

单词 units
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Units of the Nigerian army were quickly sent to the border. 尼日利亚陆军部队很快被派往边境。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕About 3,000 housing units are under construction in the city. 市内约有3,000个住屋单位在建筑之中。朗文写作活用〔Balkanize〕To divide (a region or territory) into small, often hostile units.使割据:(把一个地区或一片土地)分裂成若干小的,常为敌对的小地区美国传统〔Kitemark〕The kitchen units carry the prestigious BSI Kitemark.厨房用具上印有享有声望的英国标准协会的风筝标识。外研社新世纪〔MEASURE〕The asteroids all lie between 2.2 and 3.3 astronomical units from the sun. 所有的小行星与太阳的距离都在2.2和3.3天文单位之间。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕In the past few years, 30,000 of these high-rise housing units have been torn down. 近几年来这些高层建筑物中有三万幢被拆毁了。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕He said that dividing up the company would make the units more profitable. 他说,把公司拆分开来可以让各部门更加赢利。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕All the storage units were filled to capacity. 所有的存储器都装得满满的。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The units are ideal for classwork, but can also be used by students at home. 这些单元是理想的课堂作业,但学生也可以在家里做。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕The public housing units have frequently become slums and hotbeds of crime, especially juvenile delinquency. 公共住房单位经常成为贫民窟和犯罪温床,尤其是少年犯罪。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕Relating to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental units of length, mass, and time.绝对零度标定的:度量或度量单位的,从长度、质量或时间的基本单位而得出美国传统〔addiction〕Several teenagers were sent to addiction units for treatment.几个十几岁的青少年被送到戒毒小组去治疗。英汉大词典〔area〕Abbr. AThe extent of a planar region or of the surface of a solid measured in square units.缩写 A面积:以平方单位度量的平面区域或固体表面的大小美国传统〔armoured〕These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve.前线的防务得到后备装甲部队的支援。柯林斯高阶〔army〕Army units launched attacks on bases near Jounieh port.陆军部队对朱尼耶港附近的基地发动了进攻。朗文当代〔as-maintained〕Currents and voltages are almost always measured in terms of as-maintained units.电流和电压几乎总是用标准度量衡单位测量的。英汉大词典〔astronomical distance〕The distance from one celestial body to another, measured in light-years, parsecs, or astronomical units.天文距离:从一天体到另一天体的距离,以光年,秒差距和天文单位来度量美国传统〔atomic mass〕The mass of an atom, usually expressed in atomic mass units.原子质量:原子的质量,通常用原子量单位来表示美国传统〔atomism〕The division of or tendency to divide a society into subclasses, groups, or units.分析论:一种将社会分解或趋向于分解为集合,小组或单位的学说美国传统〔augment〕Police units were augmented with newly recruited men and women.警察部队以新招收的男女扩大了自己的队伍。英汉大词典〔backup〕Army units can only operate if they have sufficient backup.部队有足够的后备力量时才能作战。朗文当代〔base〕The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。英汉大词典〔base〕The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system.乘方数:被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统内基本计算规则的数字美国传统〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔bolt〕The hut was made from metal units that had been bolted together.小屋是用螺栓将金属构件固定在一起搭建而成的。麦克米伦高阶〔bombard〕Artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.炮兵部队对这个机场进行了定期轰炸。外研社新世纪〔bombard〕Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.叛军的炮兵部队经常轰炸机场。柯林斯高阶〔bottom-up〕Progressing from small or subordinate units to a larger or more important unit, as in an organization.从细节到总体的,从个别到全貌的,自下而上的:逐步从小的或下级的单位向较大或较重要单位前进,如在组织中美国传统〔break down〕The data is broken down into manageable units.这些数据被分成可处理的细目。外研社新世纪〔break〕Each lesson is broken down into several units.每一课都分成几部份。牛津高阶〔brigade〕Indian units were brigaded with British ones.印度部队和英国部队合编成旅。