

单词 unbroken
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔break〕Games A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet.【游戏】 连续得分:打台球或槌球时一次连续得分美国传统〔broadside〕A broad, unbroken surface.宽阔完整的表面美国传统〔chain〕He is the latest in an unbroken chain of entertainers.他是不断涌现的演艺人员中最新的一位。牛津搭配〔circle〕The bitter circle of violence and retaliation will continue unbroken.暴力与报复的恶性循环将持续出现。外研社新世纪〔continuity〕After centuries of unbroken continuity, the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.经过几个世纪的不断变迁,这里的地貌已是沧海桑田。牛津搭配〔durative〕Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses action continuing unbroken for a period of time.(动词)持续性的:用来表示动作继续一段时间而未中断的动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔field〕A wide, unbroken expanse, as of ice.广阔的一大片:一处宽广辽阔绵延不断的区域,比如冰原美国传统〔flow〕To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.流,流动:如同有了液体特性似的连续不断地移动或流淌美国传统〔hardpan〕Hard, unbroken ground.硬地美国传统〔intact〕Having the hymen unbroken.保持童贞的,处女膜完好的美国传统〔interweave〕The branches interwove to form an unbroken hedge.树枝交错缠结形成一道连绵的树篱。英汉大词典〔landmass〕A large unbroken area of land.板块:大块的未分离的陆地美国传统〔panorama〕An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area.全景:包括周围所有区域的全部画景美国传统〔relieve〕To relieve the unbroken twelve hours of flying, the airline provides a feature in the cabin.为了使连续12小时的飞行不致单调乏味,航空公司在机舱里给旅客放一部故事影片。英汉大词典〔run〕An unbroken sequence of theatrical performances.连演:戏院表演的不断进行美国传统〔streak〕An unbroken series, as of wins or losses.一系列:连续不断的一系列,如输或赢美国传统〔unbroken〕Hardly a bone in her body remained unbroken.她全身的骨头几乎都断了。麦克米伦高阶〔unbroken〕He dreams of a night of unbroken sleep.他真希望能睡个囫囵觉。外研社新世纪〔unbroken〕His spirit remains unbroken.他的意志依然坚定。韦氏高阶〔unbroken〕Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression.工党的支持率依然很高, 并未受到经济萧条的影响。外研社新世纪〔unbroken〕Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression.工党的支持率依然很高,并未受到经济萧条的影响。柯林斯高阶〔unbroken〕The Giants' winning streak remained unbroken for an impressive 19 games.巨人队的连胜纪录保持了19场,令人惊叹。剑桥高阶〔unbroken〕The Olympic record he set is still unbroken.他创下的奥林匹克纪录至今仍未被打破。韦氏高阶〔unbroken〕The band has had an unbroken string of hits.这支乐队接连不断地推出金曲。韦氏高阶〔unbroken〕There was an unbroken line of cars parked along both kerbs.马路两边都停满了车。外研社新世纪〔unbroken〕They had an unbroken run of 38 wins.他们连胜了38场。外研社新世纪〔unbroken〕Throughout his ordeal his will remained unbroken.历经磨难,他的意志仍然很坚强。麦克米伦高阶〔unbroken〕We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine.我们这儿连续10天差不多都是阳光明媚。外研社新世纪〔unbroken〕We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine.我们这儿连续10天差不多都是阳光明媚。柯林斯高阶〔wakeless〕Unbroken. Used of sleep.熟睡的:未受打扰的。用于睡眠美国传统I can't remember when we last had a day of unbroken (= continuous) sunshine.我已不记得最近的一个大晴天是在什么时候了。剑桥国际The longest unbroken stretch of sub-zero temperatures in London was 14 days in February 1947.伦敦气温持续处于零下最长的时间是1947年2月中的14天。剑桥国际The voyage of their life has been one of unbroken smoothness. 他们的人生旅程一直一帆风顺。译典通




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