

单词 wear
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CLOTHES〕a shop that specializes in evening wear 晚装专卖店朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕clothes that you wear for sport 运动时穿的服装朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕to wear a particular piece of clothing or set of clothes 穿一件或一套特定的衣服朗文写作活用〔above〕wear an apron above a blouse 在女上衣外系一条围裙英汉大词典〔armband〕wear a black armband as a sign of mourning 手臂上佩带黑纱以示哀悼英汉大词典〔bridle〕wear a bridle 套着马笼头英汉大词典〔casual〕casual clothes(= comfortable clothes that you choose to wear in your free time) 便装牛津高阶〔cloth〕wear the cloth 任圣职英汉大词典〔compel〕legislation to compel cyclists to wear a helmet强制骑自行车的人戴头盔的立法外研社新世纪〔contact lens〕to wear contact lenses 戴隐形眼镜牛津高阶〔cut〕wear glasses of an old-fashioned cut 戴老式眼镜 英汉大词典〔dress〕to wear casual/formal dress 穿便服╱礼服牛津高阶〔eight〕wear an eight 穿8号的衣服英汉大词典〔fingerprint〕wear rubber gloves to guard against fingerprints 戴上橡皮手套以防留下指纹印英汉大词典〔guard〕wear the guard on one's expression 脸上带有戒备的神情英汉大词典〔heel〕the old adage that you shouldn't wear heels with trousers.高跟鞋不能和裤子搭配的俗话柯林斯高阶〔honour〕wear all one's honours 佩上所有的勋章英汉大词典〔keep〕wear a highnecked pullover to keep out the wind 穿一件高领套衫以御风寒 英汉大词典〔keep〕wear suspenders to keep one's trousers up 用背带吊住裤子 英汉大词典〔motorcycle〕a law requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets 要求骑摩托车的人戴头盔的法律韦氏高阶〔number〕the number of children who wear glasses 戴眼镜的儿童的数量牛津搭配〔party〕a fancy-dress (US costume) party (= a party where people wear clothes that make them look like someone or something else) (美国)化装舞会剑桥高阶〔pert〕a pert outfit for casual wear 一套雅致的便装英汉大词典〔resplendent〕wear a resplendent uniform with gold braid 穿一身镶金边的华丽制服英汉大词典〔sale〕an end-of-season sale of spring wear 春装的季末[换季]廉售文馨英汉〔silk〕wear an old black silk 穿一件旧的黑色丝绸服英汉大词典〔slack〕wear slacks 穿宽松长裤英汉大词典〔thickness〕wear several thicknesses of clothing 穿着几件衣服英汉大词典〔topcoat〕a topcoat to wear in winter.冬天穿的大衣。牛津同义词〔underneath〕wear wool underneath 把毛衣穿在里面 英汉大词典〔wear ... down〕to wear down the enemy forces消耗敌军21世纪英汉〔wear ... out〕to wear out a storm度过风暴21世纪英汉〔weary out〕to wear out one's day in woe在悲痛中度日21世纪英汉〔wear〕wear a cheerful smile 面带快活的微笑英汉大词典〔wear〕wear a pistol (sword) 佩带手枪(剑) 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear a watch (a hearing aid, glasses, handcuffs and leg-irons) 戴着手表(助听器,眼镜,手铐脚镣) 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear an overcoat (shorts, heavy shoes) 穿着大衣(短裤,笨重的鞋子) 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear diamonds (a medal,a wreath of flowers) 戴着钻石首饰(勋章,花环) 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear green 穿绿色衣服英汉大词典〔wear〕wear one's overcoat threadbare 把大衣穿到露出布线文馨英汉〔wear〕wear oneself down to 118 pounds 劳累得体重降到118磅 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear out a storm 捱过风暴英汉大词典〔wear〕wear the enemy out 把敌人拖垮 英汉大词典〔wear〕wear the steps smooth 把阶梯踏得很平滑文馨英汉〔wear〕wear the wrinkles of anxiety on one's forehead 前额上印着忧虑的皱纹英汉大词典〔wear〕wear whiskey on one's breath 呼气时带着威士忌酒味英汉大词典〔wear〕a new range of casual wear 新的休闲服系列朗文当代〔wear〕a suit for everyday wear 日常穿用的一套西装文馨英汉〔wear〕casual wear 休闲服 英汉大词典〔wear〕casual clothes for everyday wear 平时穿的休闲服牛津高阶〔wear〕casual/evening, etc. wear 便装、晚礼服等牛津高阶〔wear〕clothing for working [holiday, spring, winter] wear 工作服[假日服装、春装、冬装]文馨英汉〔wear〕the children's wear department 童装部朗文当代〔wear〕to wear a beard 留胡须牛津高阶〔wear〕to wear away the night in dancing以跳舞打发夜晚时光21世纪英汉〔wear〕to wear the heavyweight crown带着沉甸甸的王冠21世纪英汉〔wear〕wearing a jacket; must wear a seat belt.穿了一件夹克;必须佩戴安全带美国传统〔wool〕wear wool 穿毛料衣服英汉大词典casual clothes for everyday wear 日常穿的休闲装牛津商务children's/ladies' wear 童装;女装牛津商务




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