外研社新世纪〔call-up〕The call-up of National Guard and reserve units began in late August.国民警卫队和预备役部队已于8月下旬开始征召。外研社新世纪〔call-up〕The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August.国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。柯林斯高阶〔carcass〕Buy cheap carcasses for your kitchen units.购买廉价的框架来做厨房橱柜。外研社新世纪〔carpel〕One of the structural units of a pistil, representing a modified, ovule-bearing leaf.心皮:雌蕊的结构单位之一,表示一片变异的、含胚珠的叶子美国传统〔cascade〕A succession of stages, processes, operations, or units.一连串的进展:一连串的阶段、过程、运作或单位美国传统〔conjoin〕The units can be conjoined to form grids.这些部件可以组装成格栅。剑桥高阶〔conversion factor〕A numerical factor used to multiply or divide a quantity expressed in one system of units in a conversion to another system.转换因子:在把一个数量从一种单位制换算成另一种单位制的过程中被这个数量乘或除的数值因子美国传统〔conversion〕A local building company will carry out the conversion of the farm buildings into business units.当地一家建筑公司将把农场建筑改造成商业用房。牛津搭配〔count〕To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.算出总数:一个接一个地说出或列出(一群或一组中的各个单位)以得其总数;计数美国传统〔cubic measure〕A unit, such as a cubic foot, or a system of units used to measure volume or capacity.体积量度单位:一种用来测量体积或容量的单位,如立方根或单位体系美国传统〔density〕Computer Science The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension.【计算机科学】 信息密度:在一个线性维数内有用的信息单元的个数美国传统〔density〕The number of individuals, such as inhabitants or housing units, per unit of area.人口密度:每单位面积居民或住房的数目美国传统〔depot〕A station for assembling military recruits and forwarding them to active units.补给站:集合士兵并把他们送往作战部队的兵站美国传统〔detach〕The convoy left Casablanca on 1 June and, after detaching units to various North African ports, arrived in Tripoli on 8 June without loss.护航舰队6月1日驶离卡萨布兰卡, 将分队派遣至北非各港口, 6月8日到达黎波里, 未受损失。外研社新世纪〔devolution〕A transfer of powers from a central government to local units.权力下放:中央对地方权力下放美国传统〔dinar〕Any of several units of gold and silver currency formerly used in the Middle East.第纳尔:一种在中东地区从前使用金银货币单位美国传统〔dinucleotide〕A nucleotide molecule that consists of a combination of two nucleotide units.二核苷酸:两个单核苷酸结合而成的核苷酸分子美国传统〔directly proportional〕His earnings are directly proportional to the number of units he sells.他的收入与他出售的公寓单元数成正比。韦氏高阶〔dismantle〕Over the next three years, we will be gradually dismantling the company and selling off the profitable units.在未来的三年内,我们将逐步解散公司并出售盈利部门。剑桥高阶〔dissociation〕Psychiatry Separation of a group of related psychological activities into autonomously functioning units, as in the generation of multiple personalities.【精神病学】 分裂,解体:一组相关的心理活动分解为自行运作单位,如多种人格的产生美国传统〔dissolvability〕The company dissolved into smaller units.该公司分成几个较小单位。21世纪英汉〔dissolve〕The area was dissolved into smaller administrative units.该地区被分成了几个更小的行政单位。外研社新世纪〔dissolve〕The company was dissolved into smaller units.那家公司分裂为几家较小的单位。英汉大词典〔divide〕To sector into units of measurement; graduate.刻尺度:将计量单位标以刻度;划分度数美国传统〔dot matrix〕A dense grid of dots or pins used to form alphanumeric characters or designs, as by some computer printers and visual display units.点阵:用于构成混合字符或图形的密集点网格或密集针网格,如用于计算机打印机及图象显示器美国传统〔drachma〕One of several modern units of weight, especially the dram.德拉克马:现代重量单位,尤指特拉姆美国传统〔dry measure〕A system of units for measuring dry commodities such as grains, fruits, and vegetables.干量:称量谷物、水果与蔬菜等干货物的衡制美国传统〔duplex〕Relating to or being a single assembly of machinery having two identical units that are capable of operating simultaneously or independently.复式的:关于或是具有两个相同的,能够同时或独立操作的部件的单一机组美国传统〔dyad〕Made up of two units.二分组合:由两个单元组成美国传统〔echelon〕A similar formation of groups, units, or individuals.梯形排列:群体、单位或个人的类似排列美国传统〔expose〕These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue.