭配〔initiative〕The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.和平倡议受到了双方的欢迎。剑桥高阶〔insularity〕The new president is easy to get through to, a welcome contrast to the insularity of his predecessor.新总统平易近人,和前任总统的偏狭固执形成可喜的对照。英汉大词典〔job〕It's my job to welcome new members to the club.欢迎俱乐部新成员的到来是我的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔join〕Welcome to everyone who joined the cruise today.欢迎今天登上游艇的每一位客人。麦克米伦高阶〔justify〕The welcome he received amply justified his visit.他所受到的欢迎充分证明他的出访是值得的。英汉大词典〔lady〕Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our show.女士们先生们,晚上好,欢迎大家来看我们的表演。剑桥高阶〔like〕Like I said(= as I said before), you're always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说的一样,我永远都欢迎你留下来。牛津高阶〔like〕You know you're welcome to stay with us as long as you like.你知道,你在我们家想住多久都是欢迎的。朗文当代〔liveried〕Liveried doormen welcome you to the hotel.身着制服的门童欢迎你来这家宾馆。麦克米伦高阶〔lordship〕It is a great pleasure to welcome your lordship this evening.今晚很荣幸欢迎阁下的到来。剑桥高阶〔man〕My dear man, you are welcome to stay.我的老弟,欢迎你留下来。柯林斯高阶〔master of ceremonies〕A person who acts as host at a formal event, making the welcoming speech and introducing other speakers.(正式场合的)典礼官、司仪、主持人:指一个在正式场合上以主人身份出现的致欢迎词和介绍其他演讲者的人美国传统〔miscalculate〕He realized that he had miscalculated in thinking that his proposal would be welcome.他还以为自己的提案会受到欢迎,但却发现判断错了。韦氏高阶〔mitigation〕The breeze was a welcome mitigation of the heat.微风起着宜人的降温作用。英汉大词典〔my〕It's my job to welcome visitors.接待参观者是我的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔new〕The government's new-found enthusiasm for green issues has been welcomed by environmentalists.政府最近表现出来的对环保问题的热情受到环境保护主义者的欢迎。剑桥高阶〔nicker〕The stage horses nickered a welcome.驿站马嘶声大起,表示欢迎。英汉大词典〔non-white〕Non-whites were not welcome in the club.这个俱乐部以往不欢迎非白种人。剑桥高阶〔obeisance〕One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。柯林斯高阶〔officiously〕They wouldn't welcome any officious interference from the police.他们不会欢迎任何来自警方的横加干涉。柯林斯高阶〔one〕My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan! 我们今晚节目的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克尔‧乔丹!剑桥高阶〔outsit〕He often outsits his welcome.他常常久坐超过受欢迎的时间。文馨英汉〔outstay/overstay your welcome〕As much as he has contributed to the company, he has outstayed his welcome and needs to go.尽管他对公司做了很多贡献,但他在公司已经不再受欢迎,得离开了。韦氏高阶〔pantomime〕They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures.他们被迫表示欢迎, 笑容和姿态一如既往地夸张做作, 看上去如同一场闹剧。外研社新世纪〔peal〕The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.伴随着响亮的钟声,主教被迎进教堂。牛津搭配〔population〕The population turned out to welcome the Queen.万人空巷,欢迎女王。英汉大词典〔proceeding〕She started the proceedings with a brief welcoming speech.她以简短的欢迎辞拉开了此项活动的序幕。韦氏高阶〔provided (that)〕He's welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.他只要守规矩就欢迎他来。剑桥高阶〔reserved〕He gave the proposal a reserved welcome.他有保留地欢迎这项建议。英汉大词典〔return〕This is a welcome return to form for one of the best athletes in the sport.该项运动最好的选手之一状态回升,真是可喜可贺 。牛津搭配〔return〕Thousands will welcome the return of this national treasure.成千上万的人将会欢迎这个国宝的归来。牛津搭配〔rise〕He rose to welcome me.他站起来迎接我。21世纪英汉〔rooftree〕He was assured of a welcome under any rooftree.他肯定会受到任何家庭的欢迎。英汉大词典〔rough〕Rough Weather Blues has welcome rough edges.《暴风雨蓝调》这张专辑中的几处小缺憾无伤大雅。外研社新世纪〔rough〕The new measures have met with a rough welcome from the union members.新措施受到工会成员不客气的对待。英汉大词典〔salute〕To greet or address with an expression of welcome, goodwill, or respect.致意,问候:问候或讲话以表示欢迎,好意或尊敬美国传统〔signal〕The Red Cross said it is withdrawing its staff until they receive clear signals from all sides that their presence is welcomed.红十字会称他们正在撤回所属职员,直到各方都明确表示欢迎他们的存在。柯林斯高阶〔such as it is〕You're welcome to borrow my tennis racket, such as it is.你可以借我的网球拍,虽说它不怎么好。剑桥高阶〔suggestion〕We welcome any comments and suggestions on these proposals.对于这些方案的任何评论和建议,我们一概欢迎。