

单词 whole village
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔admiration〕Their new cottage was the admiration of the whole village.他家新建的农舍是全村人羡慕的对象。英汉大词典〔aflame〕The whole village was aflame.整个村子都陷入一片火海中。剑桥高阶〔astir〕The whole village was astir with the news.消息传来,全村轰动。英汉大词典〔cheer〕The whole village turned out to cheer the hero.全村的人都出来向那位英雄欢呼致意。英汉大词典〔commiserate〕The whole village commiserated with the farmer's family in their sorrow.全村的人都对那户农家的不幸深表同情。21世纪英汉〔conventional〕It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.这不是一家传统意义上的旅馆,而是由整个村庄变身而成的度假村。牛津高阶〔curse〕Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。牛津高阶〔drown〕The river overflowed, drowning whole villages.河水泛滥,淹没了所有村庄。韦氏高阶〔electrify〕The whole village was electrified with the ghastly news.整个村庄为这一可怕消息所震撼。英汉大词典〔erasure〕The bomb spelled erasure of the whole village.那颗炸弹把整个村子夷为平地。英汉大词典〔get〕The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in.全村的人都在收割庄稼。朗文当代〔join〕In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .晚上有烧烤活动,全村子的人都尽享其乐。朗文当代〔nefarious〕Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not for some nefarious purpose?如果不是出于某种邪恶的目的, 为什么要把整个村子的人都关起来?外研社新世纪〔obliterate〕Whole villages were obliterated by fire.整座整座的村庄都被大火所吞噬。柯林斯高阶〔obliterate〕Whole villages were obliterated by fire.整座整座的村庄被大火吞噬。外研社新世纪〔obliterate〕The bombing raid has obliterated whole villages.轰炸袭击已摧毁了整座整座的村庄。麦克米伦高阶〔return〕Today, the whole village celebrates Elizabeth's miraculous return.今天,整个村庄都在庆祝伊丽莎白奇迹般的归来。牛津搭配〔rubbish〕The tornado rubbished the whole village.龙卷风毁掉了整个村庄。21世纪英汉〔sicken〕The bacteria in the drinking water sickened the whole village.饮用水里的细菌使整个村庄的人都生病了。韦氏高阶〔stream with〕The whole village was streamed with flood water.整个村庄被洪水淹没了。21世纪英汉〔stricken〕Whole villages were stricken with the disease.整村整村的人染上了这种病。牛津高阶〔submerge〕The whole village and the fields have been submerged by floods.洪水已淹没了整个村庄和农田。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕The flood swamped the whole village.洪水淹没了整个村庄。21世纪英汉〔village〕The whole village attended the meeting.全体村民参加了会议。麦克米伦高阶〔village〕The whole village came to the meeting.全村的人都来参加会议。朗文当代〔village〕The whole village was invited to the party.全村的人都获邀参加聚会。牛津高阶〔village〕The whole village was sleeping.全村的人都在沉睡。英汉大词典〔whole〕Whole villages were destroyed.一些村庄整个儿都被毁了。外研社新世纪〔wipe sth out〕Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.所有的村子都在战斗中被彻底摧毁了。剑桥高阶〔wipe〕Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.地震把整座整座的村庄夷为平地。牛津高阶〔wipe〕Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.整个整个的村庄被洪水吞没。朗文当代Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.整个整个的村庄在战斗中被摧毁。剑桥国际A whole village was drowned (= covered with water) when the valley was made into a reservoir.当山谷被改成水库时,整个村庄被淹了。剑桥国际A whole village, united in their grief, comfort each other at the funeral of six-year-old Kylie Smith.整个村子同感悲伤, 在六岁的凯利·史密斯的葬礼上互相安慰。剑桥国际The whole village turned out to watch the parade. 全村的人都出来观看游行。译典通The whole village was aflame.整个村庄都在燃烧。剑桥国际The whole village was burnt/razed to the ground (= completely destroyed by fire with no buildings left).整个村庄被大火夷为平地。剑桥国际The whole village was inundated by the tsunami. 整座村庄被海啸给淹没。译典通The whole village was scandalized by her marriage to a man who was young enough to be her grandson.她嫁给一个年纪小得可以做她孙子的人,这事使整个村子震惊了。剑桥国际The whole village was sleeping. 整个村庄一片寂静。译典通




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