这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某一特定问题的多种观点。柯林斯高阶〔facet〕Biology One of the lenslike visual units of a compound eye, as of an insect.【生物学】 小眼面:复眼的像透镜的视觉单位,如昆虫的美国传统〔federalism〕A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.联邦制:一种权力由中央权力机构与组成联邦的政体分享的管理制度美国传统〔federal〕Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units.联邦制的:组成一种政府形式的,其中最高权力由中央权力机构与政治组织成员分享美国传统〔federal〕Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units.联邦政府的:联邦中央政府的,与其成员国政府存在差别美国传统〔federal〕Relating to or formed by a treaty or compact between constituent political units.联合的:与政体各组成部分之间的协定或合约有关的或由其组成的美国传统〔fighting〕More units to fight forest fires are planned.计划设立更多单位防控森林火灾。柯林斯高阶〔fight〕More units to fight forest fires are planned.计划设立更多机构防控森林火灾。外研社新世纪〔figure〕The company had yearly sales figures of half a million units.这家公司的年销售量达五十万件。韦氏高阶〔firefight〕An exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units.交战,火战:如两个步兵单位之间枪火上的交换美国传统〔firefight〕The opposing units opened fire simultaneously at close range and a 15-minute firefight ensued.交战的部队在近距离内同时朝对方开火,交火持续了15分钟。剑桥高阶〔five〕Something, such as a quintet or a basketball team, that has five parts, units, or members.五个一组:如五重奏或篮球队等由五部分、五个单位或五个成员组成的事物美国传统〔flat pack〕The flat-pack units are by Gower kitchens.这套平板家具是高尔厨房用具公司出品的。柯林斯高阶〔functional〕These units played a key functional role in the military operation.这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。牛津高阶〔general〕Both generals had commanded units in that area.两位将军都在那一地区指挥过部队。牛津搭配〔grey water〕Water companies are testing recycling units which take grey water and clean it up sufficiently for flushing toilets.用水公司正在测试污水再利用设备,这些设备可以净化污水,其产出的净化水足以用来冲厕。剑桥高阶〔imperial〕Imperial units have in many cases been replaced by metric ones in Britain.在英国,很多情况下英制已经被公制取代。剑桥高阶〔infinitely〕A centimeter can be infinitely divided into smaller units.一厘米可以无穷尽地分成更小的单位。柯林斯高阶〔install〕Water softening units can be permanently installed into the plumbing system.管道系统中可以安装永久性的水软化装置。牛津搭配〔institutionalize〕Punctuation and spacing mark off units which are institutionalized.标点符号和字行间隙把约定俗成的语言单位划分开来。英汉大词典〔intake〕Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕A space between two objects, points, or units.间隔,空隙:两上物体、点、或构件之间的空间美国传统〔irregularity〕At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war.至少有 17 个非正规军部队参战。柯林斯高阶〔landlady〕A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.女地主:拥有供出租的土地或居住单元的女性美国传统〔league〕Any of various other units of about the same length.里格:任一其它表示相同长度的单位美国传统〔lease〕The building's 60 units are currently leased to students of the university.这栋楼里的60个单元目前租给了这间大学的学生。剑桥高阶〔limiting〕It is now accepted that men should limit themselves to 20 units of alcohol a week.现在人们已经接受,男性一周饮酒量不应超过20个单位。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕Men should limit themselves to 20 units of alcohol a week.男性一周饮酒量不应超过20个单位。外研社新世纪〔liquid measure〕A unit or system of units of liquid capacity.液量单位:液体体积的单位或单位系统美国传统〔measure〕The international prototype kilogram is the measure of mass in SI units.国际千克原器是国际单位制中测定质量的标准。外研社新世纪〔meter-kilogram-second〕Of, relating to, or being a system of units for mechanics, using the meter, the kilogram, and the second as basic units of length, mass, and time.米千克秒单位制的:属于、关于或作为力学单位制的,以米、千克和秒作为测量长度、质量和时间的基本单位美国传统〔meter〕A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line.格律:诗歌中字词的特定安排,由一行诗中韵律单位的类型和数量而定,如抑扬格五音步诗行美国传统〔metric〕U.S. Customary units and their metric equivalents.美国传统单位和它们的米对应量美国传统〔mobile〕Two mobile units provide healthcare in rural villages.两个流动小组为乡村提供医疗保健服务。朗文当代〔moiety〕Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.