

单词 uranium
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔appreciable〕an appreciable reserve of uranium 相当可观的铀储藏量英汉大词典〔bombard with〕to bombard uranium with neutrons用中子轰击铀21世纪英汉〔burn〕an atomic reactor that burns uranium 用铀产生核能的原子反应堆英汉大词典〔control〕keep strict control over the export of enriched uranium 严格控制浓缩铀的出口英汉大词典〔enrichment〕uranium enrichment 铀浓缩韦氏高阶〔enrich〕enriched uranium 浓缩铀朗文当代〔enrich〕enriched uranium 浓缩铀英汉大词典〔plutonium〕the capability to enrich uranium or reprocess plutonium 浓缩铀或再处理钚的能力牛津搭配〔refinement〕the refinement of uranium 铀的提炼牛津高阶〔reprocess〕reprocess spent uranium fuel 对烧过的铀燃料进行后处理 英汉大词典〔reprocess〕to reprocess spent uranium fuel对烧过的铀燃料进行后处理21世纪英汉〔shell〕tank-busting guns that fired depleted uranium shells 发射贫铀弹的反坦克炮牛津搭配〔spiked〕plutonium-spiked uranium fuels 含少量示踪同位素钚的铀燃料英汉大词典〔strike〕uranium strikes 铀矿的发现 英汉大词典〔unmined〕deposits of unmined uranium 未开采的铀矿床英汉大词典〔uranium〕a tonne of highly enriched uranium 一吨高纯度浓缩铀牛津搭配〔uranium〕enriched uranium 浓缩铀文馨英汉〔uranium〕one of the world's leading suppliers of uranium fuel for generating electricity世界发电业主要的铀燃料供应商之一外研社新世纪〔uranium〕reports that the country was using depleted uranium weapons 该国在使用贫铀武器的报道牛津搭配〔work〕easily worked deposits of uranium 易开采的铀矿英汉大词典〔world〕the world output of uranium 全世界铀产量 英汉大词典




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