牛津高阶〔sure〕You're always sure of a warm welcome there.到了那里你肯定会受到热烈欢迎。牛津高阶〔term〕Journalists were told, in no uncertain terms, that they were not welcome.记者们被明确地告知,他们不受欢迎。朗文当代〔touch〕The red leaves add a welcome touch of colour to salads.这些红叶给沙拉增添了几分令人愉悦的色彩。外研社新世纪〔unreserved〕She received an unreservedly enthusiastic welcome.她受到了空前热烈的欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔usable〕Charity shops and jumble sales welcome usable clothes.慈善商店和义卖活动欢迎大家捐助能穿的衣服。外研社新世纪〔vary〕You are welcome to vary the diet.我们鼓励不时变换饮食。柯林斯高阶〔veteran〕Veterans returned to heroes' welcomes.老兵回家时受到了英雄般的欢迎。牛津搭配〔vindicate〕They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves.他们说他们欢迎审判,那是证明他们无罪的一个机会。剑桥高阶〔warm〕Please give a warm welcome to our special guest.请热烈欢迎我们的嘉宾。朗文当代〔warm〕The hotel extends a warm welcome to overseas guests.这家旅馆热情欢迎海外来宾。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕She has a way of making you feel really welcome.她常让你觉得自己很受欢迎。外研社新世纪〔wear〕His face wore a welcoming smile.他脸上挂着热情的微笑。朗文当代〔welcome mat〕The city put out the welcome mat for the new baseball team.这个城市对新的棒球队给予热烈的欢迎美国传统〔welcome〕Welcome - please come in.欢迎——请进。剑桥高阶〔welcome〕Welcome to Cambridge.欢迎到剑桥来。剑桥高阶〔welcome〕Welcome to Edinburgh.欢迎来到爱丁堡。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕Welcome to London! 欢迎到伦敦来!朗文当代〔welcome〕Welcome to Wales!欢迎来到威尔士!外研社新世纪〔welcome〕Welcome to Washington.欢迎来到华盛顿。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕Welcome to the show.欢迎收看这个节目。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕A warm welcome awaits you at this family-run hotel.家庭旅馆热情欢迎您的到来。牛津搭配〔welcome〕Acold drink would be very welcome.喝一杯冷饮会使人觉得很舒服。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕He's a bright student who welcomes a challenge.他是乐于接受挑战的聪明学生。韦氏高阶〔welcome〕His family welcomed me with open arms (=in a very friendly way) .他一家热情地欢迎我。朗文当代〔welcome〕I didn't feel welcome in the club.我觉得我在俱乐部里不受欢迎。朗文当代〔welcome〕I told him he wasn't welcome in my home.我告诉他我家不欢迎他。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.就我而言,如果女人们想进军商界的话,就让她们去好了。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕If you visit our town you will be warmly welcomed.你到我们的小镇会受到热烈的欢迎。牛津搭配〔welcome〕It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。牛津高阶〔welcome〕My aunt and uncle welcomed us with open arms.热情欢迎某人/某物麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕Nominations from organizations are welcomed.欢迎各团体机构提名。英汉大词典〔welcome〕Sensing that he had outstayed his welcome, he quickly left.他感觉到自己待得太久,已经惹人厌烦,于是就赶快离开了。牛津搭配〔welcome〕She welcomed the students into her home.她热情地把学生请入家中。韦氏高阶〔welcome〕She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn't go far enough.她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕She welcomed us at the door.她在门口欢迎我们。牛津同义词〔welcome〕She was there to welcome him home from war.她在那儿迎接他从战场归来。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕That will be a welcome change.那会是个令人鼓舞的变化。韦氏高阶〔welcome〕The audience gave the band a rousing welcome.观众热烈欢迎乐队。牛津搭配〔welcome〕The president got a tremendous welcome at the airport.总统在机场受到了隆重的欢迎。朗文当代〔welcome〕The school is preparing to welcome the new intake of students.学校正在准备迎接新生。牛津搭配〔welcome〕The sunny weather was a welcome bonus.阳光灿烂的天气令人喜出望外。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕The whole family turned out to welcome him back.全家人都出来迎接他归来。牛津搭配〔welcome〕There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting him.他会受到热烈欢迎的。外研社新世纪〔welcome〕They always made us feel very welcome when we visited them.每次前去拜访,他们都让我们感到很受欢迎。韦氏高阶〔welcome〕They received a friendly welcome to their new home.他们在新家里受到了友好的欢迎。牛津搭配〔welcome〕This new comedy deserves a warm welcome.这出新喜剧值得受到热烈欢迎。牛津高阶〔welcome〕This new funding will come as a welcome boost for the industry.这笔新的资金对该行业将是积极的促进。朗文当代〔welcome〕This year's bonus will be welcome to those on lower incomes.