

单词 were
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COUNTRY〕the country where you were born 出生国朗文写作活用〔Hollywood〕their clothes were pure Hollywood.他们的衣着是典型好莱坞式的浮华美国传统〔Machiavellian〕the Machiavellian and devious way decisions were made.阴险狡诈的决策方式柯林斯高阶〔RETURN〕to go to the place where you were before 回到原来所在的地方朗文写作活用〔all〕a room painted all white; directions that were all wrong.一间全刷成白色的房间;完全错误的方向美国传统〔analysis〕do / carry out / conduct an analysis They were doing some type of statistical analysis .他们正在进行某种统计分析。朗文当代〔apparatchik〕new changes that were hard for apparatchiks at the grassroots of the party to accept 令该党基层官僚难以接受的新变化朗文当代〔attitude〕the attitudes about race and class that were held ten years ago 10年前对种族和阶级所持的种种见解英汉大词典〔blemish〕those whose lives were in some way blemished as a result of the war 由于战争而一生留下某种创伤的人们英汉大词典〔break〕waves that were breaking along the shore.沿着海岸迸溅的波浪美国传统〔broadside〕were killed when an intoxicated driver broadsided their car.一个醉酒的司机驾车侧着行驶时被撞死了美国传统〔burn〕musicians who were burned by greedy record companies 因贪婪的唱片公司而损失惨重的音乐家麦克米伦高阶〔clamp〕special trays that were clamped to the arm of a chair固定在椅子扶手上的特制托盘外研社新世纪〔clear〕from sth Crowds of demonstrators were cleared from the streets.示威的人群被从街上驱散了。朗文当代〔confine〕a camp where prisoners were confined during the war 战时关押犯人的拘留营韦氏高阶〔congregate〕at the dinner where the rest of the family were congregated晚餐时家庭成员齐聚一堂外研社新世纪〔conquest〕territories that were among Hitler's conquests of 1940 希特勒1940年占领的一部分领土麦克米伦高阶〔conspicuous〕a group that were conspicuous by their absence from the awards ceremony 因缺席颁奖仪式而引人注目的一个组合朗文当代〔cook〕disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books.因篡改公司的帐册而声名狼藉会计师美国传统〔creep〕creeps Informal A sensation of fear or repugnance, as if things were crawling on one's skin: creeps 【非正式用语】 惊恐,战栗:象有东西在人皮肤上爬动似的害怕或厌恶的感觉:美国传统〔deficient〕patients who were deficient in vitamin C 缺乏维生素 C 的病人朗文当代〔encamp〕the location where Napoleon's troops were encamped 拿破仑军队曾经的驻扎地点韦氏高阶〔encrust〕a scepter that is encrusted with diamonds; legalities that were encrusted with tradition.镶嵌宝石的玉杖;约定俗成的义务美国传统〔factory〕the Hollywood studios that were the dream factories of the American film industry 过去是美国电影业梦工厂的好莱坞制片厂韦氏高阶〔flap〕the sudden slowing as the flaps were lowered.襟翼放下时的突然减速柯林斯高阶〔foe〕endemic diseases that were the foe of economic development.成为经济发展大敌的地方病美国传统〔give〕formal The hotel isn't as luxurious as we were given to understand in the brochure.这家宾馆并没有手册上讲的那么豪华。麦克米伦高阶〔hand around〕the free Jamaican cigars that were always handed around at official functions.总是在正式场合递送的免费牙买加雪茄柯林斯高阶〔immigrant〕ships laden with would-be immigrants who were forcibly returned 载满被强制遣返的移民未果者的船只牛津搭配〔individuality〕choices that were intended to express his individuality; monotonous towns lacking in individuality.意在表现他个性的选择;缺乏个性的单调城镇美国传统〔issue〕suspicions that were the issue of a deranged mind.被扰乱的情绪是疑心的根源美国传统〔labor〕labored under the misconception that others were cooperating.因受到合伙者的误解而苦恼美国传统〔lap〕models who were lapped in expensive furs.模特儿穿着昂贵的毛皮大衣美国传统〔loose〕criminals who were loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.囚犯在附近地区逃跑;流浪于街头的狗美国传统〔majority〕those parts of India where Hindus were in a majority印度教教徒占多数的印度区域外研社新世纪〔mature〕fruits that were ripened on the vine. 枝条上慢慢地成熟了的水果 美国传统〔miscarriage of justice〕a report whose conclusions were that no miscarriage of justice had taken place一份结论为不存在审判不公的报告外研社新世纪〔paragon〕thought her grandchildren were nonpareils. 觉得她的孙子们是无与伦比的人物 美国传统〔penal〕a penal colony(= a place where criminals were sent as a punishment in the past) 罪犯流放地牛津高阶〔pinch〕buds that were pinched by the frost; a face that was pinched with grief.被寒霜侵袭而枯萎的花蕾;因痛苦而扭曲的脸美国传统〔place〕if I were in your place 如果我处于你的地位英汉大词典〔poky〕apartments which were poky, dimly lit and poorly furnished空间狭小、采光不足、装饰简陋的公寓外研社新世纪〔pound〕the jobless millions who were pounding the pavement for work在马路上游荡的数以百万计的失业者外研社新世纪〔power〕certain powers that were granted to the government 给予政府的某些权力牛津搭配〔print〕denials that were to be found in print.以印刷形式出现的否认声明美国传统〔rake〕a well-equipped lecture room, the raked seats of which were filled by silent students一间设施齐全的教室, 向后倾斜的座椅上安安静静地坐满学生外研社新世纪〔report〕daily status reports as to how and what we were doing 我们的工作进度日报牛津搭配〔scene〕on the scene Journalists were on the scene within minutes.新闻记者几分钟后就到了事发现场。朗文当代〔sear〕the branches that were seared被烧焦了的树枝21世纪英汉〔short〕oil in short supply; were short on experience.石油短缺;缺乏经验美国传统〔spit〕the fire where pork chops were sizzling and spitting.把猪排烤得嗞嗞啦啦响的炉火柯林斯高阶〔stagger〕theater seats that were staggered for clear viewing.戏院的椅子都被错开了,为了是清楚地观看美国传统〔straggler〕round about two o'clock in the morning when there were only a few stragglers left.大约在凌晨两点钟只剩下几个人时柯林斯高阶〔tender〕tender plants that were killed by the harsh winter 被严冬冻死的幼嫩植株朗文当代〔tend〕watched the house while the owners were away. 当主人离开时照看房子 美国传统〔thinkable〕plans that were not even thinkable.简直无法想象的计划美国传统〔torture〕prisons where the inmates were tortured犯人遭受拷打的监狱外研社新世纪〔town〕friends of his who were visiting from out of town他那些从外地来玩的朋友外研社新世纪〔unlucky〕soldiers who were unlucky enough to be captured 不幸被俘的士兵牛津搭配the discharge of a contract (= doing everything that you were required to do) 合同的履行牛津商务




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