

单词 went
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accident〕went to college in England by happy accident.幸运地进入英国大学美国传统〔again〕left home but went back again.离家但又回来美国传统〔amiss〕plans that went wrong. aright 计划出了错误 aright美国传统〔as〕as the years went by随着岁月的流逝外研社新世纪〔back〕went back for the class reunion.参加同班同学会美国传统〔ball of wax〕went shopping, had dinner, saw a play—the whole ball of wax.购物、吃晚餐、看演出--这就是全部细节美国传统〔berry〕went berrying in July.七月去采浆果美国传统〔bomb〕a clapped-out Mercedes that went like a bomb一辆飞驰而过的破旧奔驰车外研社新世纪〔bust〕a Swiss company which went bust last May去年5月份破产的一家瑞士公司外研社新世纪〔charade〕went through the charade of a public apology.做虚伪的公开道歉美国传统〔cold〕went out into the cold and got a chill.走到户外的冷空气里打了个寒颤美国传统〔crash〕went crashing through the woods.横冲直撞地穿过树林美国传统〔defiance〕went on strike in defiance of union policy.不顾工会政策举行罢工美国传统〔detail〕went into detail about his travels.详述其旅行美国传统〔dwell〕kept dwelling on what went wrong.See Synonyms at brood 继续密切注视什么出了差错 参见 brood美国传统〔eat〕went to a restaurant where we had never eaten before去一家我们没有吃过的餐馆外研社新世纪〔flat〕went flat against the rules; flat broke.公然反抗法令;完全碎了美国传统〔formal〕had little formal education; went to a formal party.受过很少的正规教育;参加一个正规聚会美国传统〔get〕got off early and went fishing.早点下班去钓鱼美国传统〔go〕went directly to the voters of her district.See Synonyms at resort 直接求助于她选区的选民 参见 resort美国传统〔go〕went in with the others to buy a present.同别人一起买礼物美国传统〔go〕went through the students' papers.仔细检查学生的论文美国传统〔go〕the Labour MP who went over to the Conservatives last year 去年投奔保守党的这位工党议员朗文当代〔go〕when the car bomb went off 当汽车炸弹爆炸时英汉大词典〔go〕when the lights went up at the end of the performance 演出结束后灯光亮起的时候朗文当代〔hare〕went haring off after a lower-priced car.跟在一辆廉价轿车后面跑开美国传统〔haywire〕went haywire over the interminable delays.间断性发狂美国传统〔headfirst〕went headfirst down the stairs.一头栽下了楼梯美国传统〔hell〕went through hell on the job.在工作中经历了重大痛苦美国传统〔high〕went off and left me high and dry.都走掉了只剩下我无依无靠美国传统〔hour〕a really boring lecture that went on for hours and hours 十分枯燥、没完没了的讲座朗文当代〔name〕a young singer who went by the name of Joni Jones 名叫约尼·琼斯的青年歌手麦克米伦高阶〔nature〕couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature.不能再忍受城市生活,返回自然美国传统〔off〕went off narcotics.因麻醉而昏睡过去美国传统〔out〕went out for the basketball team; was out to win.全力参加橄榄球队;力争胜利美国传统〔out〕stepped out for a drink of water; went out for the evening.去喝点水;晚上去走走美国传统〔pub-crawl〕went pub-crawling again再次去逐店饮闹21世纪英汉〔public school〕the boy from the streets who went to public school.上过公学的一个街头小混混柯林斯高阶〔public school〕the boy from the streets who went to public school上过公学的街头小混混外研社新世纪〔resort〕went to her parents for comfort; 去她的父母处寻求安慰;美国传统〔right〕went right to school.直接去学校美国传统〔see〕saw the guests off at the door; went to the airport to see us off.把客人送到门口;去机场为我们送行美国传统〔sleep〕slept away the day; went home to sleep off the headache.以睡觉打发日子;回家用睡觉消除疼痛美国传统〔smoke〕went out for a smoke.出去吸烟美国传统〔stag〕went to the dance stag.只身一人参加舞会美国传统〔steal〕went into the study and pinched a dollar bill. 进了书房,挟起一张美钞 美国传统〔straight〕went straight home.直接回家美国传统〔tangent〕went off on a tangent during the courtroom argument.在法庭的辩论中突然说跑了题美国传统〔then〕watched the late movie and then went to bed.看了晚场电影后上床睡觉美国传统〔there〕stopped and went on from there.停下来并从那儿开始美国传统〔through〕opened the door and went through.开门过去美国传统〔time〕as time went on随着时间流逝外研社新世纪〔trouble〕went to a lot of trouble to find this book.费了好大劲才找到这本书美国传统〔tube〕went tubing on Sunday afternoon.星期天下去玩飘游美国传统〔underwear〕a couple who went for a late-night swim in their underwear.深夜穿着内衣去游泳的一对夫妇柯林斯高阶〔upstairs〕went upstairs to go to bed.上楼去睡觉美国传统〔via〕went to Pittsburgh via Philadelphia.经过费城到匹兹堡美国传统〔whither〕the place whither he went 他去的那个地方英汉大词典〔whither〕the place whither he went 他所去的地方朗文当代〔whole hog〕went the whole hog and ordered dessert.用过全部食物后点了甜点美国传统




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