今年的奖金将会受到那些低收入职员的欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕We welcome suggestions from our readers.我们乐于接受读者的建议。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕We would welcome any advice or suggestions with open arms .我们热忱欢迎任何建议。朗文当代〔welcome〕We would welcome your views about the survey.我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.你可以随时来医院探访。外研社新世纪〔welcome〕You would be a most welcome guest.您会是贵宾。牛津搭配〔welcome〕Your friends are always welcome here.你的朋友们在这里总是受欢迎的。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕Your letter was very welcome.很高兴收到你的信。牛津高阶〔welcoming〕The college president gave the new students a warm welcoming.大学校长给予新生热情的欢迎。韦氏高阶〔whoever〕Whoever comes will be welcomed.无论谁来都会受到欢迎美国传统〔wintry〕She gave me a wintry welcome.她冷冰冰地迎接我。韦氏高阶〔wish〕He extended a fat hand and wished me welcome to England.他伸出一只肥胖的手,对我来到英国表示欢迎。英汉大词典〔work〕Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful work, even if unpaid.许多失业人员即使没有报酬也乐意做有意义的工作。牛津搭配Welcome home/back--we've missed you! 欢迎回家/回来----我们好想念你!剑桥国际Welcome to the conference, comrades.同志们,欢迎你们参加会议。剑桥国际As an interloper, your presence here is not welcome. 作为一个搅局者,你在这里是不受欢迎的。译典通Browning stood at the door, welcoming newcomers with a large smile and a pat on the arm.布朗宁站在门口欢迎新来的人。他开朗地笑着,并轻拍每个人的胳膊。剑桥国际Businesses have welcomed the new tax reform bill.企业对新的税制改革法案表示欢迎。牛津商务Chris welcomed me with a wide smile and a warm handshake.克丽斯带着笑容,热情地和我握手,欢迎我。剑桥国际Come and see us whenever you're in town--you're always welcome/you'll always be welcome.要是到城里来,就来看看我们----你随时都受欢迎。剑桥国际Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all to the performance this evening.女士们,先生们,晚上好,我欢迎诸位来看今晚的演出。剑桥国际He would be most welcome to pay us a visit, should he be coming (= if he ever comes) to Cambridge at all.如果他来剑桥的话,我们非常欢迎他来访问我们。剑桥国际I left after a couple of days--and even then I had the impression I might have outstayed my welcome.我在几天后离开了----即使这样,我也觉得自己也许待得太久了。剑桥国际I think we should string up a banner in the garden to welcome him home.我想我们应该在花园里挂起一条横幅欢迎他回家。剑桥国际I'd like to give a warm welcome to our guests this evening.我想对今晚的来宾表示热烈的欢迎。剑桥国际It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome Professor Hall.欢迎霍尔教授使我极感愉快。剑桥国际John was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 约翰被他们的热烈欢迎而感动。译典通Refugees will be welcomed here with open arms.这里的人们将张开双臂热情地迎接难民。剑桥国际She welcomed him with a smile. 她笑著表示欢迎他。译典通The chairperson extended a warm welcome to the guest speaker.主席向特邀演讲人表示热烈欢迎。剑桥国际The criminal fraternity (=criminals) will no doubt welcome the proposed cuts in police funding.犯罪团体毫无疑问会欢迎削减警务拨款的提议。剑桥国际The decolonization of Africa by white Europeans was largely welcomed by the indigenous people.欧洲白人取消对非洲的殖民地化,受到当地人民的热烈欢迎。剑桥国际The football team got a rowdy welcome when they came home after the cup final.足球队在杯赛决赛后归来时受到了喧闹的欢迎。剑桥国际The new book is a welcome addition to the series.这本新书是对这套丛书的一个有益补充。剑桥国际The rope marking the end of the race was a welcome sight for the runners.标志终点的绳子对赛跑者来说是其乐于看到的东西。剑桥国际The secretary-general of the Arts Council has welcomed the increase in government funding.艺术理事会的秘书长欢迎政府基金的增加。剑桥国际They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing.他们如此热情地欢迎我们,不由令人感到窘迫。剑桥国际They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome.他们确实是尽了全力让我们感受到欢迎。剑桥国际They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves (= show themselves to be free from guilt or blame).他们说欢迎审判,那是证明他们无辜的机会。剑桥国际They were welcomed with open arms. 他们受到了热烈的欢迎。译典通They were given a warm welcome.他们受到了热烈的欢迎。剑桥国际We welcome speculative applications from recent graduates.我们欢迎应届毕业生的主动应征申请。牛津商务We were effusively welcomed by the patron and his wife. 我们受到老板和他妻子的热忱欢迎。译典通You're welcome to borrow my tennis racket, such as it is.欢迎你用我的网球拍,尽管它不怎么样。剑桥国际




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