一个分支:在文化人类学中,在单系血统基础上构成一个部落的两个基本的部落分支的任意一个美国传统〔morphosyntax〕The set of rules that govern linguistic units whose properties are definable by both morphological and syntactic criteria.词素句法学:对其功能既可以通过形态标准又可以通过句法标准进行定义的语言单位进行支配的一套规则美国传统〔multistage〕Relating to or composed of two or more propulsion units.多阶段的:有关两种或者多个推进器的、或者由其组成的美国传统〔myofilament〕Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril.肌丝:一种极微小的细丝,由肌动朊和肌球蛋白组成,是肌原纤维的结构单位美国传统〔nephron〕Any of the numerous filtering units of the vertebrate kidney that remove waste matter from the blood.肾单位:脊椎动物肾内能将废物从血液中清除的无数个能起过滤作用的单位的任何一个美国传统〔nephron〕The kidneys contain millions of tiny filtering units called nephrons.肾脏中含有几百万个被称为肾元的过滤单位。剑桥高阶〔optimum〕The optimum we should be producing is 100 units per hour.每小时100个部件是我们能生产的最佳数量。麦克米伦高阶〔order of battle〕The identification, command structure, strength, and disposition of personnel, equipment, and units of an armed force.战斗序列:一个武装部队的标识、指挥系统、实力、人员、装备及部门的配置美国传统〔order〕The soldiers were ordered back to their units.士兵接到命令要回到自己的小队去。朗文当代〔paramilitary〕Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts.准军事警察部队正在参与营救行动。外研社新世纪〔paramilitary〕Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts.准军事警察部队正在参与营救行动。柯林斯高阶〔parcel〕University education is often parcelled up into specialist teaching units.大学教育常常被细化成各门专业学科。朗文当代〔power〕Physics The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.【物理学】 功率:做功的速率,用每单位时间内所做的功的量来表示,通常用瓦特和马力为单位美国传统〔province〕Any of various lands outside Italy conquered by the Romans and administered by them as self-contained units.行省:各种在意大利以外被罗马人征服的并作为自足的单位由他们管理的土地美国传统〔quantum theory〕The theory that radiant energy is transmitted in the form of discrete units.量子论:以分立单位的形式传递辐射能量的理论美国传统〔question〕With the loyalty of key military units in question, that could prove an extraordinarily difficult task.由于无法确定关键军事部队忠诚与否,这项任务也许会变得异常困难。柯林斯高阶〔quintuple〕Consisting of five parts or units.五部分的:由五部分或单位组成的美国传统〔ramp sth up〕The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.这家公司宣布了每月生产1万件的增产计划。剑桥高阶〔real〕Either of two monetary units formerly used in Portugal and Brazil.雷阿尔:葡萄牙和巴西旧时曾用的两种货币单位中的任何一种美国传统〔redeploy〕Most units will redeploy to their home bases.大部分部队将重新部署,调防到他们的大本营。韦氏高阶〔repeat〕Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。柯林斯高阶〔rocket〕Sales rocketed from 1,000 units last week to 5,000 units this week.销售量从上周的1000套猛增到这周的5000套。韦氏高阶〔rove〕Police units in machine-gun equipped vans are roving the streets.警队开着配有机关枪的警车在街上巡逻。外研社新世纪〔sale〕Sales failed to reach 10 000 units.销量未能达到 1 万件。牛津搭配〔scatter-site〕Relating to or being publicly funded low-income housing units scattered throughout middle-income residential areas.分散的住房建筑:分散在中收入居民地,由公众投资或与之有关的低收入住房单位美国传统〔school〕Close-order drill instructions or exercises for military units or personnel.训练,锻炼:军事单位或人员进行的操练或练习美国传统〔scrimmage〕Sports A practice session or informal game, as between two units of the same team.【体育运动】 练习赛:一场练习课或非正式比赛,如在同一队的两个组间进行美国传统〔self-standing〕Five separate companies, all operating as self-standing units, are now one.5 个独立经营的不同公司如今已合并为一家公司。柯林斯高阶〔sequential〕Forming or characterized by a sequence, as of units or musical notes.连续的:顺序形成或以顺序为特征的,如单元或音乐音调美国传统〔shekel〕A gold or silver coin equal in weight to one of these units, especially the chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews.谢克尔金银币:重量上相当于这些单位的一单位的金或银币,尤指古希伯来的主要银币美国传统〔shekel〕Any of several ancient units of weight, especially a Hebrew unit equal to about a half ounce.谢克尔:任一种古代重量单位,尤指约等于半盎司的一种希伯来单位美国传统〔sink〕Reducing or missing a distribution payment can sink the price of fund units.降低或取消分销费用会导致基金单价下跌。