

单词 世世代代
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNFRIENDLY〕The tribe has lived for generations in the inhospitable mountain regions of the country. 这个部落世世代代居住在该国荒凉的山区。朗文写作活用〔bless〕The Lord has blessed this family through many generations.世世代代以来, 主都在给这个家庭赐福。外研社新世纪〔crop〕For generations our fishermen cropped the sea.我们的渔民世世代代在海上营生。英汉大词典〔down〕His life and work will be remembered down through the ages.他的一生和他的业绩将世世代代一直被人铭记。英汉大词典〔grinding〕Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.他们的祖父为了摆脱世世代代的贫困而离开了村子。外研社新世纪〔historical〕Historically, there has always been a great deal of rivalry between the two families.这两个家族世世代代对立斗争。牛津高阶They have been herding cattle on the plateau for generations. 他们世世代代在这高原上放牧。译典通




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