

单词 writers
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕one of the hot young writers of the decade 这十年来很受欢迎的年轻作家之一朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕an exciting new collection of short stories by women writers 一本新出版的、精彩刺激的女作家短篇故事集朗文写作活用〔aspiring〕aspiring young writers 胸怀壮志的年轻作家朗文当代〔audacious〕a group of audacious young writers 一群大胆的年青作家麦克米伦高阶〔bound〕writers whose writings know no bound写作范围没有限制的作家们外研社新世纪〔bury〕the popular image of writers burying themselves in the country in order to write.常见的退隐乡间写作的作家形象柯林斯高阶〔century〕eighteenth-century writers *18 世纪的作家牛津高阶〔collaboration〕a collaboration between two writers 两位作家之间的合作牛津搭配〔collection〕a collection of stories by women writers 女作家故事集牛津高阶〔confect〕a group of writers who confected a television series.一组编写电视系列剧的作家美国传统〔contribution〕a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers 有著名旅行作家撰稿的一本杂志朗文当代〔controversy〕writers skilled at controversy.擅长辩论的作家们美国传统〔copious〕copious references to other writers 旁征博引英汉大词典〔coterie〕a coterie of writers 作家小圈子剑桥高阶〔counterpart〕the modern counterparts of those medieval writers 那些中世纪作家的现代同行牛津搭配〔dissident〕dissident writers 持不同政见的作家朗文当代〔established〕established writers 已被社会承认的作家英汉大词典〔esteem〕two of the most esteemed writers of the twenties 20年代最受尊崇的两位作家英汉大词典〔expatriate〕expatriate writers 旅居海外的作家韦氏高阶〔fellowship〕a fellowship of writers 作家协会韦氏高阶〔fracture〕ignorant writers who fracture the language.滥用语言的无知作家美国传统〔funny〕one of the funniest writers 最风趣的作家之一英汉大词典〔generation〕the post-war generation of writers 战后的一代作家朗文当代〔great〕one of the greatest writers of the modern age 近代最伟大的作家之一麦克米伦高阶〔heading〕writers who might come under the heading of postmodern fiction writers 可以被归为后现代主义小说家的作家朗文当代〔identity〕the way in which African American writers have asserted their identity 非裔美国作家坚持自己身份的方式牛津搭配〔invite〕invite friends to dinner; invite writers to a conference.请朋友吃饭;请作家出席一个会议美国传统〔lesser〕lesser-known writers 不太有名的作家韦氏高阶〔look down your nose at〕writers who look down their noses at popular culture 对大众文化不屑一顾的作家韦氏高阶〔moral majority〕unless the writers begin to write decent comedy and stop pandering to the moral majority.除非作家开始写正派的喜剧,并不再迎合那些道德多数派柯林斯高阶〔moral majority〕unless the writers begin to write decent comedy and stop pandering to the moral majority除非作家们开始创作像样的喜剧, 不再迎合道德多数派外研社新世纪〔mould〕mould one's style upon the best writers 以第一流作家为楷模形成自己的文体英汉大词典〔movement〕the philosophical writers who have influenced the movement 影响了该运动的哲学作家牛津搭配〔new〕a new generation of women writers 新一代女作家朗文当代〔or〕those famous people, whether they're movie stars or political leaders or writers or doctors 那些名人,不管他们是电影明星还是政党领袖,是作家还是医生英汉大词典〔past〕writers from past centuries 前几个世纪的作家朗文当代〔persecute〕the persecution of writers who criticize the government 对批评政府的作家的迫害朗文当代〔quality〕a shortage of quality writers 优秀作家的缺乏英汉大词典〔quality〕contemporary writers of quality 当代的优秀作家牛津高阶〔romance〕writers of romance 言情作家麦克米伦高阶〔sanitize〕crime writers who sanitise violence and make it respectable.美化暴力使其显得正当的犯罪小说作家柯林斯高阶〔sect〕different sects of writers 不同派系的作家英汉大词典〔story〕a collection of stories by modern writers 现代作家小说集牛津搭配〔stylistically〕stylistically different writers 风格不同的作家韦氏高阶〔stylistic〕stylistic differences among various writers 不同作家的风格差异韦氏高阶〔suchlike〕writers and suchlike 作家之类的人文馨英汉〔take〕be too willing to take up any promising young writers 一腔热心提携有前途的年轻作家英汉大词典〔today〕the writers of today 当代作家英汉大词典〔would-be〕a book that provides encouragement for would-be writers who cannot get their novel into print.一本勉励想成为作家却不能将小说付梓者的书柯林斯高阶〔writer〕writers of poetry 诗人牛津高阶〔writer〕a chance for aspiring writers to get their work published 让有抱负的作家发表作品的机会牛津搭配〔writer〕a course on 19th-century writers 介绍19世纪作家的课程韦氏高阶〔writer〕early writers in sociology 社会学领域早期的作者牛津搭配〔writer〕one of the best writers in journalism today 现今新闻界最好的撰稿人之一牛津搭配〔writer〕one of the greatest writers of all time 有史以来最伟大的作家之一牛津搭配〔writer〕work by some of today's best writers 当今一些最优秀作家写的作品麦克米伦高阶〔yourselves〕writers as famous as yourselves 像你们这么出名的作家文馨英汉




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