外研社新世纪〔six-pack〕Six units of a commodity, especially six cans or bottles of a beverage, such as beer, sold in a pack.装备六个瓶装食品的纸匣:某商品的六个单位,尤指在一个包装盒里装有六瓶或六听饮料,例如啤酒美国传统〔six〕Something having six parts, units, or members, especially a motor vehicle having six cylinders.六个单位组成的东西:由六部分、单位或成员组成的某物,尤指带有六个汽缸的机动车美国传统〔square measure〕A system of units used in measuring area.平方单位制:用于量度面积的平方单位制美国传统〔start〕Housing starts rose to an annual rate of 1.8 million units.住房动工数上升到了每年平均180万套。英汉大词典〔strength〕The ground units are at or near their designated strength.这些地面部队已达到或接近其兵员定额。英汉大词典〔subatomic particle〕Any of various units of matter below the size of an atom, including the elementary particles and hadrons.亚原子粒子:尺寸小于原子的各种物质单位之任何一种,包括基本粒子及强子美国传统〔superior〕Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors.其他陆军部队被重重包围,和上级的联系也被切断了。柯林斯高阶〔sway〕The 'families' are the basic units, each holding sway over a recognised territory.“家庭”是基本单位,每一个家庭都控制着自己受人认可的领地。柯林斯高阶〔syntagma〕A sequence of linguistic units in a syntagmatic relationship to one another.语段,结构段:彼此有结构体关系的连续语言单位美国传统〔takeoff〕At eight o'clock all units were in takeoff position.8点钟时,各单位均已处在出动位置。英汉大词典〔task force〕A temporary grouping of military units or forces under one commander for the performance of a specific operation or assignment.特种部队:为了执行某一项特殊的行动或任务而被置于一名指挥员指挥下的一组临时混合的军事单位或原来隶属不同军种的部队美国传统〔ten〕Something having ten parts, units, or members.十、十个:由十部分、十个单位或十个成员组成的事物美国传统〔term〕The sampling units (hereafter termed 'local areas') are towns.抽样单位(以下称为“地方”)为城镇。牛津搭配〔three〕Something having three parts, units, or members.有三个部分、单位或成员的某物(或组织)美国传统〔transfuse〕The hospital staff transfuses more than 8,000 units of blood annually.这家医院的职工每年的输血量超过8000个单位。韦氏高阶〔trypsin〕An enzyme of pancreatic juice that hydrolyzes proteins to form smaller polypeptide units.胰蛋白酶:水解蛋白质以形成较小多肽单位的胰液酶美国传统〔turn〕The factory turns out 300 units a day.这家工厂一天生产 300 台。朗文当代〔turn〕We can turn around 500 units by next week.到下周我们能完成 500 台。朗文当代〔two〕Something having two parts, units, or members, especially a playing card, the face of a die, or a domino with two pips.上面有两点者:有两个部分、单元或成员,尤指扑克、骰子的面或两点的多米诺骨牌美国传统〔unitary〕Based on or characterized by one or more units.单位的:基于或特征为一个或更多单位的美国传统〔units〕In the decimal system the number 27 has 7 units and two tens.十进制中, 27这个数的个位是7, 十位是2。外研社新世纪〔unit〕A city council member pledged to build 500 affordable housing units.有位市议员承诺要建 500 套经济适用房。牛津搭配〔unit〕China produced 65 million units last year.中国去年的产量达到 6,500 万单位。牛津搭配〔unit〕Enter 17 by putting 1 in the tens column, and 7 in the units column.输入17,即把1放在十位数列,7放在个位数列。麦克米伦高阶〔unit〕Experts say that women should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week.专家称妇女每周饮酒不要超过14个酒精单位。剑桥高阶〔unit〕How many units of alcohol do you drink a week? 你每周摄入多少单位的酒精?麦克米伦高阶〔unit〕Large departments were broken down into smaller units.大部门被拆分成若干小部门。牛津搭配〔unit〕Last year the company sold 200,000 units of that particular model of car.去年该公司销售了20万辆那种型号的汽车。韦氏高阶〔unit〕Medical units were operating in the disaster area.医疗小组正在灾区工作。牛津高阶〔unit〕The body consists of units called cells.身体是由称为细胞的单位组成的。英汉大词典〔unit〕The building is divided into eight units.这栋楼分成八个单元。韦氏高阶〔unit〕The company needs to sell 10,000 units to break even.公司需要卖掉1万件产品才不盈不亏。麦克米伦高阶〔unit〕The company plans to split into two or three units.公司计划拆分成三个部分。剑桥高阶〔unit〕The first year of the course is divided into four units.该课程的第一年分为4个单元。剑桥高阶〔unit〕The group has two main manufacturing units.该集团有两个主要的制造厂。麦克米伦高阶〔unit〕The manufacturer sold 73 000 units in the first quarter.制造商在首个季度售出了 73,000 单位。牛津搭配〔unit〕The old house has been divided up into three rental units.这栋老房子被分成三套住房出租。剑桥高阶〔unit〕Two small Marine units are trapped inside the city.两支海军陆战小分队被困在城内。外研社新世纪〔unit〕We're having new kitchen units installed.我们正让人安装新的厨房组合设备。牛津搭配〔unit〕You can buy extra units to add on when you can afford them.等你担负得起,你可买额外的部件加上去。牛津同义词〔volume〕The amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space, expressed in cubic units.体积:一个三维物体或空间地区所占的空间,用立方单位表示美国传统〔volume〕The capacity of such a region or of a specified container, expressed in cubic units.容积:这样一个地区或容器的容量,用立方单位表示美国传统〔zero〕A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.零:基数,表示在考虑下不存在的任一或所有的单位美国传统A lot of the large psychiatric hospitals are now being closed down in favour of smaller, more specialized units.现在许多大型的精神病院被关闭以利于建立更小更专门的机构。剑桥国际A small and well organised conspiratorial group, they infiltrated key military units.作为组织严密的阴谋集团,他们渗入了一些关键军事单位。剑桥国际Experts say that women should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week compared with 19 for men.专家们说与男人每周喝19个单位的酒来说, 妇女每周不应超过14个单位。剑桥国际Key members of decision-making units include buyers, users and influencers.决策单位的主要成员包括购买者、使用者和影响者。牛津商务Most lenders refuse to lend money for apartments in buildings where more than half the units are rented.大多数贷款人不愿意贷款给那些一半以上单元都被出租的大楼公寓。剑桥国际Our first production run was only 400 units.我们的首批产量定额仅 400 件。牛津商务SI units such as the metre, the kilogramme and the second 诸如米、千克和秒等国际单位牛津商务Six business units have been created.创建了六个业务部门。牛津商务Small guerilla units were fighting behind enemy lines. 游击小分队在敌人后方作战。译典通That little dial on the meter shows you how many units of electricity you've used.那个表上小标度盘告诉你已用了多少度电。剑桥国际The Kyoto Protocol permits trading of emission units between countries.《京都议定书》允许国家之间买卖排放单位。牛津商务The city is planning to sell public housing units to low-income families.这个城市计划把公有住房单元出卖给低收入的家庭。剑桥国际The company's hotels are run as autonomous units.公司的旅馆作为自负盈亏单位经营。牛津商务The compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into twelve units. 编辑者都同意把教科书分成十二个单元。译典通The first year of the course is divided into four units.这门课的第一年划分成四个教学单元。剑桥国际The government has mobilized several of the army's top combat units.政府已动员若干陆军精锐战斗部队。剑桥国际The gradations (= marks showing units of measurement) on a ruler are usually marked with different sized lines.尺子上的刻度通常用长短不同的线条来表示。剑桥国际The gradient of the road is 1 in 6 (= the road rises or falls 1 unit of length in every 6 units of length horizontally).这条路的倾斜度是6比1。剑桥国际The installed base of PCs in India rose to 5 million units last month.个人电脑在印度的总使用数量上月上升到 500 万台。牛津商务The new car factory will open in 2006, with a capacity of 300 000 units a year.新的汽车厂将在 2006 年投产,每年可以生产 30 万辆汽车。牛津商务The sales volume of BMW brand cars totalled 454 972 units for the six-month period.宝马品牌的汽车在六个月内的总销售量达 454 972 辆。牛津商务The wooden kitchen units are either primed or fully painted before delivery.这些木制厨房用具在交货前都要涂上底漆,或完全油漆。剑桥国际These storage units are compact and easily transportable.这些存贮器十分小巧,便于运输。牛津商务Under the full costing method, fixed overheads are allocated evenly to the units produced.根据全部成本法,固定管理费用会摊分到每一单位产品中。牛津商务We expect to sell more than 100 000 units by the end of the year.我们预计到年底将售出 10 万件。牛津商务We have a system for allocating direct overheads between the different production units.我们拥有一套在不同生产单位之间摊销直接费用的制度。牛津商务We have three industrial units available on a short-term let.我们有三家工业单位可供短期出租。牛津商务We plan to sell 10 000 units at a price of €15 each.我们计划出售 1 万件,每件 15 欧元。牛津商务We regard husband and wife as the primary units of the family. 我们把夫妻视为家庭的基本成员。译典通Words are the smallest semantic units that can combine to form new sequences with different meanings.单词是能组合起来构成不同含义的新词序的最小语义单位。剑桥国际




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